El Dorado County








      One of the representatives of the younger group of successful business men of El Dorado County is Rolon T. Irish, who has been a cashier of the Placerville National Bank since the year 1924.  He has had abundant experience in banking methods, and his capabilities in this financial field are widely recognized.  He is a native of El Dorado County, his birth having occurred at Georgetown, September 3, 1893.  He is a son of Charles F. and Anna (Arvidson) Irish, the father also a native of California and now engaged in farming.  The grandfather of Rolon T. Irish on the paternal side came across the plains from Maine in pioneer days.  Charles F. Irish is now the oldest living secretary of the Native Sons of the Golden West.  On his maternal side the grandparents of Rolon T. Irish came to California by way of Cape Horn.

      Having received his education in the grade and high schools of Placerville, Mr. Irish then entered the banking house of A. Mierson & Company, with which he remained for six years, or until he joined the United States Army for service in the World war.  He was in the army for a period of twenty-seven months, in the medical corps, and during a portion of this time was in France.  After receiving his honorable discharge, he remained in France until the year 1924 and then returned to Placerville, where he accepted the position he now fills, that of cashier of the Placerville National Bank.

      Mr. Irish was married overseas, to Miss Rose Lucas of France, and they are now the parents of two children, Charles and Helene.  Mr. Irish is a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West and the American Legion.  His favorite recreation is hunting and fishing.





Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 235-236. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.








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