El Dorado County








            Daniel T. Hall, now deceased, was one of the prominent residents of Shingle and was a California pioneer of 1852.  To establish a home amidst the surroundings of a wild country, and to cope with the many privations and hardships which were the inevitable concomitants, demanded an invincible courage and fortitude, strong hearts and willing hands.  All these were characteristic of the pioneers, whose names and deeds should be held in perpetual reverence by those who enjoy the fruits of their toil.  People of the present period can scarcely realize the struggles and dangers which attended the early settlers; the heroism and self-sacrifice of lives passed upon the borders of civilization; the hardships endured, the difficulties overcome.  Those tales of the early days read almost like a romance to those who have known only modern prosperity and conveniences.  To the pioneer of the early days the struggle for existence, far removed from the privileges and conveniences of city and town, was a stern and hard one, and those men and women must have possessed wisdom, immutable energies and sterling worth of character, as well as marked physical courage, when they thus selected such a life and successfully fought its battles under such circumstances as prevailed in the west.

            Mr. Hall deserves honorable mention among the early settlers of the Golden state, for he came here less than two years after its admission to the Union and in many ways contributed to its upbuilding.  He was born in New York on the 2nd of July, 1825, and went to Michigan when four years old.  Hoping to benefit his financial condition in the far west, he came to California by the way of the Nicaragua route and settled in El Dorado County.  For a number of years he was the proprietor of the old Shingle Springs Hotel, and also became the proprietor of the Planter House in that town, which he conducted up to the time of his death November 4, 1894.  He was a man of great energy and determination, an indefatigable worker, and in all business relations was strictly trustworthy.  In addition to the Planter House he was the owner of sixteen hundred acres of land and was extensively engaged in farming and stock raising.  All that he possessed was acquired through his own efforts, and he deserves great credit for what he accomplished.

            In early manhood Mr. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Arrietta Jones, who died at the birth of her daughter, Arrietta, who is now the wife of S. W. Spong, of Shingle.  On the 11th of March, 1880, Mr. Hall was again married, his second union being with Miss Lizzie Sims, a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and a daughter of Shepherd and Frances Sims, of that city.  Four children were born of their union:  Lawrence S., Alvin S., Avice A. and Norvin N.

            Mrs. Hall is an accomplished and capable lady who since her husband’s death has managed the hotel, and has also superintended the extensive farming interests in connection with the aid of her eldest son, who like his father, is an enterprising and energetic young man.  His business ability is marked and he deserves great credit for the capable way in which he is carrying on his work.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 286-287. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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