El Dorado County







            Harry T. Gibbs, who is engaged in general merchandising in Georgetown, has spent his entire life in California.  He was born in the old historic town of Coloma, where Marshall first made the discovery of gold in 1848.  His natal day was June 21, 1870.  His father, W. B. Gibbs, was a California pioneer and died when his son Harry was only three years of age, while the mother passed away in 1892, at the age of fifty-four years.  They left three children.  The eldest is now Mrs. William Brown, of Newcastle; the second is William B., also of Newcastle; and the youngest is Harry T. Gibbs.

            The last named acquired his education in the public schools of Georgetown and on putting aside his textbooks he secured a situation as clerk in the pioneer store of B. F. Shepherd, a prominent merchant of the early days, in whose service he remained for fifteen years.  He closely applied himself to his work, mastered the principles of the business and became one of the most trusted employees of the house and at length was taken into partnership, a connection which was continued for two years, on the expiration of which period Mr. Shepherd, desiring to retire from the business, sold his interest to Mr. Gibbs and the latter has since been sole owner of the enterprise.  He has a double store, well stocked with an excellent line of general merchandise to meet the wants of the farming and mining community around Georgetown and also to supply the city trade.  His patronage comes from over a radius of nearly twenty miles and his business is therefore very extensive.

            Mr. Gibbs may truly be said to be a self-made man whose advancement in the world is due to his own industry, integrity and business talent.  He began as a poor boy in a humble clerkship, receiving but a small salary, but today he is the owner of the establishment in which he has so long been widely and favorably known.  Close attention to business and honorable methods in trade made him prominent in commercial circles and his prosperity is well earned.  Socially he is connected with the Chosen Friends.  The advancement and progress of Georgetown are dear to him, and he withholds his support from no movement or measure which he believes will contribute to the general good.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 762-763. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.



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