RENE E. DUMONTELLE, the successful competitor for the first prize on swimming, is a boy of exceptional tact and ability, studious to a degree and thorough in all detail.  Being born in the city of San Francisco, California, on the 10th day of May, 1880, he is titled a native son.  At a very early age he developed quite a strong desire for learning, for at the age of four years he was attending the Kindergarten School and showed a remarkable ability for a child of that age.


Having graduated from the Columbia Primary to the Columbia Grammar School, Mrs. L. K. Burke, Principal, which he now attends, he has always showed a marked attention to the discipline.


In 1889 he sailed off in the good ship Bourgogone, a French vessel, with his mother and sister to visit his grandparents at Senons, France, and for the purpose, at the same time, of visiting the Paris Exposition.  While there he gave special attention to every detail that came within his observation, visiting the Exposition often every available opportunity.  One can readily imagine the immense value of this experience.


After visiting Senons, he made a trip to Burgundy, France, where he visited his grandparents on his father's side, making the stay of about two weeks.


After a stay of nearly three months upon the Continent, he, on the 20th day of July of the same year, embarked on the same vessel and sailed for his native land.


Arriving in New York after a pleasant trip over "old ocean," Rene, preparatory to his departure for California, took in the places of interest in about the metropolis of America, and stored up in his mind many features that time will never erase.


The subject of this sketch is a violinist of no small importance for his age, having studied under the able Professor T. D. Herzog, 114 Ellis street, of this city.  He now wields his bow over the ancient body of a two hundred-year-old instrument.


Rene is the son of the well-known marble importer and manufacturer, E. Dumontelle, whose works are at 523-525 Fifth Street, of this city.


It is with pleasure and pride that his friends can say that for this student there must be a successful future in store for him, and that he has carried away the gold medal of the Lurline Baths is more than credible both to himself and to his present teacher, Mrs. Nellie O’Laughlin.