March, 1898


Telephone Directory

State of California


List of Subscribers

Of The

Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.


Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co.


Issued By The


Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.

Telephone Building

San Francisco, CAL.


President and General Manager, Jno. I. Sabin

Vice-President, Oliver Eldridge

Assistant General Manager, Louis Glass

Sec'ty and Treasurer, F. W. Eaton

Auditor, Wm. F. Martin

General Counsel, E. S. Pillsbury







Ackerman, J. J., Saloon, 607 K.

Adams, Booth & Co., Wholesale Groceries, 1009-1019 Front.

Adams, C. E. Hay and Grain, 1108 J.

Adams, F. B., Res. 1525 L.

Alexander, Isidore, Res. 1215 7th.

Allen, Mrs. E. C., Res. 1730 H.

Alsip, E. K., Res. 810 ˝ K.

American Biscuit Co., Edward E. Rowe, Agt., 1008 2d.

American Fish Co., 722 J.

American Steam Laundry, E. H. Green, 1822 I.

Ann Arbor Home Bakery, A. N. O'Brien, Prop., 1012 J.

Apollo Saloon, Herbert & Leiter.

Aram, Eugene, Attorney-at-Law, 426 ˝ J.

Arlington Saloon, Wm. Ellsworth, Prop. 601 K.

Ashland Dairy, Stephen A. Little, Prop. 1125 E.

Atkinson, E. C., Res. 1711 I.

Atkinson, F. L., M.D., Office 627 J.

Atkinson, Same [F. L., M.D.], Res. 823 7th.

Atkinson's Business College, N. W. cor. 9th and K.

Azevedo, M. J. & Co., Eagle Winery, 1517 18th.






Baker & Hamilton, Hardware, 109-115 J.

Same, Guthrie's Station.

Same, 109 J.

Baldwin, W. H., Physician, Office 1029 2d.

Same, Res. 1100 H.

Bank Exchange, R. H. Singleton, Prop., 1030 2d.

Barrett, A. M. Adjutant General, State Capitol.

Barton, C. T., Confectionery, 810 J.

Same, Res. 1728 M.

Bauer, C. T. & Co., Saloon, 1020 4th.

Bechwith, C. M., and Howe, S. Luke, Attorneys-at-Law, 426˝ J.

"Bee" The Sacramento, 1016 3d.

Same, Editorial Rooms, 1016 3d.

Beesley & Son, Groceries, 518 J.

Bell Conservatory Co., Florists, 10th and Y.

Bentley, R. I., Res. 2501 H.

Berg, J. E., Groceries, 1630 J.

Bergman, Adam, Res. 1729 L.

Bergman, Frank, Popular Cigar Store, 706 J.

Same, Res. 517 10th.

Berkey, T. H., County Assessor, 630 I.

Same, Res. 2601 J.

"Berkshire," The calm of Dan Miller, Prop., 1026 ˝ 6th.

Bidwell, H. G., Res. 601 N.

Biewener, F., Meat Market, 325 M.

Black, J. A. Res. 1809 E.

Black, John & Sons, Sacramento Cracker Bakery, 1119 Front.

Blauth, Theo., Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 407 K.

Same, Res. 824 N.

Boggess, J. D., Oak Park

Bon Bonniere, The, Chas. T. Barton, 420 K.

Bonheim, A., Res. room 7, 829 J.

Boyd, J. C., County Surveyor, Court House.

Same, Res. 1021 O.

Bradway, C. W., Res. 1919 M.

Bragg, H. W., Res. 704 7th.

Breuner, J. & L., Furniture Factory, 604 K.

Briggs, W. A., Physician, Res. 1300 I.

Briggs, Wm. Ellery Oculist, Res. 1830 N.

Brome, Wm., Groceries and Provisions, 730 O.

Brown Bros., Wagon Makers, 1100 K.

Brown, Colvin B., Res. 1731 I.

Bruner, A. J., Attorney-at-Law, 603 K.

Brusie, J. C., The Call, Metropolitan Bldg., 427 ˝ K.

Bryan, Mrs. E., Res. 815 18th .

Bryte, Geo. & Co., Ashland Dairy, Washington.

Buckman, Homer O., Del Paso Saloon, 615 K.

Buffalo Brewing Co., H. S. Seymour, Mgr., 21st

Burly, W. T., Res. Yolo.

Burton Bros., Groceries, 1501 10th .

Butler, Steve, Jr., General Truckman, 430 O.





Café de Paris, Barbiere & Flores, Props., 200 L.

Caffaro, Louis, Saloon, 817 2d.

Cahen, A. & Co., Fruits and Produce, 220 J.

California Nursery, M. N. Williamson, Mgr., 2d.

California Saloon, Lochemeyer, & Seiter, Props., 1023 3d.

California State Bank, 331 J.

California Wine Assn., Guthrie Station.

California Winery, F. W. Kiesel Sec., 21st and R.

Call, The S. F., 427 ˝ K.

Callahan Bros., Groceries and Provisions, 1704 I.

Capital Avenue Market, Jno. Hoffelt, Props., 730 M.

Capital Box Factory, 2d and @.

Capital Dairy, Jno. Meister, 323 16th .

Capital Dairy Farm, Jno. Meister.

Capital Gas Co., Office Front.

Same, B. U. Steinman, Res. 717 I.

Same, Down-town Office 419 J.

Same, Electric Light Dept., Front.

Capital Hotel, Blessing & Guthrie, Props., 626 K.

Capital Laundry, 820 O.

Capital Macaroni Factory, Jas. P. Foppiano & Co. Agts., 1115 2d.

Capital Market, M. D. Wright, Props., 817 7th .

Capital Soap Co., Front.

Capital Telephone & Telegraph Co., 918 ˝ 5th .

Capital Two-bit Transfer Co., 904 K.

Carithers, D. W. & Co., Gents' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, etc., 700 J.

Carlaw Bros., Stone Yards, 10th .

Carmichael, D. W., Res. 21st and S.

Carr, Geo. B., Dentist, 1007 8th .

Carrere, J. F., Res. 1420 15th.

Carson & Todd, Butchers, 201 N.

Carstensen, R., Saloon, 330 K.

Cartright, C. O., Physician, Res. 913 K.

Caswell, W. A., Bill Poster, 1108 4th .

Catlin, Shinn & Catlin, Sawyers, 301 J.

Central California Electric Co., Office 519 12th.

Central Stables, Devin & Nichols, Props., 1021 J.

Chief Engineer, Fire Dept., 5th.

Chief of Police, Office I.

Chinatown Office, Tong Wo Chan, 300 I.

Christian Benefit Assn. 1116 5th.

Christian, H. J., Res. 2311 N.

Christianson & Co., 703 and 705 J.

City Brewery, F. Ruhstaller, 12th.

City Clerk's Office, 328 J.

Clark, Geo. H., Undertaker, 1017 4th.

Same, Res.1019 ˝ 4th.

Clarke, J. W., Res. 823 H.

Clauss & Kraus, Meat Market, 1700 I.

Clow, Dr. G. B. N., Office 601 K.

Clunie Warehouse, E. F. Driemeyer, Supt., Front.

Codekas, B., Market , 1018 J.

Codekas, B. & Co., San Francisco Market, 504 K.

Cody, F. Wood Yard, 215 L.

Coglan, Chas., Res. 1408 N.

Cohn, R. T. County Auditor and Recorder, I, bet. 6th and 7th.

Coleman, W. P., Ins., 325 J.

Same, Res. 325 J.

Colgan, E. P., State Controller, State Capitol.

Same, Res. 2018 19th.

Conaway, O. H. Bicycle Repairing, 1003 K.

Condon, J. F., Res. 1905 N.

Conn, C. B. Plumber, 920 8th.

Connolly, R., Res. 1316 N.

Continental Fruit Express, E. P. Christie, 1012 2d.

Controller's Office, State Capitol.

Cook, E. R., Machinist and Machine Shop, 1209 6th.

Cook, T. H. & Co., Groceries, 929-931 K.

Coolot, A., Cigars and Tobacco, 812 J.

Cooper, Jno. F., Res. 1627 E.

Corey, J. H., Physician, 529 9th.

Corey, J. W. Physician, 529 9th.

Coroner, 1017 4th.

Cothrin, W. K., Pioneer Wood and Coal Co., and Coldstream Ice, 1205 2d.

Coulter, Thos., Wood and Coal, 1420-1422 J.

County Clerk's Office, Private Office, Court House.

County Hospital, Hospital.

Craig, Chas. H., Res. 1219 5th.

Creelman & Pulford, Shoemaker and Locksmith, 1224 j.

Criswell, Geo., Blacksmith, 917 4th.

Crocker, H. S. Co. Stationers and Printers, 208-210 J.

Cronan,& Wisseman, Wholesale Liquors, 230 K.

Cronemiller, Mrs. Mary S., Physician and Surgeon, 628 ˝ J.

Cronkite, O. N., Coal Oil, 920 K.

Crystal Palace Saloon, 906 J.

Cummings, C. H., Res. 829 O.

Cunningham, Robert O., Butcher Shop, 1328 7th.

Curtis, Carmichael & Brand, Real Estate and Ins., 331 J.

Curtis, Wm., Res. Oak Park.

Curtis, Wm. A., Res. 1502 2d.

Curtis & Co., Produce, 310 K.

Cutler, W. F., Veterinary Surgeon, 1017 G.

Cutter, Geo. H. Res. Brighton Road.





Daniels, P. T., Sunset Transfer Co., 626 L.

Danis, B. K., Res. 1700 K.

Da Rosa, A. L., Groceries, 200 Q.

Davis, Mrs. William J. , Res. 1713 G.

Dean Bros., Groceries, Hay and Grain, 2001 J.

Delmonico Restaurant, Gault & Morrison, Props., 712-714 K..

"Delta," The, Theo. Labhard, Props., 600 I.

Dept. of Highways, State Capitol

Devine, James B., Attorney-at-Law, 420 J.

Devlin, Robt. T. & Wm. H., Law Offices, 328 J.

Devlin, W. H., Res. 1218 O.

Dierssen, D., Res. 830 L.

Dierssen, D., & Co. Pacific Market, 725-727 J.

Dierssen, George E., Res. 830 O.

Dierssen, George E., & Co., Groceries, 830 L.

Same, Wines and Liquors, 719 J.

Dierssen, Jno., Fruit and Produce, 1130 J.

Same, Res. 480 N.

Dieterie, Edw., Wholesale Liquors, 507 K.

Diggs Vehicle and Implement Co., 1008 2d

Dingley, N. Co., Coffee and Spices, 115 I.

District Attorney, Court House.

Doan, W. E., Res. 1601 P.

Doane & Duden, Official Stenographers, Court House.

Dray, Arthur F., Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain, 1930 I.

Dray, F. R., Res. 1323 I.

Driver & Sims, Lawyers, 401 J.

Duden, E. F., Res. 1017 L.

Duffy, M., Carriages, Wagons, etc., 1105 J.

Dwyer, F. T., Res. 600 N.

Dwyer, Thos, Res. 1813 J.





Eagan, Joe, Saloon, 12th and C.

Eagle Bakery, Wm. Gropp, Props.,826 K.

Eagle Winery, M. J. Azevedo & Co. 1517 18th

Eagleson & Co., Men's Furnishings Goods and Shirts, 631 J.

Earl Bros., Plumbers, 1008 J.

Earl Fruit Co., Private Office 1014 2d

Ebel, F. A. Park Nursery, 1601 10th.

Ebel, M. H., Florist, 723 J.

Ebner Bros. Co., Wholesale Liquors, 116-118 K.

Eckman, H. L., Groceries, Hay, Grain and Notions, 530 N.

Edinger, F. A., Res. 731 M.

Ed's Place, Ed. J. Smith, Props., 1022 4th

Elkus, Albert, Clothing, 922 J.

Elkus, L. & Co., Clothing, 101 J.

Elliott, Henry, Res. 1720 N.

Emery, Miss Lizzie, Res. 925 10th

Empire Bakery, Geo. H. Braun, Props., 1003 J.

Engine House (see Fire Dept.).

Evans, Miss L. F., Res. 1425 15th

" Examiner," The, L. A. Allee Agt, 725 K.

Exchange Saloon, Ed. Walsh, Props., 317 L.





Fabian Bros., Groceries, 828 J.

Fair Oaks Wood Yard, Alsip & Co., 10th.

Faris, Jas, Jr., Res. 1030 F.

Faris & Spinks, Collecting Agency, 601 I.

Farley, S. H., Groceries, 530 12th

Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, 330 J.

Fashion Stables, 508-514 K.

Faure, L., French Restaurant, 427 K.

Favero & Striff, Wagons Makers and Paint Shop, 417 12th.

Fay, F. G. Physician and Surgeon, Office 627 J.

Same, Res. 1729 G.

Fehl, George H., Res. 1015 E.

Feldhusen, C., Groceries, 801-803 L.

Feraut, B., Groceries and Provisions, 1430 2d.

Ferrel, J. P., Teaming, 1229 T.

Finnie, R. D., Groceries, 721 J.


Fire Department, Chief' s Office 1017 5th, from 7:30 AM to 6 PM

Same, Chief' s Res. 1500 can G., from 6 PM to 7:30 AM

Same, Engine No. 1, 2d.

Same, Engine No. 2, 10th

Same, Engine No. 3, 19th
Same, Hawk and Latter No. 1, 6th.
Fisch, W. F., Res. 1024 H.
Fisher, C. C. & Co. Res. 1517 13th.
Fisher, H., Res. 510 J.
Fisher, H. & Co., Confectioners, 508 J.
Fisher, Herman C., Res. 1700 F.
Fisher, Max P., Res. 915 24th
Foppiano, Jas. P. & Co., Marconi Factory, 1115 2d.
Forresters' Hall, I. bet. 7th and 8th
Fox, Thos, Res. 701 I.
Foye, Mrs. A. L., Res. 1228 N.
Frazer, E. F. Res. 1605 P.
Frazer, W. F., Lumber, 500 L.
Frederick, M. H., Res. 1313 O.
French Laundry Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 912 L.
Freund & Long, Central Meat Market, 522 J.
Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Office 1310 2d.
Same, 1237 J.
Fuller, W. P. & Co., Paints, Oils, etc., 1016-1022 2d.






Gainsley's, Seth, Sample Rooms, 900 2d.

Gandy, S. E., Res. South Sacramento.

George, Wilbur F., Attorney-at-Law, 401 J.

Gerber, John & Bro., Slaughter House.

Gett, W. A., Jr., Attorney, 426 ˝ J.

Gillen, D. C., Res. 23 and H.

Gillis, J. L., Res. 1220 7th

Gilt Edge Saloon, Jacob Gruhler, Prop., 1014 J.

Ginsberg, S., Cigars and Tobacco, 206 J.

Glickman, M., Feed and Fuel 1415 J.

Glide, J. H., Ranch.

Same, Res. 910 H.

Goethe, H. J., Real Estate, 1011 4th

Same, Res. 1209 K.

Gogings, are E., Plaza Drug Store, 904 J.

Gold Metal Dairy, Edwin O'Neil, Prop., 1730 P.

Golden Eagle Dairy, J. Marty & Bros.

Golden Eagle Hotel, Gray & Titus.

Golden West Pickle Works, Charlie Gaa, Prop., 4th and N.

Good Samaritan Hospital, J. W. Corey, Supt., 529 9th

Gormley, W. F., Undertaker, 916 J.

Governor's Office, State Capitol.

Gray, G. A. Res. 2301 N.

Gray, Geo., Riverside Road.

Great America Importing Tea Co., 617 J.

Green, E. H., American Laundry, 1822 I.

Green, J. A., Capital Pharmacy, 631 K.

Green, L. B., Saloon, 724 K.

Griffith & Son, Groceries, 1700 M.

Groveneveld, M. T., "The Resort," 1301 J.

Guthrie, H. A., Res. 1510 G.

Guthrie, J. W., Plumber and Gas Fitter, 1220 O.

Guthrie's Station.






Hale Bros. & Co., Dry Goods, 831 K.

Hale, W., Bus. Mgr. Forresters' Band.

Hall, Luhrs & Co., Groceries, 908-916 2d

Hanlon, W. H., Groceries, 1530 12th

Hanrahan, M., Wood and Coal 800 L.

Harlow's Cigar Store, 818 K.

Harris, William, Livery Stable, 1017 K.

Hart, A C., Stoll Bldg., 1106 5th

Same, Res. 516 13th

Hart, E. C., Res. 2503 K.

Harvey, Rodoni & Co., Real Estate and Ins.

Hassett, J. H., Res. 713 H.

Hatfield, L. T., Attorney, 203 J.

Haub & Gastman, Pabst Cafe 1015 6th

Hawley, A. H., Dentist, 1009 7th

Hechtman, A. J., Res. 1601 L.

Heinrich's Corner, J. Neubauer, Mgr., 301 L.

Heisen, Charles, Money Loan, 624 I.

Helke, W. L., Pioneer Pharmacy 2d

Henderson, Dr. Andrew M., Res. 1007 L.

Henderson, Brown & Co., Wholesale Produce, 201 J.

Hendricks, W. C., Res. 2411 L.

Hendrickson, Dr. G., Office 627 J.

Henry, W. A., Justice of Peace, 608 I.

Same, Res. 504 ˝ J.

Herzog, P. H., Res. 1130 N.

Hevener, Meier & Co., Pitchers, 615 J.

Hickman, Olson & Brown, Real Estate and Ins., 1015 4th

Hilbert Bros., Groceries, 1531 D.

Hinkson and Elliott, Attorneys, 405 J.

Hirsch & Son, Stoves, Ranges and Hardware, 1013 J.

Hodson, Burt, Photographer, 813 K.

Hoen, Ernest Martin, Architect, 718 J.

"Hoffman," The, Ed. Boone, Prop., 630 J.

Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, 221-223 J.

Holden, F. S., 1415 K.

Holl & Dunn, Attorneys, 610 K.

Hook, Wm. & Son, Contractors and Builders, 1729 H.

Hopkins Co., The A. S., Woodenware, 311-313 J.

Hornlein Bros., Central House, 820 K.

Houston, J. G., Res. 2705 O.

Howard, B. F., County School Superintendent, Court House.

Howe, Dr. A. J., Res. 827 ˝ J.

Howe, Mrs. B., Res. 1110 11th

Hoy Kee & Co., Genl. Mdse., 529 I.

"Hub," The, Sol. Nathan, J.

Huested, J. M., City Oyster House, 424 K.

Hughes, J. W., Res. 915 L.

Hull, Mrs. N. J., Res. 301 ˝ J.

Hunt, R., Groceries, 531 O.

Huntington, T. W., Physician, 1515 H.

Huntington & Hanna, Physician's, 426 ˝ J.

Hutton, C. W., Res. 815 18th




Ing, Jno. C., Res. 717 F.

Ing. & Allee, Druggists, 712 J.

Interstate Collecting Agency, W. S. Kendall, 910 5th

Irvine, James, Saloon, Yolo.

Irvine, Mrs. R. C., Res. 1900 H.

Irvine, W. J., Pacific Stable, 1118 2d




Jackson, G. W., Res. 1603 2d

Jackson, S. J., Stoves and Tinware.

Jacox Bros., Furniture, 920 K.

Janak, Frank, Res. 2705 G.

Jim & Harry, Saloon, 1009 3d

Johnson, Albert M., Attorney, 918 5th

Same, Res. 2019 M.

Johnson, B. A., Res. 1212 F.

Johnson, Frank T., Res. 1323 O.

Johnson, Grove L., Lawyer, 430 K.

Johnson, Hiram W., Attorney, 1116 5th

Same, Res. 2327 H.

Johnson, J. A., Res. 2607 J.

Johnston, A. J. Res. 1100 F.

Johnston, D. & Co., Printers, 410 J.

Johnston, R. N., Horseshoer, 408 L.

Jones, F. M., Bicycles and Typewriters, 725 K.

Jones, Geo. H., Saloon, 916 7th

Jones, Moses L., Oak Hall.

Jones, M. L., Res. Oak Park.

Jones, T. R., Res. 1315 H.

Jordan, L. R., Skylights and Cornices, 1017 J.

Jordan, & Banta, Bicycle Store, 1010 J.




Katzenstein, W. H., Res. 1025 3d

Kavanaugh, W. J., Undertaker, 511 J.

Keating, J. W., Groceries, 1731 11th

Kendall, W. S., Broker, 910 5th

Kenealy, Jerry, Res. 2923 O.

Kennedy, Mrs. M. A., Res. 1526 3d

Kent Bros., Carriages, Coupes, etc., 1617 3d

Kent & Son, New York Bakery, 1315 3d

Kilgore & Tracy, Groceries, 801 J.

Kimball & Upson, Guns, Bicycles, etc., 625-627 J.

Kingsbury, S., Res. 3300 J.

Kinny & Foss, Groceries, 2000 M.

Kirk, Geary & Co., Wholesale Druggists, 416 J.

Kleinsorge, Mrs. A. F., Res. 2318 M.

Knight, Wm. R. Co., Hide Dealers, 1203 Front.

Knowles & Wagener, Cigar Mfrs., 710 K.

Koening, R., Groceries and Provisions, 1429 4th

Kohler, Ferd, Res. 2626 I.

Kohler & Chase Music Store, J. A. Harvey, Prop., 721 K.

Kolliker, Fred, Druggists, 530 J.

Krebs, C. H., Res. 1128 H.

Krebs, C. H. & Co., Paints, Oils and Glass, 626 J.

Kripp, E. L., Cigars and Tobacco, 602 J.

Kromer, John, Tailor, 910 J.

Kuchler & Stuessy, Saloon, 708 K.

Kuebler, Eugene, Pickle Works, 728 L.





Lafferty, J. A., Livery Stable, 1101 J.

Landis, Jno. & Sons, Groceries, 1001 K.

Landis & Son, Wood, Coal and Ice, 1013 3d.

Lang's Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works, Agts. of S. F. Spalding, 909 K.

Lau, H., Eagle Coffee House, 405 K.

Lauder, T. A., Buggies, Wagons, etc., 1004-1006 K.

Lavenson, Gus, Shoe Store, 500 J.

Lawson, Mrs. D, Res. 1924 3d.

Leader Publishing Co., 916 8th.

Lelong, B. M., Sec. State Board of Horticulture.

Same, Res. 703 O.

Lewis, Joe, Saloon, 1131 2d.

Lewis, Leon, Groceries, 501 12th.

Lewis, L. L., Res. 1623 H.

Lewis, L. L. & Co., Stoves and Tinware, 502-504 J.

Lichthardt' s Pharmacy, 1800 M.

Liebling and Canfield, Cigars and Tobacco, 502 K.

Lindley, T. M., Res. 1314 H.

Lindley & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 220-226 K.

Littlefield, T. D., Res. 1225 F.

Lockart, J. D., Livery Stable, 1015 11th.

Locke & Lavenson, Carpets, etc., 318-320 J.

Lodge & Wheeler, Horseshoers, 1021 K.

Looney, Mrs. M., Trained Nurse, 1301 G.

Lorgren, Chas. G., Star Barber Shop, 716 K.

Loupe, Arthur, Res. 820 N.

Lovdal, T. B., Upper Ranch.

Same, Ranch.

Lyman, Frank, Plumber and Gas Fitter, 421 J.

Lynn, Thos., Groceries, 1401 O.






Maas & Starr, Cigarette Mfrs., 902 K.

March, John C., Attorney-at-Law, Stoll Bldg.

Marguerite Home, Miss Fannie I. Safford.

Marks, H., Clothier, 416 K.

Mason, Fred, Shirt Factory, 528 J.

Mason's Laundry, Fred Mason, Prop., 2030 O.

Massey, C. P., Wood and Coal, 1210 J.

Mater Misericordia Hospital, Physician' s Office, 23d.

Same, 23d.

Matthews, J. B., Res. 2306 M.

May, H. G. & Co., Fulton Market.

May & Gandy, Collection Agency, 606 I.

Mayo, Nat L., Architects, 528 ˝ J.

Mazzini Bros., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 228 K.

McAuliffe, T. W. Co., Druggists, 1000 J.

McCollum, Dr., Res. 818 10th.

McCormack, A. J., Employment Office, 1211 9th.

McCourt, Jim, The Comstock Saloon, 330 L.

McCreary, R. C., Res. 1128 10th.

McDonald, Miss B., Res. 1219 7th.

McEwen, Ed., Groceries, 301 N.

McGavren, Dr. H. S., Stoll Bldg., 1106 5th.

McKay, J. B., Res. 731 L.

McKay, Grant, Employment Office, 921 6th.

McKune & George, Attorneys-at-Law, 401 J.

McLaughlin, Wm., Truckman, 1009 2d

Same, Res. 1621 2d.

McMorry, J., Groceries, 531 M.

McMorry, P. F., Druggist, 531 K.

McWilliams, H., Florist, 2102 12th.

Mealand, Chas., Physician, Office 627 J.

Same, Res. 1217 O.

Mebius & Drescher, Groceries, 1103 K.

Meister, A., Carriage Respiratory, 910-914 9th.

Melvin & Son, Blacksmiths, 418 I.

Mendis, A., Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain, 1513-1515 Front.

Menke, Martin, Butcher Shop, 928 N.

Merchants' Cash Grocery, E. Hogan Co., Props, 500 O.

Meredith, J. H., Groceries, 301 M.

Merkley, C. H., Ranch.

Messenger Department, Sunset Tel. & Tel. Co., 917 6th.

Metcalf, F. H., Res. 1006 8th.

Metropolitan Lodging House, Mrs. E. J. Ketchum, Prop., 427 ˝ K.

Mette, H., Res. 529 17th.

Meyer, H., Cigars, 706 K.

Michelsohn, B., Furniture and Carpets, 807 J.

Middlemass, J. H., Groceries, 1330 7th.

Miller, Arthur, Attorney, 405 ˝ J.

Miller, Arthur, Saloon, 130 J.

Miller, Bros., Tinners and Plumbers, 1116 J.

Miller, Frank, Res. 831 N.

Miller, Mrs. J. Res. 1101 O.

Miller, John, Undertaker, 905 K.

Miller, Jno. H., Res. 624 O.

Miller, M., Stable, 918 9th.

Miller, W. J., Fruits and Groceries, 921 2d.

Miller & McMullen, Undertakers, 905 K.

Mint Restaurant, F. H. Olschewsky, Prop., 1106 2d.

Misplay, The, S. H. Misplay, Prop., 728 K.

Model Bakery, The New, 722 J.

Moeller, Mrs. Francis, Res. 1218 10th.

Moffett, J. A., 423 K.

Same, Res. Washington.

Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co., Store 1024-1026 J.

Montfort, L. C. Harness and Saddlery, 409 K.

Moore, F. J., "The Traffic," 228 J.

Moore & Lockmeyer, Fruit Stand, 907 2d.

Morrison, John, Saloon, 12th.

Muddox, H. C. & Co., Groceries, 1000 K.

Munger, Carl, Ingleside, Riverside Road.

Myers, Frank, Res. 719 7th.






Nagele & Svensson, Capitol Ale Vault, 302 J.

Nagler, Mrs. C., Res. 815 J.

Nathan, Chas. P. & Co., Clothing. 604-608 J.

Nathan, Mrs. S. S., Res. 801 8th.

National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co., 200 J.

Navlet, Chas. C. & Bro., Florists and Seedmen, 611 J.

Nelson & Mylrote, Plumbers and Tinners, 1021 10th.

Neubourg & Co., Mill and Malt House, 1016-1020 5th.

New Sacramento Saloon, Dave LaFontaine, 1014 6th.

New William Tell Hotel, Imhof & Wunder, Prop., 814 J.

New York Kitchen, Costa & Contant, Prop., 415 K.

"New York Tea Company, The", James Wallace, Prop., 802 J.

Nichols, Henry L., City Physician, 426 ˝ J.

Same, Res. 909 F.

Norfolk Saloon, Jacob Schmidt, 2012 H.





"Oakland," The, Stikeman & DeLew, Props., 724 K.

Oasis Saloon, Gunther & Hanion, 810 K.

Oatman, C. H., Lawyer, 1116 5th.

O'Brien & Fox, Ann Arbor Home Bakery, 1012 J.

Odell, M. F., New York Market, 1020 K.

Ogden, G. W., Physician, Res.

Ogg, Mrs. H. M., Res. Oak Park.

Okuda, Asaki & Co., Japanese Store, 1011 3d.

Old Orginal Tomale Stand, B. Valenezuelo, Props., 655 L.

Olive Branch Saloon, Duffee Bros. Props., Washington.

Omaha House, The, Mrs. H. Polenger, Housekeeper, 1009 J.

Omaha Restaurant, Donaldson Bros., Props., 1009 J.

_ _ ______ ______O'Neil, Jas. Brickyard.

O'Neill, Jas. Res. 813 L.

Orpheum, The, K bet. 8th and 9th.

Orpheum Annex, Geo. B. Selverberg, Props., 809 K.

Orr, Dr. A., Office and Res. Oak Park.

Otto's Confectionery, 908 J.






Pacific Brewery, F. C. Knauer, Prop., 831 P.

Pacific Grove Bakery, Rice Bros., Props., 823 J.

Pacific Market, D. Dierssen & Co., 725-729 J.

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., The, Industrial Dept., 1007 2d.

Pacific Postal Telegraph - Cable Co., 1007 2d.

Pacific Printing House, Carrington & Anderson, 912 5th.

Pacific Transfer Co., J. T. Costello, 821 K.

Paine, C. W., Res. 1216 7th.

Palm, Chas. A., Ornamental Iron Worker, 1113 J.

Same, Res. 1915 21st.

Palm, The, Jake Zemansky, Prop., 225 K.

Parkinson, James H., Physician, 429 J.

Same, Res. 1430 H.

People's Saving Bank, 400 J.

Perkins & Son, Groceries, 1100-1102 J.

Peters, C. J., Pharmacy, 901 K.

Peterson, W. F. & Co., Confectionery, 620 J.

Philadelphia House, H. N. Bauman, 1015 8th.

Phillips, John N., Jeweler, 627 J.

Phoenix Bakery, C. Schurr, Prop., 1236 J.

Phoenix Milling Co., 13th and J.

Phoenix Restaurant, H. Law, Prop., 403 K.

Pioneer Bakery, H. Schnetz & Schuck, 124 J.

Pioneer Box Co., Office Front.

"Play," The, J. H. Moffett, 423 K.

Plaza Employment Office, 9th and I.

Plummer, Mrs. D. B., Res. 321 P.

Poheim, Joe, The Tailor, 603-605 K.

Pommer, A. J., Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, 829-831 J.

Same, Res. 1123 O.

Poodle Dog Restaurant, 802 K.

Porter Bros. Co., 111 K.

Postal Telegraph Co.

Powderly, J. M., Plaza Market, 930 J.

Powell & Hastenplug, Signs, 527 K.

Prewett, Renfro & Henderson, Attorneys-at-Law, 628 ˝ J.

Producers' Fruit Co., Office.

Public Telephone, Southern Pacific Co., Depot.

Same, Chinatown, 300 I.

Pullman Saloon, Tony Christ, Prop., 305 K.

Puritan Club, 925 K.

Purnell, W. F., Books and Stationery, 612 J.







Quin, Thos & Sons, Carriage Painters, 1024 K.

Quinn, "Bush," Sutterville.

Quinn, D. H., Practical Hatter, 401 J.





Rackliff & Co., Groceries, 1801 M.

Read, Miss B., Trained Nurse, Res.721 I.

Ream, Mrs. A., Res. 1118 J.

Reception Saloon, Eagan & Hanlon, 700 J.

"Record-Union" Office, Editorial Rooms 1017 3d.

Same, Business Office 1017 3d.

Reid, Edw., Home Restaurant, 327 K.

Reith, W. C. & F. M., Dentist and Physician, 1009 7th.

"Resort," The, M. T. Greenefeld, Prop., 1301 J.

Resseguie, F. A., Groceries, 1214 J.

Rhodes, W. W., Attorney-at-Law, 1016 5th.

Rich & Winkler, Star Saloon, 28th and Y.

Richards & Knox, Office 2d.

Richardson, J. F., Res. Washington.

Rideout, Mrs. B. N., Res.1607 20th.

Rider & Co., Pool Rooms, Washington.

Same, Pool Rooms, 1112 7th.

Riley, John, Groceries, 1001 E.

Rivett, H. W., Steam Carpet Beating, 1128 O.

Robinette & Harrison, Job Printers, 907 K.

Robinson, Jas. B., Res.1816 J.

Roma Hotel, Pedroia & Bergna, Props., 930 2d.

Roots, W. A., Dentist, 814 J.

Ross, Angus, Res.1018 H.

Ross, Mrs. Mary L., Res.1631 J.

Ross, Thomas, Physician, Office 528 ˝ J.

Rudell, A. E., Gen. Agt. Connecticut Mutual Ins. Co., 1025 4th.

Ruedy Bros., 5th St. Hotel, 1011 5th.

Ryan, Frank D., District Attorney, Court House.

Same, Res.1200 P.






Sacramento Athletic Club, 6th and M.

Sacramento Brewery, Philip Scheld, 28th.

Sacramento Business College, E. C. Atkinson, 9th and K.

Sacramento Coal Co., W. J. Hall, Sec., Front.

Sacramento Coffee and Spice Mills, 718 J.

Sacramento Cracker Co., 1119 Front.

Sacramento Delicatessen, 814 K.

Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Co., Main Office 6th.

Same, Car Barn, 28th.

Sacramento Electrical Engineering and Supply Co., 815 J.

Sacramento Free Public Library, I.

Sacramento Glass and Crockery Co., 629 J.

Sacramento Lumber Co., Office 2d.

Sacramento Packing and Drying Co., 611 G.

Sacramento Pipe Works, W. W. Chapin, Mgr., 815 2d.

Sacramento River Trading Co., Steamer "Neponset No. 2," Front.

Sacramento Trading Stamp Co., 603 J.

Sacramento Transfer Co..

Same, Southern Pacific Co., Depot.

Sacramento Transportation Co., 1400 Front.

Santa Fe Route, Commercial Agt., 201 J.

Sawtelle, C. A., Res. 600 P.

Sayre & Son, Harness, 728 K.

Schad Bros., Res. 1312 6th.

Schaden, A. Groceries, 2d.

Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co., Agricultural Implements, 211-219 J.

Scheld, A. P., Res. 1121 11th.

Scheld, P., Sacramento Brewery, 28th.

Schmid, Chris, Plumber and Hot Water Heating, 1021 9th.

Schmid & Parker, Butchers, 1400 J.

Schnerr, C. & Co., Capital Soda Works, 1113 Front.

Schnetz, H. & Co., Pioneer Bakery, 124 J.

Schulmeyer, Henry, Butcher, 1431 2d.

Schwartz, E & L., Butchers, 7th and P.

Scott, J. M., of Scott & Gilbert, S. F., Res. 2210 I.

Scott, Tom, Plumber and Gas Fitter, 303 J.

Scriver, T. D., Pioneer Stables, 912 4th.

Secretary of State, State Capitol.

Selberg, J., Groceries, Oak Park.

Sermonet, Geo., Groceries, 8th.

Sexton, Wm. H., Wood Yard, 1401 F.

Shaw, I. G., Dentist, 1000 J.

Shay' s Restaurant, 720 J.

Sheehan, T. W., Res. 21st.

Sheriff' s Office, Court House.

Sherman, Geo. C., Res. 713 8th.

Silva, King, Saloon, 130 L.

Silva, Manual S., M. D., Office 500 K.

Same, Res. 1800 O.

Simmons, Dr. G. C., 1000 N.

Simmons, G. L., Physician, Res. 1328 10th.

Simmons, G. L., Sr., Physician, 212 J.

Simpson, Ed. E., Res. 2900 G.

Skelton, John, Wood and Coal, 919 5th.

Small, H. J., Southern Pacific Co. R. R. Shops

Same, Res. 1610 K.

Smidt, Geo., Res. 2228 H.

Smith, Edwin F., Res. 1618 O.

Smith, H. G., Res. 10th.

Smith & Bassett, Bankers, 1016 7th.

Snook, J. G., Res. Oak Park.

Sorratt, J. S., Barber Shop, 529 J.



Dispatchers' Office, Depot.

Freight Depot, Front and J.

Hospital, 13th and C.

Around House.

Steamer Office, Landing.

Stockyards, 14th and B.

Wright, J. B., Office Depot.


Southern Pacific Co., Depot, Public Telephone.

Same, Calling Department, Ginsburg Depot.

Southworth, E. L., Dentist, 628 ˝ J.

Same, Res. 2100 J.

Sperry Flour Co., H. G. Smith, Mgr., Front.

St. Joseph's Academy, 8th and G.

Stack, Geo. B., Plumber, 1022 6th.

Standard Oil Co., Office and Warehouse.

Same, 1800 B.

Stanley, Lee, Cigar Mfr., 922 K.

Stanton, Thomson & Co., Hardware, 308-312 J.

State Agricultural Society, Pavilion, 15th.

State Board of Examiners, State Capitol.

State Board of Horticulture, State Capitol.

State Commission Lunacy, State Capitol.

State House, 10th. State Capitol.

State Librarian, State Capitol.

State Treasurer Office, State Capitol.

Steen, John, Oak Park.

Steinman, B. U., Res. 717 I.

Steinman, Emil, Jeweler and Optician, 612 J.

Stephens, R. D., Res. 1210 N.

Stephenson, H. H., Dentist, 806 ˝ K.

Stock & King, Gilt Edge Vinegar and Pickle Works, 2229 10th.

Stoll, Jno. T., Harness, Saddlery, 430 K.

Stone, S., The Tailor, 431 K.

Stovehouse, D. & G., 1009 10th.

Strader, H. W., Physician, Res. 530 K.

Strong, C. B., Res. 2330 I.

Sulhoff, Miss Susie, Res. 2408 P.

Sullivan, Kelly & Co., Paints, 915-919 2d.

Sunday News, 409 J.

Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co., Asst. Div. Supt's Office 917 6th.

Same, Inspector' s Office 917 6th.

Same, Manager' s Office 917 6th.

Superintendent of City Schools, Office 9th and K.

Superintendent State Printing, a J. Johnston, State Capitol.

Superintendent Public Instruction, State Capitol.

Surveyor-General' s Office, State Capitol.

Sutcliff, E. W., Res. 1708 H.

Suter, C., Planing Mill and Furniture Factory, 13th.

Sutliff, F. B., Physician, Res. 1326 10th.

Sutter Club, J.


Swanson, C. & Son, Wholesale Butchers, Stoll Bldg, 430 K.

Swanson, C. & Son, Wholesale Butchers, Riverside Road.

Sweeney, J. R., Groceries, 12th.





Taylor, W. J., Dentist, 718 J.

Tebbets, Dr. F. F., 914 6th.

Terry, J. E., Res. 1114 N.

Terry, Mrs. L. A., Res. 1226 N.

Tesla Coal Yard, M. A. Winans, Agt., 2300 R.

The New Coal Co., C. H. Blackford, Prop., 1013 3d.

The Omaha, A. B. Keaton, Prop. r, 1009 J.

"The Pleasanton," Mary St. Vraine, Prop., 908 L.

Thomas, A. J., Dentist, 511 ˝ J.

Thomas, F. & G., Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 527 J.

Tilton, Mrs.A. D., Res. 812 ˝ K.

"Times" Saloon, The, 1012 7th.

Toland, A., Groceries, 1131 O.

Toland, Wm. J., Groceries, 1400 G.

Tong Wo Chan, Public Telephone, 300 I.

Topp, Thomas M., Physician, 829 J.

Trainor, I. J., Res. 515 13th.

Tremont Hotel, Harbinson Bros., 112-114 J.

Trout, Fred, The Hatter, 727 K.

Tryon, F., Res. 9th and 10th L. and M.

Turclu, The, Frank Meyer, Mgr., K.

Turf Saloon, C. J. Heeman, Prop., Riverside Road.

Tyrrell, F. D., Physician, Office 603 K.





Uhl, H., Agent, Ann Arbor Bakery, Oak Park.

Uncle Ike, Collateral Bank, E. S. Zemansky, Prop., 231 K.

Union Hotel, Walters & McLennan, Props., 1024-1026 2d

Union Ice Co., Chas. Sellinger, Mgr., 521-523 I.

Union Pacific System, F. S. McCormick, Agt., 301 J.

Union Saloon, L. B. Green, Prop., 724 K.






Valentine, F. E., Res. 1127 E.

Van Alstine, Mrs. L., Millinery, 607 J.

Van Dusen, G., Res. 709 I.

Van Voorhies, A. A. & Co., Leather, 322-324 J.

Viking Cyclery, M. B. Landreth, Prop., 913 K.

Visu Stables, A. H. Anderson, Prop., 908 9th.





Wachhorst, E. S., Res. 1419 11th.

Wager, Fred, Restaurant, 510 J.

Wait Bros., Druggists, 531 J.

Wait Chas E., Druggist, 624 J.

Wait, R. L., Dentist, 705 J.

Same, Res. 1415 20th.

Walke, A., Market, 1208 J.

Walker, Mrs. May S., Cloak Maker, 1415 ˝ O.

Walsh, Ed., Clover Leaf Saloon, 900 K.

Washburn & Co., Medical Hall Pharmacy, 800 J.

Washington Market (Yolo), S. Pankost.

Wasserman, Davis & Co., Dry Goods, 610-618 K.

Waterhouse & Lester, Carriages, 709-715 J.

Watts, P. R., Physician, Office 1006 8th.

Same, 1315 H.

Weather Bureau, U. S., James A. Barwick, Observer.

Weaver, H. A., Sacramento County Ledger, Oak Park.

Weber & Co., Groceries, 1217-1219 L.

Weinreich, H. & Co., Wholesale Liquors, 514 J.

Weinstock, H., Res. 1631 H.

Weinstock, Lubin & Co., Private Office 400-412 K.

Wiezel & Mangan, Horseshoers, 1015 9th.

Weldon, E. J., Dentist, Office 806 J.

Weller, Mrs. E., Res. 1100 H.

Wells, Fargo & Co., Express, 6th.

Same, Freight Depot.

Wentworth, W. H., Physician, Office 1009 7th.

Same, Res. 1617 16th.

Western Hotel, Wm. Land, Prop. 209-221 K.

Same, Depot Telephone, Depot.

Western Union Telegraph Co., 1015 2d.

Westerm, John, O. K. Restaurant, 321 K.

White Bros., Hacks, 1407 L.

White, Geo. A., Physician, 528 ˝ J.

White, Hughes & Seymour, Lawyers, 1106 5th.

White, N. E., Res. 1214 P.

Whitney, W. W., Res.

Whittenbrock, H., Res. 1303 I.

Wiard, W. F., Physician, Office 1007 8th.

Same, Res. 1030 N.

Wiesenhofer, Miss Annie, Trained Nurse, Massage, 301 F.

Williamson & Oats, Orchards.

Willis, E. B., Res. 616 M.

Willis, O. P., Apothecary, 212 J.

Willis, W. L., Res. 1416 7th.

Wilson, A. J., Res. 1522 Q.

Wilson, B. & Co., Dry Goods, 601 J.

Wilson, J. W. & Son, Livery Stables, 318 K.

Winans, M. N., Office Tesla Coal Co., 704 K.

Windsor Hotel, Peter Flaherty, Prop., 731 J.

Wingard, J. J., Groceries, 2430 O.

Winters & Morgan, Horseshoers, 1228 J.

Wood, Curtis & Co., Produce, 117-125 J.

Wood, Curtis & Co., Ranch, Riverside Road.

Wood, Dr. W., Dentist, 528 ˝ J.

Woodburn, James, Wholesale Liquors, 417 K.

Woodson, J. A., Res. 604 N.

Wright, J. B., Res. 1402 H.

Wright, J. M., Res. 713 8th.

Wright, M. J., Res. 1316 10th.






Yardley, H. E., Druggist, 730 J.






Zarick, Marco, The Unique Restaurant, 230 J.

Zuest, Chas., Anchor Bakery, 1531 4th.


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Golden Nugget Library