Miss Alice Beatrice Connelly, daughter of Francis J. and Alice P. Connelly, a graduate of 1894, was born in San Francisco, California, July 3, 1876.  Her paternal ancestors were vigorous North of Ireland Stark and on the mother started she is of English descent.  Her great-great-grandfather, Lot Hawkins, settled in New Jersey in early colonial days.  Her great-grandfather, Job Hawkins, who while very young served as drummer boy in the Colonel Jonathan Johnson's Regiment of the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary struggle, was born in New Milford, Connecticut, and died at the same place, at the advanced age of one hundred years.  He was also is soldier of the War of 1812.  Inheriting the loyal spirit of this ancestor, and herself "a staunch friend of her country and zealous of her cause," it is not strange that Miss Connelly is about to identify herself with the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a society which aims to keep alive the memory of those who fought and died for their country.


Her early education was directed by her mother, until she entered the public schools of her native town.  Her first entrance upon school life was in the Powell Street Primary School under the charge of Mrs. Cordelia Newhall and Mrs. N. R. Craven, Principal; from thence, on account of change of residence, to the Emerson Primary, with Miss Ida Shaw as instructor.


Alice was a child of marked intelligence, of affectionate and winning manners and in her home has always been a benediction and it a joy.  A thorough student, she has fully profited by the advantages offered for her mental growth.  Of the specially notable traits of her character is her deep and personal attachment to those with whom she has been brought into special relations, and is one of the secrets of her success as a student and pupil.


She is an enthusiast in music developing in early childhood a marked talent in that direction; and under the guidance of Professor Hugo Mansfeldt has devoted much time and earnest study to this subject, with a corresponding degree of success, and through these efforts has become a musician of no common great.  She is also a fine elocutionist.


Although her school life has been frequently interrupted through sickness, thereby lengthening her term of study, yet we find her always diligent, inpatient of the delay, and anxious to go forward in the work which she early marked out for herself, which neither sickness or any other adversity could for one moment cause her to swerve from.


In 1889 she entered the Hamilton Grammar School, William A. Robertson, Principal, and with increasing zeal turned her attention to the studies of this more advanced grade with the same spirit of active inquiry that had to characterize her early efforts.  After a three-years’ course of study, she was May 23, 1894, graduated from Miss Ella J. Morton's class, receiving one of the class metals awarded, her scholarship record ranking among the foremost of the school.


Having completed the grammar school course and mastered the alphabet of her education, she has now entered upon the course of study prescribed by the State Normal School at San Jose, the examination for which she has recently successfully passed, with the view of fitting herself for a teacher.  With joyful anticipation she entered September 4th upon this field of labor, where for the present we will leave her.