Colusa County








I. G. Zumwalt is one of California’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Colusa County, which is still his home, on the 24th of January, 1872.  His father, John R. Zumwalt, was born in Illinois, on January 27, 1826, and in 1870 came to California, where he spent the remainder of his life.  He was educated for the practice of medicine but abandoned this profession on account of ill health, and for a number of years engaged in the manufacture of wagons, but spent the last years of his active business career as a farmer.  His wife, Sarah Phebe Zumwalt, was born in Pike County, Missouri, on February 20, 1842, and is still living in Colusa.

The enterprising lawyer of whom we write spent the first sixteen years of his life on a farm, and acquired a good education to prepare him for the responsible duties which daily come to one who is in business life.  He was for two years a student in the high school in Colusa, graduating in 1890, after which he entered Pierce’s Christian College, and on leaving that institution, in May, 1892, he took up the study of law, under U. W. Brown, in Colusa.  In 1894 he was admitted to the bar.  He has since been engaged in active practice, and his advancement toward the front rank of the legal profession has been continuous and rapid, until now he has one of the largest criminal and civil practices in the northern part of the state of California.  In 1898 he was elected district attorney and is now capably filling that office.  He is well versed in the principles of jurisprudence, and, having a good command of language, his arguments are forceful, logical and convincing.

In the last few years, aside from his reputation as a lawyer, he has become noted as a businessman of keen foresight and sterling worth.  He is now secretary and a director of Cook’s Springs Mineral Water Company, one of the largest mineral water companies in the state of California, which bottles and ships natural mineral water from this famous resort all over the Pacific coast.

Mr. Zumwalt is an ardent Democrat and has, during the last two presidential campaigns, made numerous speeches in behalf of the leaders of his party.  He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and attends the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his people are members.  He is a favorite in social circles, being one of the popular residents of Colusa, where he enjoys the friendship of many of the best people of the locality.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 85-86. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.


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