Colusa County








      The judiciary of the Sacramento Valley has been honored by the life and activities of Ernest Weyand, who has served for the past fifteen years as judge of the superior court of Colusa County, in which capacity he has won a wide reputation for learning, ability and integrity.  He was born at Stonyford, Colusa County, California, September 8, 1869, and is a son of Julius and Mina (Kraus) Weyand, who were natives of Germany and are deceased.  Julius Weyand was reared and educated in his native land, and in 1852 came to California.  Locating first at Sacramento, he engaged in gold mining, but later came to Colusa County and turned his attention to copper mining.  Subsequently he engaged in farming, which he carried on for many years, his death occurring in 1893.

      Ernest Weyand received his early education in the district school at Stonyford, later attended the public schools at Colusa, and then took up the study of law in the office of H. H. Albery at that place.  He was admitted to the bar in the superior court of Colusa County in 1892 and in the state supreme court in 1893.  In 1892 he was elected district attorney of Colusa County, which office he filled until January 1, 1899.  He early showed and active and effective interest in local public affairs and was four times elected a member of the board of town trustees of Colusa.  He was elected to the state assembly, serving in the regular session of 1905 and the special session of 1906.  His abilities in a legal way were widely recognized and he built up a large and important practice.  In 1915 Governor Hiram Johnson appointed Mr. Weyand to the bench of the superior court of Colusa County, to fill an unexpired term.  He was elected to that office in the following year, was reelected for a six year term in 1920, and again in 1926, his present term expiring in 1932, at which time he will again be a candidate for reelection.  Judge Weyand’s record as a jurist has been an exceptionally good one, gaining for him the commendation of all who have business in his court, and he has been called upon to preside over the courts of many counties of this state, particularly of the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, as well as those of Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

      Judge Weyand was united in marriage to Miss Nora Martin, who was born in Shasta County, and is a member of one of the old pioneer families of this part of the state.  They are the parents of five (sic) children, Ralph, Garret, Daniel, Ernest, Eugene and Elnora.  Judge Weyand is a member of the Colusa County Bar Association, the California State Bar Association and the American Bar Association.  He has at all times been an active supporter of those things which contribute to the development and progress of the community.  He is a Republican in his political views and is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Independent Order of Foresters and the Native Sons of the Golden West.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 429-430. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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