Colusa County










            Not many years after the Pilgrim Fathers crossed the ocean to the new world the Tuttle family established their home in Massachusetts, the records showing that they landed in 1635. From that year to the present they have furnished to our country men of valor for warfare and men of commercial enterprise for times of peace. One of the ancestors, who was the son of a Revolutionary hero, long practiced the medical profession in Hancock, Hillsboro county, N. H., and his son followed mercantile enterprises until his death in early manhood. Adolphus Darwin Tuttle, who was a son of this merchant, was born and reared in New Hampshire and for years owned a store in Hancock, that state, where also he served as selectman, postmaster and in other local offices of trust. During 1887 he came to California and settled in San Francisco, where he died.

            By his marriage to Lucy M. Bigelow, a native of Massachusetts, A. D. Tuttle became identified with one of the historic colonial families of America. Her father, Rev. Asahel Bigelow, a minister of the Congregational Church, was a native of Massachusetts and a descendant of English Puritans of colonial lineage, one of the ancestors having been a member of the Massachusetts troops during the Revolutionary war. It is worthy of note that for twenty-five years he held a pastorate in Walpole and for a similar period preached the Gospel in the Hancock Church. At the age of seventy-eight he retired from the ministry and two years later passed from earth. His wife, who attained the age of ninety years, bore the maiden name of Homes and was the great-granddaughter of one of the first settlers of Boston. Mrs. Lucy M. Tuttle died in San Francisco in 1903, when sixty-nine years of age. Her only child, Charles W., was born in Hancock, N. H., May 28, 1862, and received superior educational advantages, being a student in Phillips Academy at Exeter, N. H., and later in Bowdoin College, from which he was graduated in 1886 with the degree of A. B. Three years later the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by his alma mater. Desiring to perfect his education he went to Germany in the fall of 1886 and matriculated in the University of Gottingen, and later spent a year in the Royal School of Mines at Freiberg, Saxony, returning to the United States in 1888 and accepting the position of assistant professor in chemistry at Bowdoin College.

            In order to assume the management of his large landed interests in California Mr. Tuttle removed to the coast in 1889, at first making his home in San Francisco, although since 1897 he has resided in Colusa. He owns a two-thirds interest in the Jimeno rancho of more than twenty thousand acres, extending from Colusa along the west side of the Sacramento river into Yolo county as far as the north line of the Fair ranch. Originally the entire tract to Knights Landing was in the same company’s possession. Almost the entire property has been reclaimed and is under cultivation to wheat and barley. When he began to improve the place it was open country without a tree in sight, but now there are many fine ornamental trees and a park of three acres, in the midst of which lies his beautiful residence, reflecting the cultured tastes of its inmates. It is gracefully presided over by Mrs. Tuttle, who was formerly Miss Nellie A. Jordan, and is brightened by the presence of their four children, Curtis, Charlotte, Darwin and Charles. The father of Mrs. Tuttle was Capt. John Jordan, of New England, who was an officer in the trans-Atlantic (sic) and East India trade and died at sea. By travel in this country and aboard Mr. Tuttle has acquired a breadth of culture and knowledge that makes him a genial companion, and his social standing among the people of Colusa is the highest. He is a member of the Colusa Board of Trade and bore an influential part in organizing the Colusa free library, of which he is now the secretary. The success of this educational movement is a source of great gratification to him, as it is to all public-spirited citizens. While he is not identified with any denomination, he attends the Presbyterian Church and is a contributor to its maintenance. Fraternally he is connected with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks at Marysville, while his social associations include membership in the University Club, the Pacific Union Club of San Francisco and the Colusa Shooting Club, of which he is now a director.            




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 611-612.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.








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