Colusa County









      Ned C. Steele, manager of the Colusa County Telephone Company, is one of Colusa’s most progressive and enterprising residents and has been a real factor in the progress and advancement of the city in a commercial way.  He was born in Beatrice, Nebraska, on the 2nd of December, 1890, and when twelve years of age went with his parents to Omaha, Nebraska, where he attended the public schools and after graduating from high school he entered the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.  He was graduated from that institution with the degree of Electrical Engineer, after which he entered the employ of the telephone company at Omaha, where he gained a thorough and practical knowledge of the business in all of its phases.  In 1913 Mr. Steele moved to California and became connected with the telephone companies in Lindsey, Sacramento, Oroville and Colusa.  In 1919 he came to Colusa as manager of the Colusa County Telephone Company, which operates six telephone exchanges in this county, over all of which Mr. Steele has supervision.  He has devoted his attention closely to maintaining the telephone service at the highest possible standard of excellence and that his efforts have been effective is evidenced by the substantial growth in the number of subscribers and the volume of business in this district.  In June, 1929, he bought a chain of motion picture theaters in Colusa, Arbuckle and Williams, which he is conducting with very satisfactory success.

      Mr. Steele was united in marriage to Miss Alemata Molitor, who is a native of Michigan, and they are the parents of four sons:  George, aged fifteen years; Henry, aged twelve; Frank, aged ten; and Ned C., Jr., aged eight years, all of whom are native sons of California.  Mr. Steele has taken a keen interest in all matters affecting the welfare of his home community, and is a director of the Chamber of Commerce.  When he took up that work the Chamber had three members, which there are at this time one hundred and fifty-five members and the organization is doing much effective work in promoting the business interests of the community.  Mr. Steele is an active member of the Colusa Rotary Club and is one of the sponsors of the Colusa Boy Scout Troop, No. 5, in the welfare of which he is greatly interested.  Each year he takes the Scouts to his summer home at Mineral, in the mountains, where they have an enjoyable outing.  He is a man of high ideals and his efforts in the direction of advancement and improvement of the city in which he lives have been appreciated by his fellowmen, who regard him as one of Colusa’s best citizens, in the truest sense of the term.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 466-467. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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