Colusa County









                James Hamilton Sherer is acceptably filling the office of high sheriff of Colusa County.  We hear much today of corruption in politics and that public offices are filled by men who care naught save for self-aggrandizement; and while this may be true in a degree concerning the larger cities and towns, places of public trust are occasionally filled by those who are competent to discharge the duties and are conscientious in the performance of the tasks that devolve upon them.  Mr. Sherer is one in whom the county may well place confidence, and in the office which he is now filling he has manifested marked loyalty and capability.

            A native of Missouri, he was born in Andrew County, on the 6th of November, 1856, and is a son of Joseph Sherer, of Arbuckle.  His paternal grandfather, William Sherer, was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in the year 1809.  On the paternal side he was of German lineage, while on the maternal side he was of English descent.  At an early age he was left an orphan and was reared in Virginia by an uncle and an aunt by the name of Buchanan, who also held a similar relationship to President Buchanan.  In Knox County, Ohio, in 1829, he wedded Mary Kincaid, who was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1811, and was of Puritan Scotch ancestry.  Her father, Joseph Kincaid, was a native of Pennsylvania and was of Scotch lineage.  In Maryland he married Martha John Alexander, who was born in Scotland, and is a representative of a family whose members are still living in Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland.  Her grandmother resided in the last named state.  After their marriage they remained in Ohio until 1848, when they removed to Missouri, and in 1857 they started for California, crossing the Missouri River on the 13th of April, arriving at Sacramento River on the 25th of October of the same year.  They settled on the old home place and there resided until death, the father passing away in April, 1882, while the mother died May 20, 1895.

            Joseph Sherer, the father of our subject, was born in Knox County, Ohio, December 14, 1835, and after arriving at years of maturity married in Andrew County, Missouri, July 5, 1855, a daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah (Walker) Smith.  They were both natives of Tennessee and in an early day removed to Missouri, locating in Andrew County before it was organized.  In pioneer days he was appointed sheriff and after the organization of the county he was twice elected to the same office, discharging his duties with marked fidelity and ability.  At the time of his death he was a candidate for the general assembly.  He passed away in April, 1849, and his wife, long surviving him, departed this life July 24, 1874.  Their daughter, Mrs. Sherer, was born in Clinton County, Missouri, January 7, 1835.

            Upon the old farm James H. Sherer was reared to manhood, acquiring his education in the district schools.  He was in his first year when his parents came to the Golden state, taking up their residence near Arbuckle.  When he had mastered the rudimentary branches of learning he pursued more advanced studies in Pierce Christian College, and prepared for his business career as a student in the business college of San Francisco.  On putting aside his textbooks he engaged in farming and stock raising, and in these enterprises met with creditable success.  He has shipped stock extensively, one of his principal markets being the Hawaiian Islands.

            On the 16th of September, 1883, Mr. Sherer was united in marriage to Miss Maria Gillenwaters, who was born in Nevada County, California, her father being Joseph Gillenwaters, of Nevada City.  Mr. and Mrs. Sherer have had a daughter, Mary Agnes Sherer, who died at the age of thirteen years, eleven months, and three days.  He and his wife attend the services of the Christian Church, in which Mrs. Sherer holds membership, and in the community where they reside they have a wide acquaintance and are favorably known.

            Mr. Sherer cast his first presidential vote in 1880, supporting the candidates of the Democratic Party, and has since that time labored for the success and upbuilding of the political organization with which he is identified.  In 1898 he was elected sheriff of Colusa County, and for two years has held the position, discharging his duties without fear or favor.  He is a prominent Mason, belonging to both the blue lodge at College City, California, and Chapter No. 60, R. A. M., at Colusa.  A self-educated, self-made man, his position in life is due entirely to his own efforts and his prosperity has come to him as a reward for his labors.  He has many excellent qualities, and his genial nature has gained him the warm regard of those with whom he has come in contact.         



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 597-599. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.


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