Colusa County











JOHN DILLON SHERER.  Among the most prominent and wide-awake business men of Arbuckle is John Dillon Sherer, cashier of the local bank and actively interested in other important enterprises.  His father, J. P. Sherer, a sketch of whose career appears upon another page of this work, is a well-known business man of Colusa county.  Born in Colusa county, November 9, 1859, J. D. Sherer acquired his preliminary education in the public schools, and prepared himself for a business career by pursuing a course of study at Heald’s Commercial College, San Francisco.  After the completion of his studies he engaged in the buying and selling of live stock, which he followed successfully for a number of years, or until 1897, when he located permanently in Arbuckle.  In 1903 he accepted the responsible position of cashier of the Bank of Arbuckle, and has ever since devoted his principal attention to the interests of that flourishing institution.


This enterprise which was organized in 1901, is now transacting a large and profitable general banking business, and is located in a handsome modern structure, erected especially for its use in 1904.  Besides being a stockholder in the bank Mr. Sherer is financially interested in the J. P. Sherer Land and Stock Company (incorporated), which owns a tract of about eleven hundred acres devoted to the cultivation of grain, the raising of stock and the dairy industry.  In politics Mr. Sherer is a Democrat, and fraternally is a member of Meridian Lodge No. 182, F. & A. M.  In 1893 he was united in marriage with Miss Sadie Elwood, a native of Tennessee.



[Inserted by D. Toole.]


John Dillon Sherer


1893 Jan 17, San Francisco Chronicle, P11, San Francisco, California

Hotel Arrivals

Russ House


J. D. Sherer, Arbuckle



1909 Apr 26, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

J. D. Sherer, cashier of the Arbuckle Bank, was brought to the Woodland sanitarium Sunday morning for an operation.  After consultation it was decided to postpone it until Wednesday.  Mr. Sherer was accompanied by his wife, Dr. Ward and Ed Cain.  Dr. Ward and Mr. Cain returned to Arbuckle on the noon train.


1901 Apr 28, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

J. D. Sherer, cashier of the Arbuckle Bank, was operated on at the Woodland sanitarium Tuesday, for appendicitis.  He rallied nicely and will soon recover unless some unforeseen complications arise.


1911 Sep 23, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Dies Soon After Leaving the Sanitarium

A few days ago John Craig of Modoc county, who had been brought to the Woodland sanitarium for treatment, but who continued to fail, was taken to Arbuckle by his wife and daughter and his brother-in-law, J. D. Sherer.  News comes from Arbuckle that Mr. Craig died on Friday.


1917 Aug 28, Santa Cruz Evening News, P5, Santa Cruz, California

After a week in San Francisco, Mrs. J. D. Sherer and granddaughter, Nelda Ellwood, have returned.


1918 Mar 12, Santa Cruz Evening News, P1, Santa Cruz, California

Appeal Suit is Being Tried in Superior Court

The appeal of George Pullen of Watsonville from the judgment given F. W. Biebrach in the justice court of the apple city is being tried today in the superior court.  According to the original complaint Biebrach was riding in his automobile on Lincoln street in Watsonville last September when A. Herrerra, an employe of Pullen’s, driving an auto truck, backed into his car, smashing it up considerably.  He sued for $299 damages and was given a judgment.  Pullen is now appealing.  <snipped>  The jury is as follows:  <snipped>, J. D. Sherer, <snipped>


1919 Jun 28, Santa Cruz Evening News, P2, Santa Cruz, California

Remarkable Case Ends in an Acquittal

Tom Vucinich, on trial for the alleged passing of a fictitious check, convinced the jury that he was not guilty, and yesterday afternoon, after hearing all the evidence, it brought in a verdict acquitting him.  The jury comprised the following:  <snipped>,  J. D. Sherer, <snipped>


1927 Sep 12, Santa Cruz Evening News, P6, Santa Cruz, California

Estate J. D. Sherer – Order admitting will to probate and issuance of letters testamentary to Sarah A. Sherer.


1928 Feb 29, Santa Cruz Evening News, P2, Santa Cruz, California

Value Placed on Sherer Estate

Inventory and appraisement have been made in the estate of the late J. D. Sherer, by Appraiser C. G. Hammer.  The appraised value of the estate is estimated to be $20,472.50.  The biggest item in the estate is a note for $12,500, dated April 21, 1927, payable one year after date, from W. E. Sherer to J. D. Sherer, with interest at 6 per cent per year.  The note is secured by a mortgage.  Another note secured by a mortgage amounts to $5,500.


1928 Feb 29, Santa Cruz Evening News, P4, Santa Cruz, California

Today in the Superior Court

Estate J. D. Sherer, also known as John Dillon Sherer – Inventory and appraisement.


1933 Sep 26, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

Widow of Former Arbuckle Man Dies

(By Valley News Alliance)

Colusa – Mrs. Sarah A. Sherer, 70, widow of the late J. D. Sherer, who for many years was cashier of the Bank of Arbuckle, died in Santa Cruz Saturday.  She leaves two sons.  Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon in College City.




Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 303-304. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2017  Donna Toole.








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