Colusa County








            Enoch E. Scott has been a leading factor in the business interests of Iowa Hill for many years and his efforts have contributed in a large measure to its commercial activity.  He is a stockholder and manager of the large mercantile company of that town, and the reputation which he enjoys in business circles is unassailable.  Mr. Scott was born in Toronto, Canada, on the 2nd of January, 1861, and is of Scotch lineage.  His parents were Seth and Susan B. (Foote) Scott, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Canada.  Their farm was situated on the boundary line between Canada and the United States, lying partly in the British province and partly in this republic.  In 1868 they sold that property and removed to Detroit, Michigan, and there the father engaged in dealing in livestock.  His wife died in 1869, at the age of forty-four years, leaving to her husband the care of their children, namely:  Henry S., Walter D., Enoch E. and Harriet.  In 1874 the family removed to Sacramento, California, and the father died in Napa City, this state, on the 1st of November, 1898, at the age of seventy-six years.  He and his faithful wife were members of the Episcopal Church and were people of the highest respectability.

            Their son, Enoch E. Scott, was educated in the Pierce Christian College and he entered upon his mercantile experience as a clerk.  Later he embarked in business on his own account in Colusa County, where he remained for twenty-two years, and in 1896 he came to Iowa Hill.  For a time he acted as manager of the firm of Weber & Company, of Sacramento, and on their retirement he became connected with the mercantile company of which he has since been manager.  This is a stock company, composed of the following named:  Seymour Waterhouse, president; E. Waterhouse, vice-president; and Enoch E. Scott, secretary and manager.  They have a large store and carry a complete stock of general merchandise, hauling their own goods.  They have two large freight wagons, each drawn by six horses, and these are almost constantly on the road, bringing the merchandise from the railroad at Colfax to the store at Iowa Hill.  Mr. Scott and the company with which he is connected have also various mining interests and are actively engaged in the development of the rich drift mine on which the prosperity of the county now largely depends.

            In 1888 Mr. Scott wedded Miss Minnie Leggett, of Columbia, Missouri, and their union has been blessed with a son and daughter, Allen E. and Florence E.  Mr. Scott is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity and is past master of the blue lodge in Colusa, of which he has been a member since 1887.  In his political sentiment he is a Democrat, but is an independent voter.  He indeed deserves mention among Iowa Hill’s most prominent merchants and among her representative citizens and should find a place in the history of the men of business and enterprise in the great west whose force of character, strength, integrity, control of circumstances and whose marked success in establishing great industries, have contributed in such an eminent degree to the solidity and progress of the entire county.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 768-769. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.


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