Colusa County











JUBILEE D. RICE.  Closely identified with the agricultural interests of Colusa county is Jubilee D. Rice, of College City, a well-known and highly respected ranchman.  As a general farmer, stock-raiser, and a breeder of fine horses, he has met with undisputed success, and as a man of honor and honesty, straightforward in his business methods, and prompt in meeting his obligations, he has won the confidence and esteem of his fellow-men and the good will of the community.  A son of Andrew Rice, he was born February 10, 1861, in Ralls county, Mo., where his grandfather, Isaac Rice, was a pioneer farmer.


Born and brought up in Kentucky, Andrew Rice removed with his parents to Ralls county, Mo. at an early day, and there began life for himself as a tiller of the soil, clearing from the wilderness a good homestead.  In 1864, accompanied by his wife and three children, he came across the plains with a long train of mule-teams to the Pacific coast, making an unusually quick trip.  The following winter he spent at Cache creek, Yolo county, but in the spring of 1865 went to Eldorado county, and for four or five years thereafter was engaged in mining at the Spanish Dry Diggings.  Returning then to Yolo county, he was engaged in business at Winters until his death, December 25, 1902.  He married Mary Jane Briggs, who was born in Ralls county, Mo., and died in 1807 in California.  Of the three children born of their union, two are now living, Jubilee D., the subject of this sketch, being the second child in order of birth.


Brought up in Winters, Yolo county, Jubilee D. Rice acquired a practical education in the public schools.  At the age of sixteen years, in 1877, he became self-supporting.  Coming to Colusa county in search of employment, he located near Williams, and for seven years worked for J. B. Griffin, driving a team on the farm.  Starting then for himself, Mr. Rice rented land for a year at Stony creek, after which, in partnership with H. V. Traynham, he was engaged in grain raising near Arbuckle, running a team, and having charge of nine hundred acres of land.  Three years later, the partnership being dissolved, Mr. Rice rented the old Whiskey ranch of sixteen hundred acres, and there continued the raising of grain on an extended scale, running four eight-mule teams.  Removing to Butte county in 1891, he was for six years similarly employed on the Pratt grant, having charge of twelve hundred and eighty acres.  Returning to Colusa county in 1897, Mr. Rice located in College City, where he has since been prosperously engaged in grain and stock-raising, his valuable ranch of two hundred and forty acres lying four miles southwest of the town.  Mr. Rice makes a specialty of raising horses and mules, in this line of industry being very successful.  He owns many noted fillies and stallions, among the latter being Dagon, by Sable Wilkes, the dam being by Don, son of Nutwood; and Homer, by Alcantara, Jr., dam by Buydell, son of Electioneer.  Mr. Rice takes great pride in local affairs, encouraging the establishment of all beneficial enterprises.  He is a stockholder and a director of the College City Rochdale Company, and was interested in the erection of the College City Public Hall as a member of the organizing committee that built it.


In Yolo county, near Winters, Mr. Rice married Amanda B. Griffin, who was born near Knights Landing, a daughter of Joseph Griffin, a pioneer farmer of Winters.  Mr. and Mrs. Rice are the parents of three children, namely: John Andrew, Joseph Lee and Frederick Griffin.  Politically Mr. Rice is a loyal Democrat, and religiously Mrs. Rice is a member of the Christian Church.



[Inserted by D. Toole.]



Jubilee D. Rice


1904 Jul 28, Woodland Daily Democrat, P1, Woodland, California

Mrs. J. D. Rice and little son, of College City, are guests of Sheriff Griffin and family.


1907 Aug 8, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rice and two sons of College City and Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer of Arbuckle are guests of G. W. Griffin and family.


1923 May 21, Woodland Daily Democrat, P4, Woodland, California

John Griffin and son, George, and Mrs. J. D. Rice of Winters, are in Woodland today.


Findagrave Memorial:

Jubilee Dewesi Rice

Birth:   Feb. 10, 1861

Ralls County

Missouri, USA

Death:             Jun. 9, 1944

College City, Colusa County, California, USA

Family links:

 Spouse:   Amanda Belle Griffin Rice (1863 - 1941)*


  John Andrew Rice (1888 - 1958)*

  Joseph Lee Rice (1889 - 1956)*

*Calculated relationship

Burial: College City Cemetery, College City, Colusa County, California, USA

Created by: Leigha Robbins

Record added: Feb 24, 2011

Find A Grave Memorial# 66113478








Transcribed by Donna Toole.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 470-473. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2017  Donna Toole.








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