Colusa County









            JOHN POUNDSTONE, a rancher, located two miles southwest of Grimes, Colusa county, is a native son of the state, his birth having occurred in Plymouth, Amador county, August 17, 1875.  He is the second son of Lawrence Rider Poundstone, a pioneer of the state, whose career is given at length in the sketch of Jesse Poundstone, which appears elsewhere in this volume.  He was reared principally in Solano county, receiving his education in the grammar and high schools of Benicia.  In 1893 Mr. Poundstone came to Grand Island, Colusa county, and with his brother, Jesse, embarked in the ranching business, occupying the Rose house on the ranch formerly the home of A. H. Rose.  Under their supervision are three thousand acres of land, a large portion of which they utilize for the pasturage of their full-blooded and high-grade Durham cattle.  In his political affiliations Mr. Poundstone is a Democrat and fraternally is identified with the Grand Island Lodge of Odd Fellows, at Grimes.  Socially he is a member of the Colusa Gun Club.




Transcribed by Doralisa Palomares.

Source: “History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, California” by J. M. Guinn.  Page 602. Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago 1906.

© 2017  Doralisa Palomares.






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