Colusa County








      One of the most capable and satisfactory officials of Colusa County has ever had is John J. Ossenbruggen, who was the county treasurer for two terms, beginning in 1923.  He was born on a ranch five miles southwest of Grimes, Colusa County, October 1, 1891, and is a member of one of this county’s pioneer families.  After completing his grammar and high school studies, he took a commercial course in the Polytechnic Business College at Oakland, from which he was graduated in 1913.  He then entered the Bank of Grimes, in which he was employed for four years.  He then enlisted for service in the World War and was stationed at Camp Fremont, this state, where he was assigned to the quartermaster department.  After receiving his honorable discharge he returned home and was appointed deputy county clerk of Colusa County, in which position he served for three years, after which he was elected county treasurer, in which office he completed his second term.

      Mr. Ossenbruggen was united in marriage to Miss Betty Cain, who was born and reared in Colusa County.  He is a Republican in his political affiliation and fraternally is a member of Colusa Post, A. L., of which he is a past commander; Marysville Lodge, B. P. O. E.; Colusa Aerie, F. O. E.; Colusa Lodge, I. O. O. F., and Colusa Encampment; and Colusa Parlor, N. S. G. W., of which he was the treasurer.  He is president of Colusa Chapter of the Sportsmen’s Association of California, an organization for the protection of wild game and fish; is secretary and treasurer of the Butte Outing Club, a duck hunters’ club; secretary and treasurer of the St. John Outing Club, deer and trout; and is secretary of the Antlers Club of Colusa.  He has been very active in all matters relating to the welfare of his city or county, is an ardent sportsman, and is very highly esteemed among his associates, who have found him to be a man of sterling worth under all conditions and well worthy of the honors which have been conferred on him at the hands of his fellow citizens.  He now owns the Richfield service station at Colusa, located at Sixth and Market streets.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 40-41. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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