Colusa County











            As measured by years the life of Dr. Luman was brief; but as measured by results, by comprehensive professional study, broad scientific research, extended travel and growing reputation in materia medica, a lifetime of activity was crowded into a comparatively few years. By birth and citizenship thoroughly identified with California, Dr. Luman was born at Butte City November 22, 1867, and died at his home in Colusa January 17 1904. His father, William, a native of Illinois, became a pioneer farmer of the Sacramento valley and carried on agricultural pursuits in what is now Glenn county near Butte City, where in 1881 his death occurred. After coming to the Pacific coast he had married Miss Mary E. McDaniel, who was born in Illinois and accompanied her father, Elijah, across the plains in 1853. After the death of her husband she was again married, becoming the wife of William H. Hodgson, who died in 1903, leaving one child. Of her first marriage there were three children, of whom Dr. Luman was the eldest and is the only one deceased. Since the death of Mr. Hodgson she has continued to reside on her old homestead near Butte City.

            After a course in the Colusa high school, at the age of fourteen years Frank E. Luman entered the Pacific Methodist College at Santa Rosa, from which he was graduated in 1889 with the degree of A. B. Having decided to take up the medical profession, pursuant upon that end he entered the Cooper Medical College, where he was a student for two years. His final studies were taken in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York city from which he was graduated March 28, 1892. On the expiration of his regular course he traveled through South America, where he gained his first experience as a practitioner and also enjoyed many interesting experiences incident to travel among a people so different from those of North America. After a year in travel he returned to San Francisco and engaged in the practice of medicine, but in November, 1900, removed to Colusa, where he built up a large practice extending through Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Sutter, Yolo and Butte counties. Besides being identified with local and state medical societies, he acted as examining physician for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Foresters of America, Independent Order of Foresters, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, Ancient Order of United Workman and Fraternal Brotherhood.

            The marriage of Dr. Luman occurred in San Francisco and united him with Mrs. Ida M. (Hopper) Kennedy, who was born at Yountville, Napa county, and received an excellent education in Napa Seminary. Her paternal grandfather, Charles S. Hopper, a native of Missouri, crossed the plains alone to California in 1847, making the trip on horseback. Many times he was in peril of his life. Once he was captured by two Indians and was about to be tomahawked by them when he handed them his plug of tobacco. They were so delighted with the present that they let him go free. After his arrival in California he located land near the present site of Yountville and then returned again over the plains. In 1849 he brought his family to the coast, among the other members of their party being A. (sic) G. Yount and Colonel Childs. (sic) Under his leadership they reached their destination in safety. The house that he erected, then considered by far the finest in Napa county, is still standing, the oldest structure in this part of the state. In time he became very wealthy, having among his possessions thirty-five hundred acres of land in Lake county, besides large holdings in his home county. His death occurred in 1880, when he was eighty-one years of age.

            The father of Mrs. Luman was T. B. Hopper, a Missourian by birth and a pioneer of California, where he had a farm and vineyard at Yountville, but now lives retired at Quartz, Tuolumne county. Her mother Mary E., was a daughter of Samuel Hill, and was born in Kentucky, crossed the plains about 1852 with her father, settled in Sonoma county, and at an advanced age died in Lake county. Of her nine children (all living) Mrs. Luman was fourth in order of birth. In her young girlhood she became the wife of Edward Theron Kennedy, who was born in San Francisco of pioneer parentage and became a pharmacist in that city but owing to failing health removed to a ranch in Lake county. While still a young man he died in San Francisco in 1889, leaving his wife his entire property, which was of considerable value. In 1902 Mrs. Luman opened a drug store on Fifth, between Main and Market streets, Colusa, where since she has conducted a large pharmacy, and in addition to the ownership of this business she has a stock and grain ranch at Middletown, Lake county. With her daughter, Edna V., she occupies a comfortable home in Colusa and has many friends among the people of the city, to whom she is known as a capable business woman and the possessor of unusual executive ability. In religion she is identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Colusa, with which Dr. Luman also held membership and to which he was a generous contributor.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 582-583.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.








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