Colusa County











            Industrious and persevering, Soren Peter Hansen, of College City, is carrying on a substantial business as a general blacksmith and wagon-maker. He is a self-made man in every sense implied by the term, and is a true type of those energetic and enterprising members of the community that are so actively identified with its industrial advancement and prosperity. A native of Germany, he was born September 7, 1857, in Roager, North Sleswick, which was also the birthplace and lifelong residence of his parents, S. P. and Mary (Kjer) Hansen. They were farmers, and both were members of the Lutheran Church. Three children were born of their union, two of whom are living, namely: H. E., engaged in farming near Denver, Colo.; and Soren P., the subject of this sketch.

            Having acquired a good common school education in his native town, Soren Peter Hansen, at the age of fifteen years, began learning the trade of a blacksmith, at which he served an apprenticeship of four years. The ensuing year he worked at his trade in his home town, but in the spring of 1878 came to the United States. Settling near Portland, Me., he worked on a farm three months, and then in a blacksmith’s shop for eight months. Going from there to Denver, Colo., he followed his trade in that city until 1882, when he settled on the Little Wood River, in Idaho, where he ran a smithy for awhile. Not pleased with his future prospects in that locality, Mr. Hansen continued his journey westward, going to Washington, settling first in Walla Walla, and afterwards working for a few months in a sawmill at Dayton. In the fall of 1883 he came to California, arriving in San Francisco on December 7. Ten days later he located in Arbuckle, and for a year and a half worked as a farm laborer for Griffin Brothers. In the spring of 1885 he accepted a position in the shop of Mr. Hamlin, one of the leading blacksmiths of South College City, remaining with him two years. The following three years he worked as a blacksmith for Mr. Laugenour, in the shop on his farm, after which he was in the employ of Mr. Johnson, in Arbuckle, for more than a year, and then for a few months in the employ of Mr. Tourte. Returning then to the shop of Mr. Laugenour, he remained there a year, subsequently following his trade in Maxwell for two seasons.

            September 5, 1894, Mr. Hansen removed to College City, and after working for Green Brothers a year bought their shop and continued the business alone for four years. Going to Williams in the spring of 1899, he worked for six months as junior member of the firm of Gilmore & Hansen, general blacksmiths. Being accidentally injured in the right eye by a nail, he then sold out to his partner. In March, 1900, having recovered from his accident, Mr. Hansen again started in the blacksmith’s business at College City, and in 1902 purchased his present shop and lots, where he is carrying on a lucrative business as a general blacksmith, wagon and carriage maker and horseshoer. He is interested in the College City Rochdale Company. Brought up a Lutheran, he remained true to the faith of his ancestors until 1893, when he united with the Christian Church. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 602-605.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.








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