Colusa County










            The genealogy of the county surveyor of Colusa county is traced back to a period antedating the Crusades.  During that memorable expedition to the Holy Land one of his ancestors, in recognition of his gallantry and devotion, was honored with the prefix of “Saint,” which has since remained a part of the family name.  A chivalrous devotion to the cause of oppressed humanity has characterized members of this family in every generation and country.  Colonel de St. Maurice, after an honorable service as a colonel in the French army, gave the last years of his life to a heroic but vain effort to assist Poland in its fight for independence, and in pursuit of that object he organized and led a regiment to the relief of that unhappy land, but he was killed and his men scattered and lost.

            This gallant colonel had a son, Claude Edward, whose military career was worthy of the race from which he sprang.  Born and reared in St. Maurice, France, he served in the Franco-Austrian war under Napoleon the Third.  At the time of the Civil war he came to the United States and enlisted in the One Hundred and Seventieth New York Infantry, in which he rendered efficient service in the cause of the Union.  While living in New York he married Sarah Coote, a native of England.  In 1869 they came to California and after a brief sojourn in San Francisco established their home in Colusa, where for many years he was employed as a contracting painter.  After becoming a citizen of the United States he identified himself with the Republic party and has always borne a warm interest in the Grand Army of the Republic and counts few pleasures greater than that of meeting an old comrade of war days.  Of his three children now living, George Edward is superior court reporter and resides at Colusa; Charles Albert also lives in Colusa, while the daughter, Marie Gertrude, is the wife of J. H. Davies, of San Francisco.

            In Colusa, where he still makes his home, Charles Albert de St. Maurice was born October 24, 1871.  His educational advantages were such as the schools of this city afforded.  While working as an assistant to his father he studied civil engineering of evenings for about six years, and during the latter part of this time engaged to some extent in field surveying, thus gaining a practical knowledge of the occupation.  In October, 1896, he received a license as civil engineer, and has since given his attention closely to this work, for which he is fitted by native endowments as well as careful training.  It affords abundant testimony as to his popularity when the fact is mentioned that, although Colusa county usually gives a Democratic majority of five hundred, in 1902 he was elected county surveyor on the Republican ticket by a majority of three hundred and twenty-nine.  The duties of the position he assumed in January, 1903, for a term of four years.  His successful administration of affairs has brought his name into prominence among the surveyors and engineers of northern California, and it is a favorite prediction of his friends that the honorable record of his ancestors will gain in prestige through his life.  He is a member of the Colusa Board of Trade, in religion holds membership in the Methodist Church, fraternally is connected with Colusa Parlor, N. S. G. W., also Colusa Lodge No. 240, F. & A. M., in which he was made a Mason, and is further identified with the Order of the Eastern Star.





Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Pages 364-365.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Joyce Rugeroni.









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