Colusa County








            J. B. De Jarnett is the owner of Brentwood fruit farm, one of the finest ranches in Colusa County, California, and his real estate holdings are quite extensive.  He was born in Kentucky in 1846, and at the age of seven accompanied his parents on their removal to Andrew County, Missouri, where his father conducted a general mercantile establishment until 1863, during which time the subject of this review pursued his studies in the public schools.  In the year mentioned he accompanied his father to Denver, Colorado, and in the spring of 1864 crossed the mountains and made his way westward to Yamhill County, Oregon, where the father carried on agricultural pursuits, while the son accepted the position as clerk and bookkeeper in the store in La Fayette, Oregon.  In 1866 he came to Colusa County, California, arriving on the 5th of June of that year.  Here he obtained a position in the office of Mr. Hart, county clerk, with whom he remained four years, and in 1870 he entered into co-partnership with General W. S. Green, and opened a real estate business in the city of San Francisco, in connection with which they established Green’s Land Paper, of which they published ten thousand copies weekly.  The following year he went to Colusa and in 1872 again entered the county clerk’s office, where he remained two years.  In 1874 he made the first map of Colusa County.  In 1877 he was elected county clerk and filled that office for two terms, proving a popular and capable official.  He was very faithful to the trust reposed in him and his able discharge of the duties of the office won him high commendation.

            In April, 1868, Mr. De Jarnett was united in marriage to Miss M. A. Green, of Missouri, who came to Colusa County when a little maiden of five summers.  In 1883 they took up their residence upon Brentwood fruit farm, one of the finest country homes in this locality.  Their residence is very beautiful, is commodious and tasteful in its equipments and all who pass beneath its portals find there a cordial welcome.  In 1883 Mr. De Jarnett began fruit-growing and in that enterprise has been very successful.  He has made a close study of the best methods of raising various kinds of fruits, and scientific principles and practical common sense have rendered him one of the prosperous fruit-growers in this locality.  He is a man of marked energy, of keen discernment and unremitting perseverance and his labors have been successfully conducted.  He has made judicious investments in real estate and his property interests bring to him a good income.

            He has been prominent in the Masonic fraternity during the past quarter of a century, having been honored by his fraters by election to the position of grand junior warden of the grand commandery Knights Templar of the state of California, which position he now occupies.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 819-820. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.


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