Colusa County











            Prominent among the popular and highly esteemed business men of Colusa county if John Edgar Cain, who is actively associated with its financial interests as assistant cashier of the Bank of Arbuckle, in which he is a stockholder and one of the directors. He has the distinction of being a native born citizen of Colusa county, his birth having occurred at Grand Island, January 17, 1860, where his father, the late Isaac Newton Cain, was then engaged in farming, owning and occupying a large ranch. A more extended account of his parents and ancestors may be found on another page of this work, in connection with the sketch of Mr. Cain’s brother, T. D. Cain.

            Brought up principally in Colusa, John Edgar Cain obtained his elementary education in the pubic schools, afterwards continuing his studies at Hesperian College, in Woodland, and then entering Pierce Christian College, where he remained three years. Leaving the institution in his senior year, Mr. Cain embarked in mercantile pursuits, becoming head of the firm of Cain & Martin, general merchants, continuing in business four or five years. He was afterwards engaged in farming for an equal length of time, and then for eighteen months was employed in the general stores of the late H. H. Seaton, in Arbuckle. While thus employed, Mr. Cain assisted in organizing the Bank of Arbuckle, which has a paid-up capital of $50,000, and on the day of its opening, July 1, 1901, became assistant cashier to Mr. Seaton. This position Mr. Cain has since retained, performing the duties devolving upon him with fidelity and ability. He is one of the original stockholders of the bank, and from the start has been a member and the secretary of its board of directors. He is likewise a stockholder and director in both the Arbuckle Rochdale Company and the College City Rochdale Company, and is a member and the clerk of the board of trustees of the Pierce Joint Union High School, which embraces twelve districts. Although in business in Arbuckle, Mr. Cain resides in College City, where he has an attractive home.

            In College City, March 4, 1883, Mr. Cain married Lizzie Clarke, who was born on an Indiana farm, the daughter of William J. Clarke. Nine children have been born of their union, namely: Ellsworth, Edna, Celia, Vernon, Fern, Mildred, Virgil, Norma and Margie. Politically Mr. Cain is an earnest Democrat, supporting the principles of that party by both voice and vote. Mrs. Cain is a member of the Christian Church.    




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: "History of the State of California and Biographical Record of the Sacramento Valley, Cal.," J. M. Guinn, Page 465.  The Chapman Publishing Company, Chicago, 1906.

© 2017  Cecelia M. Setty.








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