Colusa County








            It is seldom that one attains prominence in more than one line.  The business man usually concentrates his energies upon the undertaking whereby he expects to gain prosperity; the political leader has no time for business interests; and so in all the walks of life; yet Mr. Allgaier is well known both in political and commercial circles in his part of California.  He is occupying the position of chairman of the board of supervisors of Colusa County and is a leading grocer in the city of Colusa.  Through his activity in public life and his connection with mercantile interests he has become widely known, and his many commendable qualities have gained for him the high regard of those with whom he is associated.  His life record cannot fail to be of interest to many of our readers.

            Mr. Allgaier was born in Georgetown, Kentucky, in 1851.  His father, M. S. Allgaier, was twice married.  He first wedded Miss Hattie Anderson, of Lexington, Kentucky, and by their union were born four children, namely:  George W. of this review; Charles L., born in 1853; James F., in 1855; and Hattie F., May 14, 1857.  The mother is deceased.  James F. was married in 1881 to Nannie Gough, in Monroe County, Missouri.  Charles was killed during the Civil War by being thrown from a horse in Monroe County, Missouri.  Hattie became the wife of John Barry, of Clinton County, that state, in 1876, and died in 1897 at the age of forty years, leaving six children.  After the death of the mother Colonel M. S. Allgaier was again married, and by the second union had nine children:  Albert W., born in 1861, was married in Platte County, Missouri, to Lottie Harris.  Sebastian A., born in 1866, was a traveling salesman connected with the George Fowler, Sons & Company, Limited, packers, of Kansas City, Missouri.  John J., born in 1868, is also a traveling salesman for the same house.  William A., born 1870, died in 1870, when only a few weeks old.  Eugene A., born in 1872, married Miss Mary Scanlon, and is a famer and stock raiser.  Lydia Gyft, born in 1873, died in 1875, when about two years of age.  Catherine, born in 1875, became the wife of D. S. Horan, of Clinton County, Missouri, in 1896, at the same time when her brother Eugene was married, a double wedding being celebrated.  Mary A., born in 1877, is the next younger.  Michael O., born in 1878, is a salesman for the Letts-Spencer Grocery Company, of St. Joseph, Missouri.  Their father, who was born in Scott County, Kentucky, January 27, 1827, is living with his two younger children in St. Joseph, Missouri.

            George W. Allgaier, the eldest child, was reared in his father’s home and the public schools afforded him his educational privileges.  The year 1876 witnessed his arrival in California and in the intervening period he has gained a prominent place in business circles, being now in control of the most extensive grocery house in Colusa. He has a large and well equipped establishment, carrying everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries, and his patronage is steadily and constantly increasing.

            On August 25, 1879, Mr. Allgaier was united in marriage with Sadie Kinsman, a daughter of John and Margaret Kinsman, both natives of Wales.  Mrs. Allgaier was born in Illinois July 30, 1860, and came with her parents to California in 1861.  Mr. and Mrs. Allgaier are the parents of three children:  Leonore H., born January 17, 1881; George Leslie, born June 8, 1885, and died August 9, 1888; Nina Mercedes, born May 10, 1889.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 244-245. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.


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