Contra Costa County












JAMES B. McKENZIE.  Among the prominent and successful men who are maintaining a high standard of real estate transactions in Point Richmond, mention is due James B. McKenzie, a resident of this town since the fall of 1902.  He handles general real estate, but more especially represents the Bay View tract of fifty-five acres, upon which many residences have been erected.  Mr. McKenzie was born in Ontario, Canada, February 17, 1849.  His father, John McKenzie, was a native of Scotland, and his mother, Margaret (Buchanan) McKenzie, was born in England.  John McKenzie came to America with his parents at the age of eight and the balance of his life was spent in Ontario, where he owned and conducted a farm.


James B. McKenzie is the second child in a family of ten children, and the comparatively scant earnings of his father necessitated self-support at an early age.  During the winter time he improved his opportunity at the public schools, and in 1868 learned the carpenter’s trade in Galt, Canada, following that occupation until 1872.  Mr. McKenzie was of an ambitious and determined mind even at this early stage of his career, and removing to Carson City, Nev., he remained for six months, and then found employment at his trade in Virginia City.  In 1876 he located in Marysville, Cal., and followed carpentering and building, later settling in Benicia, where he contracted with success, and built and started the Benicia Planing Mill, which he operated for twelve years in connection with his contracting.  Upon removing to San Francisco in 1896, he contracted until 1900, coming then to Point Richmond where he followed contracting and building for two years, and then branched out into real estate.


In Benicia, Cal., Mr. McKenzie married Jennie E. Harding, who was born in California.  They have one son, Alexander H.  Mr. McKenzie has taken an active interest in Republican politics for many years, and among other offices held by him was that of city trustee for five years.  He is a member of Lodge No. 5, F. & A. M., of Benicia; Chapter No. 7, R. A. M., of the same town; and Commandery No. 7, K. T., of Marysville.  Mr. McKenzie has the esteem and good will of the communities which he has benefited by his citizenship and the knowledge of his calling, and his career has the promise insured by thoroughness, industry, and integrity.




Transcribed by Donna Toole.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1001-1002. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Donna Toole.







Contra Costa County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library