Contra Costa County
Since his first location in Contra Costa county in 1852, Francis E. Matteson has made his home upon the same ranch which he then chose as a desirable place of residence. He is located at the foot of Mount Diablo, where he took up one hundred and sixty acres of land, the greater part of it watered by a creek which flows through the valley, and here he built his home and took up a western life. That it has been a successful one is evidenced by material prosperity, while the happy, cheerful disposition of the owner speaks as eloquently of strong, moral living and an earnest, upright character which has given no little to the upbuilding of all that is best in a community.
Born in the town of Shaftsbury, Bennington county, Vt., March 20, 1819, Mr. Matteson is the descendant of Revolutionary stock, his parents being Isaac and Phoebe (Olin) Matteson. When sixteen years old he left his New England home and going to Will county, Ill., he followed farming in that state until 1852. Deciding to again cast his lot with the pioneer element, he brought his family across the plains with ox-teams and having friends near the location of his present home he visited with them for a time, and was so well pleased that he took up one hundred and sixty acres of land and entered at once upon its cultivation and improvement. In addition to his farming interests he set out one of the first orchards and vineyards in this section, and today is largely interested in bee culture, having one hundred hives and an established market for his honey, which is of a particularly fine quality. When he first located here there was only a narrow trail leading to his house, and animals of all descriptions---deer, bear, elk and antelope---abounded, many of which fell under his marksmanship. Today a road passes by his home, the wild animals have disappeared, and all things about bespeak an advanced civilization.
Mr. Matteson has been married three times, his first wife being Elizabeth Eddy, who became his wife in Illinois. She died at the age of thirty-three years, the mother of the following children: George Leonard, who died in Illinois; Martha, Charles, Dwight, deceased, and Fred, deceased. His second wife, Mrs. Mary Reynolds, was born in Ohio, the daughter of Daniel Gardner. She died at the age of sixty-two years. His third wife was Mrs. Mary Hunter, who was born in Indiana. She was the daughter of John Hughes, and in Michigan she became the wife of Peter Hunter, who was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and died at the age of fifty-two years. They were the parents of the following children, all of whom are living: Belle, William, Jesse, James, Millie and Cora.
8-4-15 Marilyn
R. Pankey.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 716-717. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2015 Marilyn R. Pankey.
Contra Costa County Biographies