Contra Costa County












            The popular liveryman of Concord, Contra Costa county, is a self-made man of sterling worth and ability.  He was born in Cornwall, England, September 3, 1850, a son of Henry Ivey, and was reared on a farm, where he early assumed a part in the discharge of daily duties, in consequence of which he was unable to receive more than a limited education.  In 1872 he had saved sufficient money to pay his expenses to America and accordingly decided to emigrate.  His first employment was on a farm in Wisconsin.  Later he went to the mines in the neighborhood of Lake Superior, where he engaged in mining and teaming for some time.  Becoming interested in the prospects of the more remote west he came to Virginia City, Nev., where he worked in the mines for a short time, after which, in 1873, he came to San Francisco.  Pleased with the climate and conditions of California, he decided to locate here permanently, and although he was absolutely without capital he had become so imbued with the spirit of success which pervades the state that he was not in the least daunted.  Coming to Contra Costa county he sought and found employment on various ranches in the vicinity of Concord, working as a common farm hand until he had sufficient capital to enter work for himself.  In the 1878, having saved sufficient money to purchase an outfit, he rented land and began raising hay and grain.  His perseverance met with reward and in 1883 he bought a small farm, which he retained until 1899, when he sold the land to J. F. Birch.  In 1886 he purchased a half interest in the livery business of B. Mahoney, which had been established by E. A. Perry, the first enterprise of its kind in the town.  The firm then became known as Mahoney & Ivey, and in time they built an addition to the establishment, enlarging on both the west and north ends of the building for extra stables and also store and wash rooms. They conducted the freight and express route from Concord to Martinez as there were no railroads at that time, and also carried the mail from Martinez to Concord and Clayton for eight years, while Mr. Ivey continued to carry the mail up to the time of the building of the railroad.  Subsequently Jim Boyd succeeded Mahoney in the business, and in 1899 Mr. Ivey became sole owner, continuing alone up to the present time.  He has since put up a large tank and windmill in the rear of his building, in his large corral, where he keeps sixteen fine livery horses, besides which he is constantly, buying and selling horses.  He has also an ample supply of carriages and other vehicles, while the service is eminently satisfactory.

            Mr. Ivey’s comfortable home is presided over by his wife, who was formerly Annie Ringstorff, and to whom he was married in this town.  She was born in Germany, the daughter of Frederick Ringstorff, who still lives in the Fatherland.  She came to California at the age of thirteen years and was reared to womanhood here.  Of this union, were born three children, namely:  Bessie, Henry and Edna, the last named dying in 1904, at the age of fourteen years.  Mr. Ivey is associated fraternally with the Foresters of America, in which he has served officially.




Transcribed Joyce Rugeroni.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 667-668. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2015  Joyce Rugeroni.







Contra Costa County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library