Contra Costa County












JOHN HARTZ.  One of the valuable ranches of the San Ramon valley, Contra Costa county, is owned by John Hartz, a prominent and enterprising farmer of this section, and one who well deserves the esteem and confidence of all who have known him during the years in which he has been working for the competence which he today possesses.  Born in Holstein, Germany, January 6, 1847, he was a son of Vieth and Metta (Plauschau) Hartz.  He was reared and educated in his native land and in young manhood engaged as a farmer.  Deciding to try his fortunes among the broader opportunities of the western world he came to California in 1865, securing as his first employment work on a ranch in Alameda county.  A stranger in a strange land, with no knowledge of either customs or language, and with only $10 as his capital, he necessarily labored against heavy odds, but with the perseverance and energy characteristic of the Teutonic race he continued in his efforts until 1876, when he rented land at Dublin, Alameda county.  This he farmed until 1888, when he purchased his present ranch of James Stone, two hundred and twenty acres located in the neighborhood of Danville.  A part of this land he sold to the railroad company and the remainder of twenty acres he cut up into town lots, reserving in his farm two hundred acres.  Upon this fine property he has erected a handsome residence, commodious barns, and in many ways added to the value of the ranch by improvements and cultivation.  He has a large orchard and a stream of running water which flows form the mountain west of his residence and through his yard.  His land produces fine corn, while he also gives his time and attention to grain and stock.


The marriage of Mr. Hartz occurred in California September 17, 1877, and united him with Catherine Johnson, who was also born in Holstein, Germany, a daughter of Nicholas Johnson.  Born of this union were three children, namely: Henry, who married Alice Hampton; Hannah, who married Neil Harrison, and Tillie.  Fraternally Mr. Hartz is a member and past grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Rebekahs, to which his wife and daughters also belong.  Mrs. Hartz has been treasurer of the society for the past ten years, while their daughter Tillie is also past noble grand.





Transcribed by Donna Toole.

ญญญญSource: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 855-856. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

2015  Donna Toole.







Contra Costa County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library