Contra Costa County













            Among the active business men of Pinole is Abraham Greenfield, who as a successor to the firm of J. Herscher & Co., is contributing his full share toward the development of the mercantile prosperity of this part of the county. He is a man of ability, much respected for his sterling qualities, and his connection with numerous orders of brotherhood has made his name a well-known one in the lodge room as well as in business circles. A son of Jacob Greenfield, he was born August 9, 1867, in the province of Grodno, Russia, where he grew to man’s estate.

            Having completed his early education, Abraham Greenfield learned the baker’s trade, which he followed for a while in his native land. Immigrating to this country in 1884, he established himself as a baker in New York City, where he carried on a good business. Selling out, however, he went to the extreme western coast of the United States, locating in Seattle, Wash., where he ran a bakery for one and one-half years. Locating in San Francisco in 1894, he worked at his trade two years, making and saving money. In 1896 Mr. Greenfield came to Pinole, and having purchased the interests of J. Herscher & Co. has since been prominently identified with the business prosperity of the place as a general merchant. His store is one of the largest in Pinole, and is well stocked with a choice line of goods of all kinds, his highest aim being to please the tastes and meet the demands of his numerous customers.

            Mr. Greenfield married Belle Herscher, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, a daughter of Michael Herscher, and they have one child, Rose, born in Pinole June 26,1904. As an influential member of the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Greenfield takes great interest in the order, and has done much to promote its good. He was made a Mason in Crockett Lodge No. 357, but demitted and became a charter member of Pinole Lodge No. 353, which he assisted in organizing, and of which he is now junior warden; he also belongs to Martinez Chapter No. 320, R. A. M.; to Oakland Consistory No. 2, thirty-second degree; and Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He likewise belongs to Pinole Chapter, O. E. S., of which he and Mrs. Greenfield are both Charter members, and of which he is treasurer. Mr. Greenfield is also treasurer of Yosemite Camp No. 667, W. of W.; a member of Shenandoah Tribe, I. O. R. M., which he served as treasurer one year; and is a member of Council No. 36, U. P. E. C. In politics he is a Republican, and now serving his second term as city treasurer.




Transcribed by: Cecelia M. Setty.

­­­­Source: History of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties, California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 979-980. The Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.

© 2016  Cecelia M. Setty.







Contra Costa County Biographies

Golden Nugget Library