Contra Costa County
In the comparatively brief period of eleven years, since the beginning of his business career, Lincoln Ulysses Grant has established one of the largest contracting and building enterprises on the Pacific coast. Since 1901 he has made his home in Point Richmond, but he also has an office in San Francisco, a departure necessitated by the extent and variety of his business. In thus doing credit to one of the largest and most necessary occupations to which man is heir, Mr. Grant is reflecting additional honor upon a name already firmly established in the annals of American history. Three brothers came presumably from England when the country was much younger than now, one, John, the great-grandfather of the builder of California, settling in Nova Scotia; another, the father of Gen. Ulysses Grant, locating in the United States; and the other brother taking up his abode in Quebec, Canada. John Grant, the father of Lincoln, was born in Nova Scotia, and by occupation was a builder and contractor, his field of activity being shifted to the coast country in 1851. Mr. Grant had charge of the structure work of the Spring Valley Hydraulic mines, filling also other building contracts of importance. His death occurred in Oroville, Butte county, in 1887. He was a Republican in politics and a member of the school board. His wife, Catherine (Lannon) Grant, was born in Leeds, England, and died also in Oroville, having reared a family of eight children, five sons and three daughters.
Lincoln U. Grant was born in Oroville, Cal., July 25, 1866. In addition to the public schools he attended Heald's Business College of San Francisco, graduating in 1889. His apprenticeship at building was served under his father and his uncle, John Grant, of San Francisco, and in 1893 he began an independent building and contracting business in San Francisco. In 1894 he went to Paso Robles and contracted for the frame work of the Hotel El Paso de Robles, and later erected other public buildings and a brick business block. In 1896 he began building brick blocks in Salinas, and erected the Borden house, the Masonic Temple, and the McDougal block. In 1898 he transferred his activities to the site of Spreckels, which town he practically built and sewered. In 1899 he built the San Mateo and Pleasanton race tracks, and in 1900 erected the Masonic Hall of Oakland, and numerous large buildings in San Francisco, at a later period remodelling(sic) the Palace hotel. Since coming to Point Richmond, in 1901, he has erected many of the finest residences and public buildings, including the Richmond school in 1902, the Critchett, Russell & Elsie, Kinney and Annette blocks, the White and Manhattan hotels, and Ludwig flats.
A large share of the influence exerted by Mr. Grant has been along the lines of politics, and in recognition of his ability he was chosen vice-president of the first Republican club of the state, founded in San Francisco. He is a member of the county central committee, and has been a delegate to state and county conventions for the past ten years. Fraternally he is equally prominent and well known, being identified with Blue Lodge No. 124, F.& A.M., of Oroville, and California Chapter No. 1, Eastern Star. He is also a member of Lodge No. 350, I.O.O.F., of Point Richmond; Zephyr Lodge No. 263 of the Rebekahs; and the Santa Lucia Parlor No. 97, N.S.G.W., of which he is past president.
11-2-16 Marilyn
R. Pankey.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1369. The Chapman Publishing
Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2016 Marilyn R. Pankey.
Contra Costa County Biographies