Contra Costa County
A man of decided energy and perseverance, industrious and thrifty, Henry L. Fedderson is numbered among the respected and successful farmers of Eden township. The home ranch belonged to Mrs. Fedderson when he married her and he has since had entire charge of it. Mr. Fedderson and his wife's eldest son have been untiring in their efforts to improve it, and its value has been greatly increased. An intelligent, systematic agriculturist, he has continually added to the improvements previously inaugurated, erected a good dwelling house, and repaired and enlarged the farm buildings, thus making the estate which is pleasantly located three miles from Haywards, on the Niles and Haywards road, one of the most comfortable and attractive in the neighborhood. A native of Germany, Mr. Fedderson was born June 27, 1844, in Schleswig, and there grew to manhood on the parental farm.
Crossing the ocean in a line steamer in 1870, Mr. Fedderson landed in New York City in June, and for about a year thereafter was employed in that city as a day laborer. Migrating to Michigan in the spring of 1871, he remained there until the fall, when he went to Chicago. There, after the memorable fire, he secured a position in the baggage department of the Chicago & Milwaukee Railroad Company, and held it for a year. Coming to the Pacific coast in November, 1872, Mr. Fedderson located first in Haywards, but soon removed to Contra Costa county, where for ten years he was employed on the same ranch. Coming thence to Eden township, Mr. Fedderson soon after married Mrs. Reiter, and has since been prosperously employed in general ranching and dairying, carrying on a substantial business. He takes great interest in the advancement of the industrial welfare of the community, and was one of the first seven directors of the Eden Creamery Association. The home ranch contains ninety acres of valuable land, which yields a handsome annual income under his judicious supervision.
Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Fedderson one child has been born, a daughter, living at home. In his political views Mr. Fedderson is independent, using his own best judgment instead of blindly following any special leader, or giving unqualified adherence to any party. For a number of years he has served on the election board, and as school trustee has rendered excellent service. He belongs to Haywards Lodge No. 227, I. O. O. F., and to the Ancient Order of United Workmen. True to the religious faith in which he was trained, he is a Lutheran.
9-19-16 Marilyn
R. Pankey.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1326-1327. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2016 Marilyn R. Pankey.
Contra Costa County Biographies