Contra Costa County
As a descendant of sturdy Irish ancestors, Mr. Casey comes of a family noted for longevity, his father having reached the age of ninety-three years and his mother was even older, being about ninety-five years old at the time of her death. As far back as there are any records of them, his ancestors lived in or about Macroom, in county Cork, Ireland, and it was there that Mr. Casey was born on a farm, in November, 1848, his father, Patrick Casey, being a farmer by occupation. The latter participated in the wars between Ireland and England, and died in 1889. The mother, whose maiden name was Margaret Buckley, was born within four miles of the scene of her husband's birth, and the whole of her long life was spent in Ireland, her death occurring in1901. Of the nine children born to this worthy couple four are daughters and five are sons, and all are still living.
The recipient of but a limited education, received in his native land, Mr. Casey assisted his father on the farm until 1873, leaving home at that time to try his fortune in America. Landing in New York City, he proceeded by rail to San Francisco, where he arrived May 13, 1873. Securing employment in railroad work at Davisville, in Yolo county, he was so employed until harvest time, afterward working in the harvest fields of Solano county, From that time until 1879 he followed different occupations throughout the state, and during that year he came to Port Costa, which has been his home ever since. Purchasing a saloon here, he conducted it for about six months, and upon disposing of that business, opened a hotel. Besides conducting his hotel, which enjoys a good patronage, Mr. Casey owns and operates a brewery in Port Costa and supplies the local demand for various beverages.
Although busily engaged in looking after his varied business interests, Mr. Casey has not shirked his duty in upbuilding the community and he has been especially interested in furthering the cause of education. He has served as school trustee and was largely instrumental in the building of the town school house. In politics he is a Democrat and has served his party well as justice of the peace for the past twenty years. In his religious views he is a Catholic, and fraternally he is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Vallejo; the Foresters of Port Costa, of which he is a charter member; and the Young Men's Institute of the same place, having officiated as its first president. By his marriage in Vallejo, Cal. in June, 1890, Mr. Casey was united with Miss Mary Boyle, who was born in county Cork, Ireland, and of this union four children were born. Of these, the eldest, Patrick, died in infancy, and the others, Margaret, Michael J. and John are all at home.
10-29-16 Marilyn
R. Pankey.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Pages 1365-1366. The Chapman
Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2016 Marilyn R. Pankey.
Contra Costa County Biographies