Contra Costa County
A leading physician of Point Richmond, Contra Costa County, is Hawley Nathan Barney, who, in the brief time which has elapsed since his location here in June, 1902, has won a high regard from the citizens of the community. He is a descendant of New England ancestry, both on the paternal and maternal sides, his ancestors having been men of ability and enterprise, and active in public affairs. His paternal grandfather, Nathan F. Barney, was a native of Vermont, where he engaged in farming until his death near Arlington, that state, at the age of seventy-five years. His father, Constant Barney, was a native of Massachusetts, and served loyally in the Revolutionary war. Reuben Barney, the father of the doctor, was born in Arlington, Vt., and in manhood took up and completed the study of medicine, practicing first in New York and afterward in Harper's Ferry, Va. Following the patriotic example of his ancestor he enlisted in the United States army as an assistant surgeon and served until the close of hostilities, after which he removed from Harper's Ferry to Chillicothe, Mo., and in 1868 began there the practice of his profession. He became a prominent and influential man in public affairs in that city, serving as president of the school board for a number of years; president of the County Medical Society; and was a member of the board of the Industrial Home for Girls in Chillicothe, appointed to this last named position by the governor of the state. His death occurred July 15, 1903. In young manhood he married Mattie Prindle, who was also a native of Arlington, Vt., and who now resides in Chillicothe. She was a daughter of Hawley Prindle, a native of the same locality, a cabinet-maker by trade, who located in Chillicothe. His father and two brothers served in the Revolutionary war. Four sons blessed the union of Dr. and Mrs. Barney, of whom Reuben is a physician of Chillicothe; Percy Canfield is a civil engineer in the Brooklyn Navy Yard; Mortimer D. is a physician in Oklahoma City, and Hawley Nathan is the subject of this review.
The youngest in his father's family, Hawley Nathan Barney was reared principally in the state of Missouri, where his parents had located. He received a preliminary education in the common schools, attending the high school at Chillicothe, and in 1896 began the study of medicine in Kansas City, Mo., graduating with honors in 1899. He then went to Bellevue Medical College, New York City, graduating a year later, when he returned home and entered into general practice with his father and brother. Interested in the future of the west, in which he thoroughly believed, he came to California in 1901 and until June of the following year was interne in the Women's Hospital in San Francisco. He then located in Point Richmond, having successfully passed the state board examination in May, and has since engaged in the general practice of medicine, demonstrating an ability which promises to place him in the front ranks of western medical men.
November 26, 1903, in San Francisco, Dr. Barney was united in marriage with Eva May Turley, a native of Kansas City, Mo. In fraternal relations Dr. Barney is well known, in Masonic orders being senior warden of McKinley Lodge No. 347, F.&.A.M., of Point Richmond; member of Lone Star Chapter No. 30, R.A.M., of Chillicothe, Mo.; and Oakland Commandery No. 11, K.T., of Oakland, as well as belonging to the Eastern Star. He is also associated with the Woodmen of the World, Knights of the Maccabees and Ancient Order of Foresters. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, and politically is a stanch Republican.
4-23-16 Marilyn
R. Pankey.
ญญญญSource: History
of the State of California & Biographical Record of Coast Counties,
California by Prof. J. M. Guinn, A. M., Page 1269. The Chapman Publishing
Co., Chicago, 1904.
ฉ 2016 Marilyn R. Pankey.
Contra Costa County Biographies