California Blue Book or State Roster

National Guard of California










            Joseph B. Lauck (Republican) was born at York, Pennsylvania, November 27, 1846.  Until thirteen years of age he attended the public schools of Ohio, but left school to work on his father's farm. Two years later, in September, 1861, he enlisted in the Union Army, and served with distinction throughout many campaigns and engagements.  On September 5, 1865, he was mustered out, and remained at home until March of the following year, when he went to Nebraska and engaged in construction work for the Union Pacific Railroad.  He afterwards took employment as brakeman and conductor with the same road, until August, 1873, when he came to California and entered the service of the Central, now the Southern,(sic) Pacific Railroad.  Later he went back to the Union Pacific, and next took employment with the North Pacific Railroad, until July 11, 1886, when he was appointed traveling passenger agent for the Southern Pacific Company, in whose service he remained until February 15, 1904, on which date he became Adjutant General of California, appointed by Governor George C. Pardee.  On January 10, 1907, he was again commissioned Adjutant General by Governor James N. Gillett.

     His record in the National Guard is as follows:  Enlisted in Company D, Fifth Infantry, May 14, 1885, organizer of the company, and elected Captain on the same date; resigned September 22, 1886; elected Captain of Company A, Fifth Infantry, August 26, 1886, and re-elected August 30, 1888; resigned June 5, 1889; appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Aid-de-Camp,(sic) staff of Commander-in-Chief, April 1, 1891; resigned February 23, 1894; reappointed July 3, 1894, serving until relieved January 19, 1895.





Transcribed 12-20-16  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: “California Blue Book or State Roster – Biographical Sketches” Page 161.  Published by C. F. Curry, Secretary of State, Sacramento, CA 1907.

© 2016  Marilyn R. Pankey.




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