pg. 214-216




Adam, George

6 Palm Ave., Los Gatos. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1882, (2123) 1887.


Calder, James S.

629 E. 21st St., Los Angeles. Harvard Univ. Med. Sch., Mass., 1866, (4020)



Crokat, Edward A.

East San Diego. Manitoba Med. Coll., Canada, 1894, (A-1122) 1911.


Edwards, William A.

Rt. 2, Box 105, El Cajon. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., 1881, (2625) 1889.


Gill, Arthur Francis

330 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1901,

(C-138) 1914.


Goodenow, Norman H.

239 E. White Oak St., Monrovia. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1892, (C-1750) 1920.


Hayden, Thomas M.

Bank of Italy Bldg., Fresno. Coll. of P. and S., Keokuk, Ia., 1874, (477) 1876.


Herrmann, Arthur J.

Univ. Club, Los Angeles. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1888, (311) 1891.


Huntington, Thomas Waterman

2111 Hyde St., San Francisco. Harvard Univ. Med. Sch., Mass., 1875,

(1370) 1882.


Kalb, George B.

137 N. Myrtle St., Monrovia. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1886, (C-667) 1916.


Kellogg, Francis B.

227 Euclid St., Santa Monica. New York Homeo. Med. Coll., N. Y., 1887,

(593) 1897.

Kelsey, Arthur Louis

1621 Lombardi Rd., Pasadena. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1888, (2405) 1888.


King, John C.

990 Atchison St., Pasadena. Med. Dept. Univ. of Nashville, Tenn., 1874,

(1750) 1885.


Liliencrantz, August

1904 Franklin St., Oakland. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1870, (1399) 1882.


Moore, Melvin L.

511 S. Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1880; Bellevue

Hosp. Med. Coll., N. Y., 1882, (2277) 1888.


Perry, William F.

304 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Kentucky Sch. Of Med., 1885, (4625) 1897.


Rooney, Robert Fleming

310 Commercial St., Auburn. Med. Dept. McGill Univ., Canada, 1870, (926)



Sanders, Audley O.

U. S. Veterans' Hosp., Livermore. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1911, (C-125) 1914.


Shawhan, R. C.

U. S. Veterans Hospital No. 77, Portland, Oregon. Univ. Med. Coll. of

Kansas City, Mo., 1897.



Sill, Edward R.

1451 11th Ave., Oakland. Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 1889, (2949) 1890.



Utley, Jay H.

416 Bradbury Bldg., 304 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Bellevue Hosp. Med.

Coll., N. Y., 1883, (1606) 1884.






pg. 215-216




Bagby, Henry Clay

8 E. Arellaga St., Santa Barbara. Mo. Med. Coll., 1881, (1475) 1883.


Baker, Wood Carson

Fisher Bldg., San Mateo. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1903, (148) 1903.


Barbera, Eugene Howard

505 Federal Realty Bldg., Oakland. Oak. Coll. of Med. and Surg., Cal.,

1918, (A-02648) 1918.


Barton, Orren L.

Loomis. Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1879, (2639) 1889.


Bishop, Frank Crowell

518 Rives-Strong Bldg., 112 W. 9th St., Los Angeles. Coll. of P. and S., Med.

Dept. Univ. So. Cal., 1914, (A-01855) 1914.


Boyd, Walter Mason

119 1/2 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. Columbus Med. Coll., Ohio, 1883, (2138)



Briggs, Wallace Alvin

510 Physicians Bldg., 1027 10th St., Sacramento. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich.,

1871, (938) 1877.


Brooke, William Ansyl

Half Moon Bay. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1897, (4809) 1898.


Brooks, Clifford H.

208 Spurgeon Bldg., Santa Ana. Med. Dept. Iowa State Univ., 1910, (A-1281)



Buckley, William Langdon

Linden. Med. Dept. Univ. of Ore., 1894, (3743) 1894.


Burton, James

628 Pacific Southwest Bldg., Pasadena. Albany Med. Coll., N. Y., 1894,

(C-157) 1894.


Cothran, William F.

Box 448, Santa Cruz. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1905, (941) 1905.


Coulter, Frank Edwin

826 S. Ross St., Santa Ana. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1882, (C-775) 1916.


Cox, Roy Milo

709 S. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Coll. of P. and S. Med. Dept., Univ of So.

Cal., 1914, (A-02065) 1916.


Crum, Robert L.

522 Westlake Professional Bldg., 2007 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Med. Dept.

St. Louis Univ., Mo., 1911, (A-1186) 1911.


de Chantreau, Jacques D.

303 Elkan Gunst Bldg., 323 Geary St., San Francisco. Faculty of Med., Paris,

France, 1891, (3274) 1892.


Dillon, James Marion

154 S. Garfield Ave., Alhambra. St. Louis Univ., Mo., 1906, (C-708) 1916.


Fossum, Otto B.

892 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1909, (A-1128)



Garner, Robert W. T.

Susanville. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1907, (A-400) 1907.


Ghrist, Jennie G.

603 Guaranty Bldg., 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles. Keokuk Med.

Coll., Iowa, 1898, (C-3241) 1924, r. Halifax Apts., Hollywood.


Goodwin, Joshua Samuel

203 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1922, (A-03336)



Grinstead, Marion O.

San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1927,

(A-04498) 1927.


Hasson, David W.

Buena Park. State Univ. of Iowa, Coll. of Med., 1877, (3491) 1893.


Herzstein, Morris

805 Sutter St., San Francisco. Friedrich Wilhelm Univ., Berlin, Germany,

1891, (3148) 1891.


Hill, Merrill Washington

105 Cajon St., Redlands. Hahn. Med. Coll., Pa., 1871, (248) 1888.


Howard, Henry Williams

411 Chapman Bldg., 756 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Rush Med. Coll., Ill.,

1890, (A-12) 1906.



Johnson, Abel William

216 Fitzhugh Bldg., 384 Post St., San Francisco. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1901,

(____), 1904.



Kegley, Eugene A.

822 N. Mariposa St., Los Angeles. Chicago Med. Coll., Ill., 1881, (C-2049) 1921.

Kistler, Samuel L.

3116 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. Starling Med. Coll., Ohio, 1882, (4308)



Lander, Charles John

1086 Flood Bldg., 870 Market St., San Francisco. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal.,

1910, (A-1006) 1911.


Mansfeldt, Oscar

549 Flood Bldg., 870 Market St., San Francisco. Cooper Med. Coll., San Francisco,

Cal., 1897, (4828) 1898.


McGinnis, George Henry

408 Electric Bldg., 861 6th St., San Diego. National Med. Coll., Ill., 1897, (C-579)



Merrill, Benjamin B.

128 N. 10th St., Santa Paula. Hahn. Med. Coll., Pa., 1901; Medico-Chirur. Coll., Pa.,

1904, (A-1331) 1911.


Mills, Henry William

206 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., NE corner 4th and E Sts., San Bernardino. Royal

Coll. of Surgeons, England, 1895, (297) 1903.


Molony, James J.

907 Valencia St., San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1891, (3188) 1892.


Musgrave, William Everett

805 Balboa Bldg., 593 Market St., San Francisco. George Washington Univ.,

Washington, D. C., 1901, (C-915) 1917.


O'Brien, John T.

2088 Union St., San Francisco. Univ. of Cal., 1896, (4362) 1896.


Outlaw, John S.

320 Bryson Block, 145 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. Howard Med. Coll., Washington,

D. C., 1891, (5763) 1900.


Rantz, Stephen H.

383 Main St., Placerville. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1893, (3671) 1894.


Ray, Daniel Francis

F. and M. Bank Bldg., Stockton. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1888, (5030) 1898.


Reynolds, Frederick W.

Box 371, San Pedro. Med. Dept. Univ. So. Cal., 1900, (5653) 1900.


Rogers, Thomas N.

100 1st Ave., Monrovia. Victoria Univ. Med. Coll., Toronto, Canada, 1889, (C-3255) 1924.


Rose, Emmason C.

2806 W. 7th St., Los Angeles. Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Sch., N. Y., 1904, (C-2527) 1922.


Rosenau, William Hellman

205 N. 1st St., Banning. Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. Sch., Md., 1921, (C-3643) 1925.


Sanderson, Arthur J.

2222 Chapel St., Berkeley. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1891, (3500) 1895.


Schloss, Aaron

900 Butler Bldg., 135 Stockton St., San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., 1883,

(1489) 1883.


Seward, Lee S.

Ahwahnee Sanitarium, Ahwahnee. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1913, (A-01818) 1913.


Shaw, Joseph Hughes

213 Exchange Pl., Santa Rosa. Univ. of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1908, (C-248) 1914.


Smalley, Clifford Allison

1124 Chapman Bldg., 756 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Med. Coll. of Ind., 1904, (395) 1904.


Smith, James Hubert

Clovis. Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, Tenn., 1921, (C-2728) 1922.


Southworth, Henry E.

506 California Medical Bldg., 1401 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal.,

1900, (5659) 1900.


Stephenson, Andrew Victor

2117 E. 4th St., Long Beach. Omaha Med. Coll., Neb., 1896, (C-645) 1918.


Thomas, Charles Preston

Consolidated Realty Bldg., 607 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. Med. Dept. Univ. of Ore., 1888,

(3441) 1893.


Tillotson, Clarence A.

Dinuba. Med. Dept., Univ. of City of N. Y., 1891, (A-904) 1910.


Tower, Franklyn James

144 Sapphire St., Redondo Beach. Med. Dept. Univ. of Ill., 1890, (252) 1903.


Watanabe, Junsai

3125 Gleeson Ave., Los Angeles. Tokyo Med. Coll., Japan, 1897, (6381) 1901.


Wernigk, Reinhard

301 Westlake Professional Bldg., 2007 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles. Rush Med. Coll.,

Ill., 1881, (2165) 1887.


Winnard, Wellington Leroy

132 S. Oxford St., Los Angeles. Chicago Homeo. Med. Coll., Ill., 1890, (822) 1901.








Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Directory of the California Medical Association.  Published by the California Medical Association 1928.  San Francisco, California.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.





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