pg. 203-213



Santa Cruz County Medical Society



Alfred Liles Phillips

Santa Cruz



Dean S. Woodard

320 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville


31 Members

57 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Second Monday of each month.

Meeting place: Alternate between Santa Cruz and Watsonville.

No meetings during July and August.


Bettencourt, Manuel F.

Lettunich Block, Watsonville. Eclectic Med. Coll., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1906,

(C-777) 1917, r. 229 1-2 E. Lake Ave.


Congdon, Willis Rollin

36 1/2 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1889, (4271) 1896.


Conroy, Thomas Francis

77 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1896, (C-1165) 1919.


Cothran, William F.

(See Deceased Members.)


Cowden, Ambrose Franklin

Farmers' and Merchants Bank Bldg, Santa Cruz. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.,

1905, (924) 1905.


Dowling, Stanley W.

Staffler Bldg., Santa Cruz. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1912, (A-01675) 1913.


Eiskamp, Ehler H.

Lettunich Bldg., Watsonville. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1922, (A-03210)

1922, r. Watsonville.


Farmer, Jessie C.

Felton. Cal. Med. Coll., 1882, (421) 1888.


Fehliman, William Edward

75 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1906, (C-1448) 1919.


Gardner, John Melvin

318 Alta Bldg., 5 Walnut St., Santa Cruz. Hours: 9-5. Univ. of Nashville, Tenn.,

1909, (A-1298) 1912, r. 75 Morrisey Ave.


Gates, Morris J.

116 1/2 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Kentucky Sch. of Med. and Hosp., Ky.,

1894, (3854) 1894.


Gaynor, John Joseph

Crocker Hosp., Davenport Coll. of P. and S., Buffalo, N. Y., 1881, (3311) 1892.


Hatch, Willis Grant

10 Trust Bldg., Santa Cruz. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1897, (C-1953) 1921.


Hethcock, John C.

323 Lettunich Bldg., Watsonville. Nat. Univ. of Arts and Sciences, Mo., 1915,

(C-1709) 1920.


Koda, Kichiro

11 San Juan Rd., Watsonville. Hours: 10-12; 2-5. State Univ. of Iowa Sch. of

Med., 1920, (A-03044) 1921.


Koepke, Frederick H.

Porter Bldg., Watsonville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1903, (238) 1903.

Liles, Lester M.

Lettunich Bldg., Watsonville. Med. Dept. Western Reserve Univ., Ohio, 1898,

(C-492) 1915.


Marinovich, Peter B.

20-A Peck St., Watsonville. St. Louis Coll. of P. and S., Mo., 1923, (A-04086)

1925, r. 18 Alexander St.


Marshall, Oscar Chauncey

New Register Bldg., Watsonville. Hours: 9-12; 1:30-4:30 and 7-8. Stanford

Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1926, (A-04279) 1926, r. 315 3rd St.


Morgan, Francis Edward

93 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1881, (1319) 1881.


Musgrave, William Everett

(See Deceased Members.)


Nittler, Adolph N.

36 1/2 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Oakland Coll. of Med. and Surg., Cal.,

1909, (A-796) 1909.


Phillips, Alfred Liles

Farmers and Merchants Bank Bldg., Santa Cruz. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch.,

Cal., 1916, (A-02197) 1916.


Phillips, Percy Todd

Farmers and Merchants Bank Bldg., Santa Cruz. Med. Dept. Western Reserve

Univ., Ohio, 1889, (5172) 1899.


Phillips, William Alfred

Ben Lomond. Med. Dept. Western Reserve Univ., Ohio, 1888, (4609) 1897.


Piper, Harry E.

96 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1902, (81) 1902.


Randall, Samuel B.

Farmers and Merchants Bank Bldg., Santa Cruz. Hours: 2-4 and by appt.

Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1925, (A-04056) 1925.


Sullivan, Norman Ross

8 Staffler Bldg., 75 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Hours: 11-12; 2-5. Med. Dept. Univ.

of Ill., 1911, (A-03385) 1923, r. 58 Cleveland Ave.


Watters, Ethel M.

County Bank Bldg., Santa Cruz. Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., Md., 1913, (A-01922) 1914.



Watters, Henry G.

125 E. 3d St., Watsonville. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1911, (A-1265) 1911.



Woodard, Dean Sanford

320 E. Lake Ave., Watsonville. St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Med., Mo., 1914, (C-204) 1914.







pg. 204



Shasta County Medical Society



J. E. Taylor

513 1/2 Market St., Redding



C. A. Mueller



10 Members

12 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Third Saturday of January, April, July and October at the City

Hall Trustees Rooms, Redding, at 8 p. m.


Dozier, Earnest

Northern Cal. Natl. Bank Bldg., Redding. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-616) 1908.


Haake, Charles H. G.

Redding. Coll. of P. and S., Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1913, (A-01926) 1914.


Mueller, Carl Amandus

9 Theatre Bldg., 520 California St., Redding. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Missouri Med. Coll.,

1889, (4974) 1898, r. 919 Pine St.


Pratt, Matthew D.

Fall River Mills. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1900, (6315) 1901.

Reed, Clarence Ellsworth

Redding. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1883, (1678) 1884.


Saylor, Benjamin Franklin

Redding. Homeo. Med. Coll. of Missouri, 1897, (822) 1905.


Stabel, Ferdinand

507 Oregon St., Redding. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1896, (4513) 1896.



Taylor, James Edward

513 1/2 Market St., Redding. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1899, (5265) 1899.









Lavery, William Andrew

Beckwith Ave., Loyalton. Cal. Med. Coll., 1899, (739) 1899. (Member Placer County

Medical Society.)



Siskiyou County Medical Society



Harold A. Morse




Clyde G. Reynolds



16 Members

24 Licentiates


Meetings held at the call of the President or Secretary.


Ankele, Cordes Westerfeld

Dunsmuir. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1923, (A-03445) 1923.


Baron, Peter Paul

Dorris. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1918, (A-02988) 1921.


Bathurst, Edwin William

11 Main St., Etna Mills. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1877, (962) 1877.


Cornish, Edwin Joseph

Dunsmuir. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1902, (327) 1904. (Member of Shasta County Medical



Dickinson, Charles Chester

128 N. California St., McCloud. Med. Dept. Univ. of Ill., 1912, (A-1591) 1912.



Dozier, Dave Ford

Weed Hospital, Weed. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1926, (A-04234) 1926.



Haines, William Homer

Etna Mills. Coll. of P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa, 1898, (5050) 1898.

Heaney, Robert H.

309 Miner St., Yreka. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1917, (A-02417) 1917.


Morse, Harold Abner

Hilt. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1924, (A-03713) 1924, r. Hilt.


Nutting, Charles Wilber

Weed. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1912, (A-1523) 1912.


Pius, Charles

Wetzel Bldg., Yreka. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1906, (A-121) 1906.


Reynolds, Clyde G.

707 Oregon St., Yreka. Univ. of Neb., Coll. of Med., 1924, (A-03953) 1925.


Runckel, George Henry

McCloud. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-641) 1908.


Tebbe, William Edward

Weed. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1899, (5368) 1899.


Tucker, William Grant

Dunsmuir. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1893, (4028) 1895, r. 728 Florence St.







pg. 205



Solano County Medical Society



J. W. Green

327 Georgia St., Vallejo



Durward B. Park

341 Georgia St., Vallejo


16 Members

43 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Monthly at Y. W. C. A., Vallejo, California.


Brownlie, James William

327 Georgia St., Vallejo. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-755) 1909.


Crisp, Nazareth John

P. O. Box 343, Benicia. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1925, (A-03916) 1925.

(Member Sonoma County Medical Society.)


Dempsey, Robert B.

731 Sonoma Ave., Vallejo. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1903, (207) 1903..


Doran, Alexander Vincent

427 Sacramento St., Vallejo. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1906, (A-130) 1906.


Emery, Emily Hartman

Vallejo. Hahn. Hosp. Coll., Cal., 1897, (604) 1897.


Finan, Andrew Philip

Suisun. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1902, (678) 1904.


Floreth, Otto P.

Dixon. St. Louis Univ. Sch. Of Med., Mo., 1913, (C-52) 1914.


Fry, Philip Benjamin

642 1st St., Benicia. Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1902, (156) 1903.


Green, John W.

327 Georgia St., Vallejo. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1908, (C-2211) 1921.


Leachman, Ream S.

520 Marin St., Vallejo. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1912, (A-1500) 1912.

Leisenring, Luther M.

327 Georgia St., Vallejo. Omaha Med. Coll., Nebraska, 1901, (6478) 1901.


Longabaugh, Rudolph I.

327 Georgia St., Vallejo. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1903, (274) 1903, r.

912 York St.


Park, Durwald Belmont

341 Georgia St., Vallejo. Univ. of Neb. Coll. of Med., 1916, (C-3492) 1924.


Parsons, James Edward

P. O. Box 165, Dixon. Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1916, (C-956) 1917.

(Member Yolo-Colusa County Medical Society.)


Peterson, Edward A.

327 Georgia St., Vallejo. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1907, (A-314 or 107)



Reilly, Paul Heron

318 Georgia St., Vallejo. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1901, (6090) 1901.


Snoddy, Cary A.

520 Marin St., Vallejo. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1901, (A-02756)



Stansbury, Middleton P.

Vacaville. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1907, (A-388) 1907.


Stolle, Francis

P. O. Bldg., Dixon. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1913, (A-01821) 1913.







pg. 206-207



Sonoma County Medical Society



A. J. Lumsden




J. Leslie Spear

218 Rosenburg Bldg., Santa Rosa


39 Members

67 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Second Thursday of each month.

Place of meeting announced each month.

No meeting during July and August.


Anderson, Alexander Campbell

14 5th St., Petaluma. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1909, (A-01663) 1913.


Bixby, Wilfred Everett

Main St., Sebastopol. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1907, (A-354) 1907.


Bogle, Samuel Saffel

4 Elks' Bldg., 313 A St., Santa Rosa. Hours: 9-5. Med. Dept. Univ. of Tenn.,

1891, (3443) 1893, r. 905 McDonald Ave.


Bonar, Reuben M.

Exchange Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa. Ohio Med. Univ., Ohio, 1893, (123) 1903.


Bowles, Amasa Morse

313 Rosenberg Bldg., 300 Mendocino St., Santa Rosa. Hours: 9-12; 2:30-5;

7:30-8. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1925, (A-03977) 1925, r. 739 Mendocino Ave.


Burgess, George Waldo

Guerneville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1895, (4214) 1895.


Butler, Fred O.

Sonoma State Home, Eldridge. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., Ill., 1912,

(C-341) 1914.


Clark, James Wesley

835 2d St., Santa Rosa. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1893, (3635) 1894.


Covey, Herman Walter

Sonoma State Hosp., Eldridge. McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada, 1907, (C-2620)



Finnerty, Edward James

Sonoma. Univ. of Toronto. Med. Dept., Canada, 1911, (A-03777) 1924.


Fleissner, Cuthbert M.

218 Rosenberg Bldg., Santa Rosa. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1913,

(A-01769) 1913.


Francis, Loftus H.

Cotati. Cal. Med. Coll., 1897, (694) 1897.


Hamlin, Roscoe Earl

Rosenberg Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1907,

(A-516) 1911.


Herrick, Albert B. Jr.

Exchange Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa. Oakland Coll. of Med. and Surg., Cal.,

1913, (A-01842) 1914.


Johnstone, James C.

Sonoma State Home, Eldridge. Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1917, (C-2504)



Johnstone, Kristine B.

Sonoma. State Home., Eldridge. Loyola Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1917, (C-2505)



Juell, Nils Roth Heyerdahl

118 Pierce St., Santa Rosa. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1884, (C-288) 1914.



Lumsden, Arthur Gomez

204 Main St., Petaluma. Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1906, (A-738) 1909.



Mahan, David Joseph

Rosenberg Bldg., Santa Rosa. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1906, (A-105) 1906.

Matteo, Robert Louis

4 Dougherty Shea Bldg., 513 1/2 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. Hours: 11-12; 2-4.

Baylor Univ. Sch. of Med., Texas, 1920, (C-4003) 1926, r. 109 S. Davis St.


McGrath, Allen Kier

Sonoma. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1924, (A-03701) 1924. (Member Napa County

Medical Society.)


McLeod, James Harvey

Central Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa. Marion Sims Coll. of Med., Mo., 1896, (4895) 1898.


Meneray, Prince Albert

521 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa. Kentucky Sch. of Med., 1891, (3435) 1893.


Patterson, Gilbert Lansing

406 Rosenberg Bldg., Santa Rosa. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1922, (A-03244) 1922, r.



Peoples, Stuart Z.

159 Kentucky St., Petaluma. Univ. of Cal., 1904, (706) 1904.


Quarry, Paul Thomas

Elks' Bldg., 313 A St., Santa Rosa. Hours: 1:30-5. Univ. of Mich., 1923, (A-03591)

1924, r. 817 Monroe St.


Rogers, Henry Stanley

10 Herold Bldg., 159 Kentucky St., Petaluma. Hours: 10-12; 1-4. John A. Creighton

Med. Coll., Neb., 1915, (C-959) 1917, r. 930 I St.


Schmelz, Charles Joseph

Guerneville. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1895, (4110) 1895.


Seawell, James Walter

117 North St., Healdsburg. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1901, (6186) 1901.


Shaw, Joseph Hughes

(See Deceased Members.)


Shipley, William C.

206 Rosenberg Bldg., Santa Rosa. Cal. Med. Coll., 1900, (785) 1900.


Sohler, Frank E.

109 1/2 West St., Healdsburg. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1906, (A-124) 1906.


Spear, John Leslie

218 Rosenberg Bldg., Santa Rosa. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., 1918, (A-02684)

1919, r. 749 Slater St.


Swisher, James Riley

1 Swisher and Coffman Bldg., 309 1/2 West St., Healdsburg. Hours: 10-12; 2-4.

Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1877, (960) 1877, r. 640 Johnson St.


pg. 207


Thomson, Allen M.

Elks' Bldg., 313 A St., Santa Rosa. Hours: 2-6. Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas

City, Mo., 1898, (5970) 1901, r. 1409 4th St.


Thurlow, Alfred A.

505 B St., Santa Rosa. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1909, (C-1459) 1920.


Trachman, Henry J.

Exchange Bank Bldg., Santa Rosa. Baltimore Univ. Sch. of Med., Md.,

1900, (5912) 1901.


Yates, Elizabeth M.

613 Cherry St., Santa Rosa. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1887, (2313) 1888.





Pg. 207-208



Stanislaus County Medical Society



Eugene V. Falk

1115 Eye St., Modesto



James W. Morgan

848 Tenth St., Modesto


42 Members

51 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Second Friday of each month, with dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting place: Hotel Hughson, Modesto.

No meetings held during July and August.


Allen, Ernest Green

Patterson. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1923, (A-03444) 1923.


Armistead, Howell V.

33 S. O St., Newman. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1885, (1817) 1885.


Bemis, Orion Irving

Riverbank. Bowdoin Med. Sch., Me., 1896, (C-316) 1914.


Byington, Preston Chinnock

27 Modesto Bank Bldg., 1004 Eye St., Modesto. Coll. of Med. Evang.,

Cal., 1924, (A-03632) 1924, r. 914 6th St.


Clark, J. Emmet

918 1/2 I St., Modesto. Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1901, (6409) 1901.


Collins, James Love

First National Bank Bldg., Turlock. St. Louis Coll. of P. and S., Mo., 1909,

(C-1205) 1919.


Cooper, John Alfred

322 Beaty Bldg., 1024 J St., Modesto. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Stanford Univ.

Med. Sch., Cal., 1920, (A-02833) 1920, r. 920 11th St.


DeLappe, Fred Russell

218 Beaty Bldg., 1024 J St., Modesto. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1897,

(4811) 1898.


Falk, Eugene V.

Beaty Bldg., 1024 J St., Modesto. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-548)



Field, A. Marion

N. 3d Ave. and J, Patterson. Cal. Med. Coll., 1896, (670) 1896.


Finney, Clara Eugenia

1115 I St., Modesto. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal.,

1920, (A-02838) 1920.


Hagedorn, Edwin F.

Box 834, Modesto. Albany Med. Coll., N. Y., 1908, (C-2098) 1921.


Hennemuth, John L.

Box 415, Modesto. Med. Dept. Univ. of Minn., 1890, (3091) 1891.


Hiatt, R. Stewart

Ceres. State Univ. of Iowa Coll. of Med., 1920, (C-2196) 1921.


Hosmer, James Eldred

919 1/2 10th St., Modesto. Univ. of Mich., 1892, (A-1308) 1912.


Julien, Albert E.

115 N. Broadway, Turlock. Med. Dept. Univ. of Minn., 1910, (C-583)



Maxwell, Ralph Earl

Evans Bldg., 813 1/2 10th St., Modesto. Hours: 2-4:30. Med. Dept.

Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1917, (A-02480) 1917; r. 1715 Jones St.


McKibbon, Fred W.

First Natl. Bank Bldg., Oakdale. Med. Dept. Univ. of Vermont, 1900,

(A-709) 1909.

McPheeters, Earl Roby

133 Popular St., Modesto. Kentucky Sch. of Med., 1905, (C-218)



Meyer, Henry Edward

First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Turlock. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill.,

1903, (C-3392) 1924.


Morgan, James W.

848 10th St., Modesto. Hours: 10-12; 7-8. Medico-Chirur. Coll. of Pa.,

1914, (A-02073) 1916.


Morris, John Knox

1008 I St., Modesto. Hosp. Coll. of Med., Ky., 1891; Jefferson Med.

Coll., 1894, (4448) 1896.


Mottram, Lloyd Daniel

1 Austin Bldg., 1007 10th St., Modesto. Hours: 9-12; 1-5 except Sunday.

Baltimore Med. Coll., Md., 1908, (C-1232) 1919, r. 317 Hackberry Ave.


Pearson, Charles E.

421 E. Olive St., Turlock. Kentucky Sch. of Med., 1898, (C-986) 1918.


Petr, Francis

Berg Block, Turlock. Coll. of Med., Univ. of Neb., 1904, (C-109) 1914.


Porter, James Arthur

209 Beaty Bldg., 1024 J St., Modesto. Hours: 9-12; 2-5. Northwestern

Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1912, (C-3888) 1926, r. 107 Elmwood Ave.


Ransom, Jack Kennedy

627 Murry-Jones Bldg., 929 10th St., Modesto. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Cooper

Med. Coll., Cal., 1910, (A-991) 1910, r. 305 Magnolia Ave.


Reamer, Elwin Frank

1027 I St., Modesto. Hours: 9-12; 1:30-4:30. Northwestern Univ. Med.

Sch., Ill., 1894, (C-503) 1915.


pg. 208


Robertson, Jackson Comer

1003 12th St., Modesto. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1898, (4934)



Smith, Hugh Emory

305 Poplar St., Modesto. Univ. of Ill., 1901, (C-1355) 1919.


Smith, Walter A.

17 L. C. Black Bldg., 1115 Eye St., Modesto. Hours: 2-5. Keokuk Med.

Coll., Iowa, 1908, (1682) 1920, r. Empire.



Surryhne, Benjamin F.

Box 501, Modesto. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1890, (3032) 1891.



Yocom, Frank W.

Newman. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1922, (A-03269) 1922.



Young, J. Audley

Oakdale. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1904, (672) 1904.








Yuba-Sutter County Medical Society



John Duncan




F. B. Lawton



See Yuba County Members

10 Licentiates


McMullin, Smith

435 2d St., Yuba City. Kansas Med. Coll., 1900, (6494) 1901. (Member

Sacramento Society for Medical Improvement.)



Tehama County Medical Society



Fred H. Bly

Red Bluff



Frank L. Doane

405 Walnut St., Red Bluff


Bailey, Frank James

736 Main St., Red Bluff. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1899, (5316) 1899.


Beck, Homer Henry

1110 Solano St., Corning. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1910, (C-1416) 1919.


Belyea, John Henry

Los Molinos. Coll. of P. and S., St. Louis, Mo., 1889, (5919) 1901.


Bly, Fred H.

Red Bluff. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1911, (A-1277) 1911.


Burney, Robert H.

1315 Solano St., Corning. Hours: 9-12; 1:30-5. Univ. Med. Coll., Mo., 1901,

(C-2355) 1922; r. 440 4th St.


Chapman, Lillie E.

677 San Mateo Ave., Gerber. Med. Dept. Lincoln Memorial Univ., Tenn.,

1912, (C-1823) 1920.

Doane, Frank Lewis

405 Walnut St., Red Bluff. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1903, (225) 1903.


Frey, Russel G.

405 Walnut St., Red Bluff. Hours: 8-5. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1925,

(A-03997) 1925, r. Hotel Fremont. (Member Yolo-Colusa County Medical




Owens, Joseph Allen, Jr.

410 Walnut St., Red Bluff. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1916, (A-02194) 1916.



Thompson, Ernest E.

407 Walnut St., Red Bluff. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1900, (5661) 1900.



Zimmerman, Harris H.

627 Main St., Red Bluff. Med. Coll. of Ind., 1902, (120) 1902.









Fields, David Blackstone

Main St., Weaverville. Med. Dept. Tulare Univ., La., 1893, (5207) 1899.

(Member Shasta County Medical Society.)


pg. 209



Tulare County Medical Society



I. H. Betts




H. G. Campbell



43 Members

59 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Last Sunday in each month.

Meeting place: Motley's Cafe, Visalia, at 6:30 p. m.

No meetings held during June, July and August.


Banks, J. Harvey

Visalia. Keokuk Med. Coll., Iowa, 1892, (A-1654) 1920.


Beck, John Edwin

Gill Bldg., Tulare. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1905, (A-35) 1906.


Betts, Irvin H.

First National Bank Bldg., Visalia. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1915,

(A-02064) 1916.


Bond, Annie Laurie

133 S. Mirage Ave., Lindsay. Cal. Med. Coll., S. F., Cal., 1897, (680)



Bowen, William Porter

Box 487, Lindsay. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1915, (A-02125)



Brigham, Edgar

Dinuba. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1917, (A-02326) 1917.


Campbell, Horace Graham

117 W. Honolulu St., Lindsay. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1921,

(C-2969) 1923.


Fox, Harry W.

Young Bldg., Tulare. Jenner Med. Coll., Ill., 1901, (A-01975) 1915.


Fraser, Morton William

Woodlake. Hahn. Med. Coll., Cal., 1914, (A-01956) 1915.


Fuller, Roy Newton

119 S. H St., Tulare. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-571) 1908.


Furness, Gilbert Bird

120 N. Church St., Visalia. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1896, (C-182)

1914, r. 120 N. Church St.


Gilbert, Bernard Horace

Porterville. Univ. of Vt., Burlingame, 1913, (A-2844) 1923.


Ginsburg, Samuel S.

Bank of Italy Bldg., Visalia. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of

So. Cal., 1913, (A-01774) 1913.


Groesbeck, Mildred J.

Box 741, Porterville. Univ. of Mich. Med. Sch., 1921, (A-03381) 1923.


Hicks, John R.

1 Young Bldg., Tulare. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Sundays by Appt. Central Coll.

of P. and S., Ind., 1897, (C-141) 1914, r. 147 S. K St.


Kohn, Frank

Visalia. Univ. of Neb., Coll. of Med., 1923, (C-4041) 1926.


Lipson, Isadore Max

Merryman Bldg., Visalia. Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg., Ill., 1914,

(C-472) 1915.


Loper, Asbury Nelson

(See Affiliate Members.)


McClure, James Clifton

Moore Bldg., Lindsay. Univ. of Mich., 1922, (A-03371) 1923.


McSwain, Thomas Omar

101 W. Main St., Visalia. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1899, (5251) 1899.



Melvin, J. Tracy

Box 483, Porterville. Gross Med. Coll., Colo., 1891, (A-505) 1908.

Miller, Austin V.

Box 306, Porterville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1899, (5329) 1899.


Miller, Newton

Box 425, Porterville. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1924, (A-04288) 1926.


Nice, Downing D.

The Nice Ranch, Three Rivers. Coll. of P. and S., Keokuk, Iowa, 1890,

(A-256 or A-429) 1907.


Nicholson, James W.

Box 262, Porterville. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1913, (A-01804)



Paine, John Colwell

Mixter Bldg., Exeter. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1909, (A-1005) 1910.


Preston, Addison W.

First National Bank Bldg., Visalia. Univ. of Vt. Coll. of Med., 1907,

(A-690) 1909.


Rogers, Sherman

Tulare. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1917, (A-02370)



Rosson, Ray Wright

Burnett-Rosenthal Bldg., Tulare. Hours: 10-12; 2-5. Coll. of P. and S.,

Med. Dept. Univ. So. Cal., 1914, (A-01863) 1914; r. 124 S. D St.


Scarboro, Edwin R.

Lindsay. Univ. of Mich., 1917, (C-1364) 1919. (Member Fresno County

Medical Society.)


Seiberth, Jacob

Pixley. Med. Coll. of Indiana, 1904, (C-3752) 1925.


Seligman, Lewis L.

Dinuba. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1917, (A-02450) 1917.


Tillotson, Clarence A.

(See Deceased Members.)


Todd, Harlen Arthur

104 W. Main St., Visalia. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1914, (A-01921)



Tourtillott, Walter W.

Box 865, Porterville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1905, (785) 1905.


Walters, Paul Radcliffe

L St., Dinuba. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1908, (A-01724) 1913.


Weddle, Charles

1 Strand Theater Bldg., 188 N. L St., Dinuba. Hours: 10-12; 2-5.

Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1904, (404) 1904; r. 146 N. H St.


White, Carlos Moulton

508 Bank of Italy Bldg., Church and Main Sts., Visalia. Hours: 9-5. Rush

Med. Coll., Ill., 1901, (6556) 1901; r. Hotel Johnson.


Willey, Harry J.

516A Main St., Porterville. Univ. Med. Coll., Mo., 1904, (C-436) 1915.


Pg. 210


Zeller, Ward Clifton

Holt Block, Visalia. Hours: 9-12; 2-5. Ohio Med. Univ., 1897, (C-1715)



Zumwalt, Elmo Russell

Tulare. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1917, (A-02464) 1917.








Tuolumne County Medical Society



George C. Wrigley




William L. Hood



6 Members

11 Licentiates


No regular meetings. Meetings had at call of the President.


Hood, William Lyman

222 Washington St., Sonora. Hahn. Hosp. Coll., Cal., 1897; Coll. of P.

and S., San Francisco, 1902, (601) 1897.


Jensen, Jens Peter

Box 42, Sonora. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1922, (A-03223) 1922.


Rose, Homer De Witt

Sonora. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1914, (A-01862)


Sweeney, John Paul

Tuolumne. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., 1924, (A-03749) 1924.


Wrigley, George C.

Sonora. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1909, (A-912) 1911.








Ventura County Medical Society



Julio Bianchi

429 Main Street, Ventua



Carl E. Schultz

125 W. Main Street, Santa Paula


19 Members

40 Licentiates


Meetings usually held second Tuesday of each month at Ventura.

No meetings held during June, July and August.


Achenbach, Louis William

1014 Main St., Ventura. Hours: 11-12; 2-5. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch.,

1925, (A-03970) 1925, r. 517 First St.


Bardill, John Warren

Ventura. Los Angeles Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1911, (A-1580) 1912.


Bell, Mabel T.

Box J, Ventura. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1920, (A-02900) 1920.


Bianchi, Julio

429 Main St., Ventura. Guatemala Natl. Univ., 1904, (A-03396) 1923.


Blaisdell, Frank Ellsworth, Jr.

101 Wilson Court, Santa Paula. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1922,

(A-03196) 1922.


Broughton, George Anthony

923 Main St., Ventura. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1896, (4490) 1896.


Clark, D. Grant

128 N. 10th St., Santa Paula. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1924, (A-03824) 1925.

(Member Santa Barbara County Medical Society.)


Clark, Wilfred Sterling

422 California St., Ventura. Hours: 1-4. Howard Univ. Med. Sch., Mass.,

1924, (A-03907) 1925; r. 1416 Santa Clara St.


Coffey, Grundy C.

First National Bank Bldg., Ventura. Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo.,

1901, (C-3095) 1923.


Homer, Ralph William

429 California St., Ventura. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1911, (A-1307) 1911,

r. Barnard Way.



Jones, Harrison W.

First National Bank Bldg., Ventura. Hours: 10-12; 2-4. Univ. of Mich., 1904,

(A-1397) 1912. (Member Stanislaus County Medical Society.)

Lewis, Will J.

1030 Main St., Ventura. Los Angeles Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1907, (A-494)



Livingston, W. R.

426 B St., Oxnard. Coll. of P. and S., Ill., 1893, (5347) 1899.


Manning, Will R.

Central Ave., Fillmore. Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1902, (A-592) 1908.


Merrill, Benjamin

(See Deceased Members.)


Osborn, Harold Blackman

Santa Clara and A Sts., Fillmore. Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 1911, (A-1524) 1912.


Rey, Hermon Frederic

426 B St., Oxnard. Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 1921, (A-03156) 1922.


Saeger, Benjamin L.

Ojai. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1878, (2786) 1889.


Schultz, Carl Edward

819 W. Main St., Santa Paula. Hours: 10-12; 2-5 and 7-8, except Fri. and

Sun.; 7-9 Sat. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1921, (A-03067) 1921, r. 834

McKevitt Rd.


Tillim, Sidney Joseph

534 Ventura Ave., Ventura. Indiana Univ. Sch. Of Med., 1925, (A-04126)



Walton, Olive Pearl

Ventura. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1920, (A-02895) 1920.


Whitlow, Joseph E.

14 E. Santa Clara Ave., Fillmore. Loyola Univ. Sch. Of Med., Ill., 1923,

(A-03442) 1923.


Yoakam, Frank A.

Moorpark. National Med. Univ., Ill., 1902, (C-1972) 1921.







pg. 211



Yolo-Colusa County Medical Society



C. A. Poage

Pirkey Bldg., Colusa



John D. Lawson

Woodland Clinic


27 Members

29 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Second Tuesday of September, December, March and June

at 8 p. m. at Woodland Clinic, Woodland.


Bates, Walter Ernest

719 2d St., Davis. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1881, (1608) 1884.


Bell, Leo Pecci

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. Harvard Univ. Med. Sch., Mass.,

1915, (C-2243) 1921.


Blevins, William J.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. Barnes Med. Coll., Mo., 1898,

(4920) 1898.


Cooper, Thomas Egner

Davis. St. Louis Univ., Mo., 1914, (C-3005) 1923.


Crain, Alvin Nelson

533 Walnut St., Woodland. Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1913, (C-2121) 1921.


Fairchild, Chester H.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1902 (?),

(A-163) 1906.



Fairchild, Fred R.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1902,

(A-28) 1902.



Harbinson, James Edward

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 2-5. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1922,

(A-03219) 1922.



King, Herbert Riley

Winters. Med. Dept. Univ. of Kansas, 1906, (C-37) 1914.

Larson, E. Eric

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1920, (A-03802)



Lawhead, Hiram Davis

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1883,

(1485) 1883.


Lawson, John D.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Hours: 8-5. St. Louis Univ. Sch. of Med.,

Mo., 1920, (A-02859) 1920.


Looser, Reinhard V.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1923, (A-04514)

1927, r. 820 3d St.


McManus, Frank Paul

P. O. Box 73, Esparto. Washington Univ., Mo., 1911, (C-249) 1914.


Newton, Frances Louise

Weider Bldg., 530 1/2 Main St., Woodland. Hours: 1-4. Woman's Med. Coll.

of Pa., 1895, (4083) 1895.


Pulford, D. Schuyler

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. Dept., Md., 1917,

(C-3889) 1926.


Wagner, Vincent E.

Woodland Clinic, Woodland. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1927, (A-04559)



Ward, Moses Wylie

227 Porter Bldg., 511 Main St., Woodland. Hours: 1-5 and by appt. Cooper

Med. Coll., Cal., 1893, (3678) 1894; r. 436 Elm St.








Yuba-Sutter County Medical Society



John A. Duncan

316 D St., Marysville



F. B. Lawton



11 Members

26 Licentiates


Delamere, Granville Sinclair

316 D St., Marysville. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1921, (A-03005) 1921.


Didier, Fred W.

Wheatland. Columbian Univ., Washington, D. C., 1904, (C-2486) 1922.


Duncan, John A.

316 D St., Marysville. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1918, (A-02561) 1918.



Gray, Allen Earl

I. O. O. F. Bldg., Marysville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1911, (A-1201) 1911.



Gray, Everett Edwin

420 D St., Marysville. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1911, (A-1200) 1911.

Hoffman, Philip

404 D St., Marysville. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1917,

(A-02419) 1917.


Lawton, Floyd Birdsell

Marysville. Univ. of Oregon Med. Sch., 1916, (2350) 1922.


Miller, Albert Leonard

702 Hart Bldg., 423 4th St., Marysville. Hours: 10-12; 2-5. Rush Med.

Coll., Ill., 1896, (347) 1904, r. 527 G St.


Peery, Trusten Polk

312A D St., Marysville. Hours: 2-6. Mo. Med. Coll., 1884, (2608) 1889.


Stratton, George W.

406 3d St., Marysville. Mo. Med. Coll., 1888, (2392) 1888.







pg. 212




Alexander, Charles B.

American Security Co., Vancouver, Wash., Barnes Med. Coll., Mo., 1907,

(C-270) 1914. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)


Bogen, Emil

Cincinnati General Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. Coll. of Med., Univ. of Cincinnati

Ohio, 1923, (A-03517) 1923. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)


Carter, William Elmer

4 Alleé de la Robertson, Strasbourg, Bas Rhin, France. Coll. of P. and S.,

Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1908, (A-559) 1908. (Member Los Angeles

County Medical Association.)


Caskey, Charles Rice

New York. Univ. of Tex., 1919, (C-2417) 1922. (Member Humboldt

County Medical Society.)


Chambers, Wilford E.

U. S. Veterans' Hosp., No. 99, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Coll. of P. and S.,

Cal., 1906, (A-272) 1907. (Member Alameda County Medical Society.)


Close, Katherine Margaret

819 4th St., S. W., Rochester, Minn. Coll. of P. and S. Med. Dept. Univ.

of So. Cal., 1914, (A-01893) 1914. (Member Los Angeles County

Medical Association.)


Eastland, Orin

Lock Box 55, Trinity Station, New York City. Mo. Med. Coll., 1882,

(6044) 1901. (Member San Francisco County Medical Society.)


Edmonds, William Frank

Greenwood Blk., 85th and Greenwood Ave., Seattle, Wash. Med. Dept.

Univ. of Iowa, 1904, (C-359) 1914. (Member Tulare County Medical



Fanning, John L.

3212 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coll. of P. and S., San Francisco, Cal.,

1918, (A-02564) 1918. (Member Placer County Medical Society.)


Fordyce, Addison

c/o Dr. Homer F. Swift, Rockefeller Inst. Medical Research, 66th St. and

Ave. A., New York City. Columbia Univ. Coll. of P. and S., N. Y., 1924,

(C-3771) 1925. (Member San Francisco County Medical Society.)


Gardner, George Albert

Hotel Plaza, Oak Park, Ill. Med. Dept. Univ. of Ill., 1903, (C-1007)

1918. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)


Giannini, A. H.

East River National Bank, New York City. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.,

1896, (4468) 1896. (Member San Francisco County Medical Society.)


Glaser, Mark Albert

Samson Apts., 132 S. 39th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Cal. Med.

Sch., 1923, (A-03470) 1923. (Member San Francisco County

Medical Society.)


Hamilton, Gilbert Van Tassell

Room 1402, 119 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa.,

1901, (A-806) 1909. (Member Santa Barbara County Medical Society.)


Hara, Hatsuji James

80 Peterborough St., Boston, Mass. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1918,

(A-02574) 1918. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)

Hara, Margaret Farr

80 Peterborough St., Boston, Mass. Hahn. Med. Coll., Ill., 1914, (C-803)

1917. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)


Hare, Robert Ammiel

Sanitarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, Ill. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1925,

(A-03920) 1925. (Member Santa Barbara County Medical Society.)


Hogan, James Joseph

Hotel Roosevelt, Washington, D. C. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1892,

(3389) 1892. (Member San Francisco Medical Society.)


Hopkins, William E.

515 Park Ave., New York City, N. Y. Med. Dept. Univ. of Va., 1879,

(3219) 1892. (Member San Francisco County Medical Society.)


Isaac, Arnold G.

Goessel, Kansas. Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, Ill., 1922, (A-03368) 1923.

(Member Santa Barbara County Medical Society.)


Mitchell, W. Leland

c/o International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, 22 Rue

d' Elysee (VIII). Paris, France. Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1918,

(A-03554) 1923. (Member Orange County Medical Society.)


Parsons, Edmond William

41 Boulevard Houseman, Paris, France. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1905,

(A-53) 1916. (Member San Francisco Medical Society.)


Rue, George Henry

Kennewick, Washington. Coll. of Med. Evang., Cal., 1924, (A-03735)

1924. (Member Napa County Medical Society.)


Shawhan, R. C.

U. S. Veterans Hospital No. 77, Portland, Oregon. (See Honorary



Snow, William F.

640 Riverside Dr., New York City, N. Y. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1900,

(5658) 1900. (Member Santa Clara County Society.)


Soper, Alexander Coburn

Care Lewis C. Ecker, 1725 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Rush Med.

Coll., Ill., 1901, (C-1309) 1919. (Member Santa Barbara County

Medical Society.)


Taussig, Edward

81 Via della Croce, Rome, Italy. Royal Univ., Italy, 1905, (A-290)

1907. (Member San Francisco County Medical Society.)


Vandevere, W. E.

218 Mills Bldg., El Paso, Texas. Univ. of Colo., 1917, (C-4089) 1926.

(Member Santa Barbara County Medical Society.)


pg. 213


Waller, George P., Jr.

Care Nevada Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev. Coll. of P. and S., Baltimore, Md., 1910,

(A-1358) 1911. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)



Zarraga, Fernando

6A Puebla No. 124, Mexico, D. F. Natl. Med. Sch., City of Mexico, (A-02236)

1916. (Member Los Angeles County Medical Association.)









Baker, Charlotte Johnson

896 Roscrans Blvd., Point Loma. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1881, (2288) 1888.


Baker, Fred

896 Roscrans Blvd., Point Loma. Univ. of Mich., 1880, (2287) 1888.



Bell, George

1225 42nd St., Sacramento. Toronto Univ. Med. Fac., Canada, 1888, (C-1034)




Davis, Brett

240 Bella Vista Ave., Los Gatos. Kansas Univ. Med. Sch., 1909, (A-890) 1909.



Doig, Robert L.

12 Sefton Bldg., 432 C St., San Diego. Coll. of P. and S., Iowa, 1880, (3708) 1894.



Gatchell, Willis L.

133 Broadway, Chico. Maine Med. Sch., 1882, (5791) 1900.

Loper, Asbury Nelson

Dinuba. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1890, (2) 1901.


Magee, Thomas L.

1830 L St., San Diego. Med. Dept. Univ. of Nashville, Tenn., 1863, (1540)



Nichols, William Van D.

Oceanside. Med. Dept. Univ. of Pa., 1885, (3296) 1892.


Parker, P. James

1919 4th St., San Diego. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1871, (1933) 1886.


Simmons, Gustavus C.

Box 142, Inverness. Med. Dept., Harvard Univ., Mass., 1885, (1887) 1886.


Six, Clarence Logan

Box 352, Santa Barbara. Starling Med. Coll., Ohio, 1901, (6660) 1901.


Wheeler, Joseph S.

1921 N. El Dorado St., Stockton. Cong. Bds. Phys. and Surg., Scotland, 1891,

(3813) 1894.









Buckley, Emma

2111 Hyde St., San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1902, (___) 1922.


Cummins, William Taylor

S. P. Hospital, San Francisco. Univ. Pa. Sch. of Med., 1902.


Edie, Guy L.

2932 Jackson St., San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Va., 1879, (6137) 1901.



Mattison, James A.

Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles County. Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch., Ann

Arbor, 1900.

Mosher, Clelia D.

P. O. Box 125, Stanford University. Med. Dept., Johns Hopkins Univ., Md.,

1900, (5677) 1900.


Rusk, Glanville Y.

Univ. of Cal. Hosp., San Francisco. Johns Hopkins Univ. Med. Dept., Md., 1900.


Washburn, Alfred Hamlin

University of California Hospital, San Francisco. Med. Sch. Harvard Univ.,

Boston, 1921.


Wright, La Verne

2502 Fillmore St., San Francisco. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich., 1901, (803) 1905.








Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Directory of the California Medical Association.  Published by the California Medical Association 1928.  San Francisco, California.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.





California Statewide