Pgs 146-149




Allen, John

Raymond. Georgetown Univ. Sch. Of Med., D. C., 1908, (C-273) 1914.

(Member Fresno County Medical Society.)


Butin, Mary Ryerson

209 N. B St., Madera. Women's 1891. (Member Fresno County

Medical Society.)


Dearborn, Ray R.

Madera. Coll. of Med. Univ. of Vt., 1911, (A-01758) 1913.

(Member Fresno County Medical Society.)


Hawkins, George Giles

209 Ransom Manasse Bldg., 133 E. Yosemite Ave., Madera. Hours: 10:30-

12 and 2-5. Med. Dept. Washington Univ., Mo., 1905, (A-191) 1906, r.

404 N. D St. (Member San Joaquin County Society.)


Quimby, Smith A.

Madera. Univ. of Vermont, 1915, (C-2190) 1920. (Member Fresno County

Medical Society.)


Ransom, Dow Harvey

107 S. D St., Madera. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1907, (A-387 or 86) 1907.

(Member Fresno County Medical Society.)


Seward, Lee S.

(See Deceased Members.)


Teliford, Percy K.

Ahwahnee Sanitarium, Ahwahnee. Ind. Univ. Sch. Of Med., 1911, (C-728)

1916. (Member Tuolumne County Medical Society.)


Wisner, Francis P.

First Natl. Bank Bldg., Robertson Blvd., Chowchilla. Hours: 9-12, 2-5.

Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1923, (A-03513) 1923, r. Hotel Chowchilla.

(Member Fresno County Medical Society.)


pg. 147



Marin County Medical Society.



Carl F. Larson

866 Water St., Sausalito



William F. Jones

591 4th St., San Rafael


20 Members

29 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Fourth Thursday of each month.


Cannon, Frank Mullen

Point Reyes Station. Chicago Coll. of Med. And Surg., 1917, (C-3515) 1924.


Clark, Carl W

Belvedere. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1915, (C-2885) 1923.


De Lancey, Chester Arthur

San Anselmo. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1920, (A-02922) 1920.


Dudley, Hubert W.

231 Bay View St., San Rafael. Central Coll. of P. and S., Ind., 1899, (5616) 1900.


Dufficy, Rafael G.

9 Masonic Bldg., 4th St., San Rafael. Hours: 2-4. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal.,

(A-1188) 1911, r. 603 Irwin St.


Edgar, Malcolm Shepherd

6 Marin Masonic Bldg., San Rafael. Hours: 2-4. Univ. of Pa. Sch. Of Med.,

1922, (A-03994) 1925, r. Ross.


Harris, Mary Wiggin

Ross. Univ. of Colo. Sch. Of Med., 1911, (C-587) 1916. (Member Butte County

Medical Society.)


Howitt, Harry O.

311 Lincoln Ave., San Rafael. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1887, (2520) 1888.


Hund, Harry Otto

Cheda Bldg., San Rafael. Medico-Chirur. Coll., Pa., 1911, (A-1209) 1911.


Jones, Ottiwell W.

San Anselmo. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1889, (2858) 1890.


Jones, William Farrington

591 4th St., San Rafael. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1885, (1808) 1885.


Kuser, John Henry

591 4th St., San Rafael. Med. Dept. Univ. of Munich, Bavaria, 1885, (4137)



Landrock, George Marius

Mill Valley. Univ. of Minn. Med. Sch., 1921, (A-03150) 1922.


Larson, Carl Frederick

866 Water St., Sausalito. Hours: 2-4. Univ. of Ore. Med. Sch., 1914,

(A-01908) 1914, r. Atwood Ave.


Marston, Charles Benjamin

416 E St., San Rafael. Hahn. Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-626) 1908.


Marston, Homer Eugene

San Quentin. Stanford Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1924, (A-03706) 1924, r. San



Mays, Arthur Hugh

1039 Water St., Sausalito. Med Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1887, (2629) 1889.


Perry, Charna G.

Town Hall Bldg., 1039 Water St., Sausalito. Hours: 9-10 and 2-4. Tufts Coll.,

Med. Sch., Mass., 1920, (A-03471) 1923, r. 309 North St.


Simmons, Gustavus Crocker

Inverness. (See Affiliate Members.)


Stanley, Leo Leonidas

618 5th Ave., San Rafael. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1912, (A-1553) 1913,

r. State Prison, San Quentin.


Willcutt, George Hayes

3 Masonic Bldg., 4th and Lootens Sts., San Rafael. Hours: 2-4 by appt.

Cooper Med. Coll. Cal., 1912, (A-1653) 1912, r. Ross.




Hunt, Guy A.

Yosemite National Park, Yosemite. Rush Med. Coll., Ill., 1923, (A-03536)

1923. (Member Sonoma County Medical Society.)


pg. 148



Mendocino County Medical Society



Homer H. Wolfe




Paul J. Bowman

Fort Bragg


17 Members

26 Licentiates


Society meets twice a year – one meeting held in Ukiah in July, and one meeting

at Fort Bragg in December.


Babcock, Raymond Arthur

3 Willits Mercantile Bldg., Willits. Hours: 2-4 and 7-8. Hahn. Med Coll. of

the Pac., Cal., 1912, (A-01666) 1913, r. Humboldt and Mendocino Sts.


Bennett, Edward Calvin

Willits Mercantile Co. Bldg., Willits. Coll. of P. and S., Baltimore, Md., 1912

(C-974) 1918.


Bowman, Paul J.

Brandon Way, Ft. Bragg. Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., Md., 1919, (A-02787)



Kiser, Avonia Eads

Mendocino State Hospital, Talmage. Med. Dept. Univ. of Louisville, Ky.,

1915, (C-3701) 1925.


Knorr, Lawrence R.

Mendocino. West Pa. Med. Coll., 1901, (C-1254) 1919.


Le Baron, Robert Owen

Talmage. Univ. of Mich., 1902, (C-2555) 1922.


Penzotti, Richard Benjamin

Rockport. Hours: 2-5, 7-8. Univ. of Mich. Homeo. Med. Sch., 1921, (C-3850)



Rea, Samuel Leroy

209 W. Standley St., Ukiah. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1896, (4510) 1896.


Scudder, Royal

Fort Bragg. Natl. Med. Coll., Ill., 1909, (C-1541) 1920.


Sherwood, Oscar William

Westport. Coll. of P. and S., Ill., 1885, (2611) 1889.


Smith, Donald Raymond

Mendocino State Hosp., Talmage. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1899, (____)



Sweet, Carol Lincoln

Elk. Univ. of N. Y. Med. Coll., 1882, (C-96) 1914.

Van Allen, Lew Knapp

287 N. Oak St., Ukiah. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1909, (A-763) 1909.


Wolfe, Homer Holsinger

Fort Bragg. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1909, (A-809) 1909.




Merced County Medical Society



Fred O. Lien

Shaffer Bldg., Merced



H. Kylberg

O. and G. Bldg., Merced


18 Members

25 Licentiates


Regular meetings: Second Thursday of each month.

Place of meeting: Banquet room of Hotel El Capital, Merced, beginning with

banquet at 6:30 p.m.

No Meetings during June, July and August.


Bush, Benjamin H.

Los Banos. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1911, (A-1173) 1911.


Cotton, William Clement

Box 26, Atwater. Chicago Coll. of Med. And Surg., Ill., 1911, (C-1403) 1919.


Fitzgibbon, Clarence C.

Merced Falls. Oakland Coll. of Med. And Surg., Cal., 1912, (A-1599) 1912.


Fountain, Edwin R.

538 Main St., Merced. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Ill., 1911, (C-281) 1914.


Gustafson, Axel W.

Gustine. Coll. of P. and S. Med. Dept. Univ. So. Cal., 1922, (A-03337) 1922.


Hughes, Robert Elwyn

Miller & Lux Bldg., Gustine. Hours: 10-12, 2-5, 7-8 and by appt. Stanford

Univ. Med. Sch., Cal., 1925, (A-04016) 1925. (Member Stanislaus County

Medical Society.)


Kahl, Charles Wesley

1019 O St., Merced. Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1899, (5244) 1899.


Kylberg, Hjalmar

O. & G. Bldg., Merced. Cal. Med. Coll., 1893, (534) 1893.


Lien, Fred O.

Schaffer Bldg., Merced. Univ. of Ill., Coll. of Med., 1914, (C-377) 1914.


Lilley, Walter E.

Shaffer Bldg., Merced. Baltimore Med. Coll., Md., 1898, (5060) 1898.


Moretti, Raffaele

P. O. Box 212, Los Banos. Med. Dept. Univ. of Florence, Italy, 1904,

(A-1627) 1912.


Moyle, Chester A.

6 Bank of Italy Bldg., 17th and L Sts., Merced. Hours: 1-5. Univ. of Cal.

Med. Sch., 1926, (A-04290) 1926, r. 821 L St.


Mudd, Jay Leroy

Schaffer Bldg., Merced. Univ. Med. Coll., Mo., 1908, (A-534) 1908.


Parker, Ashley S.

Merced. Med. Dept. Tulane Univ., La., 1893, (3513) 1893.


Trick, Treva R.

Dos Palos. Coll. of P. and S., Cal., 1921, (A-03081) 1921.


Zirker, Daniel Webster

17th and L Sts., Merced. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1908, (A-572) 1908.


pg. 149





Kelley, Gilbert A.

Bridgeport. Coll. of P. and S., Med. Dept. Univ. of So. Cal., 1913, (A-01787)

1913. (Member Fresno County Medical Society.)




Monterey County Medical Society



Martin McAulay

First National Bank Bldg.




William H. Bingaman

Mercantile Bldg.



26 Members

43 Licentiates


Regular meetings: First Friday of each month.

Meeting place: Various places in the county.

No meetings during July and August.


Beck, John A.

McDougall Bldg., Salinas. Hahn. Hosp. Coll., Cal., 1897, (611) 1897.


Bingaman, Elmer Wiley

9-11 Bank of Italy Bldg., Salinas. Hours: 1-5; 7-8. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal.,

1907, (A-360 or 105) 1907, r. 227 Church St.


Bingaman, William Henry

Mercantile Bldg., Salinas. Univ. of Cal. Med. Sch., 1921, (A-02992) 1921.


Brumwell, Dorus

King City. Ky. Sch. Of Med., 1889, (2728) 1889.


Bullard, Charles T.

King City. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1910, (A-1035) 1910.


Davidson, Wilson T.

Carmel. Hours: 11-12:30; 3-5. Med. Dept. Univ. of Texas, 1896, (A-03558)



Gates, Amelia

Carmel. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1894, (3925) 1894. (Member San Francisco

County Medical Society.)


Gratiot, William Marcy

445 Alvarado St., Monterey. Atlanta Coll. of P. and S., Ga., 1901, (C-2228)



Hart, Frank Russell

569 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1903,

(315) 1903.


Hoyt, Hubbard McKee

568 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove. Chicago Homeo. Coll., Ill., 1886,

(C-700) 1916.


Kocher, Rudolph Alfred

Carmel. Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., Md., 1912, (C-1917) 1920.


Koenecke, Henry J.

246 Main St., Salinas. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1919, (A-2727) 1919.


Lowell, Charles Herbert

Carmel. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1896, (4503) 1896.


McAulay, Marion Brooks

El Adobe Hospital, Monterey. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1905,

(977) 1905.


McAulay, Martin

1 First National Bank Bldg. Monterey. Hours: 2-4. Hahn. Med. Coll. of

the Pac., Cal., 1904, (691) 1904


Meyenberg, Werner D.

Widemann Bldg., Gonzales. Univ. of Calif. Med. Sch., 1926, (A-04283) 1926


Murphy, Henry Cloyd

4 W. Gabilan St., Salinas. Jefferson Med. Coll., Pa., 1886, (2423) 1888.

17th and L Sts., Merced. Cooper


Parker, Garth

4 W. Galiban St., Salinas. Cooper Med. Coll., Cal., 1903, (243) 1903.


Reeves, Edwin Wiley

4 W. Gabilan St., Salinas. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1917, (A-02445) 1917


Reeves, W. Rollin

4 W. Gabilan St., Salinas. Med. Dept. Vanderbilt Univ., Tenn., 1912, (A-1635) 1912.


Ritchie, Adam Marsden

572 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove. Cooper Med. Col., Cal., 1894, (3927) 1894.


Sandholt, John P.

402 Main St., Monterey. Med. Dept. Univ. of Cal., 1904, (775) 1905.


Starbird, George Arle

Soledad. Hahn. Med. Coll. of the Pac., Cal., 1903, (727) 1904.


Teaby, Walter Leon

507 Ocean Ave., Monterey. Coll. of P. and S., S. F., Cal., 1903, (360) 1904.


Wylie, Daniel Baldwin

8 W. Gabilan St., Salinas. Coll. of P. and S., Ill., 1888, (C-919) 1917.


Yates, William Charles

581 1/2 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove. Eclectic Med. Inst., Ohio, 1887

(369) 1887.











Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Directory of the California Medical Association.  Published by the California Medical Association 1928.  San Francisco, California.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.





California Statewide