Calaveras County









            The story of the “Argonauts of ‘49” will never grow old, and stories of that time, celebrated in prose and verse, are read with eager interest by the younger generation.  The father of the subject of the present sketch belonged to that great army that crossed the plains in 1849 to search for gold, succeeding sometimes but enduring many discouragements also, and, like many another poor miner, lost the results of his labors in other speculation.  Finally he opened Robinson’s Ferry, in Calaveras County, California, continuing its conduct until the time of his death, on the 12th of March, 1895.  He had been a man of affairs in his county, for nine years having been supervisor and on account of his ability possessing great influence throughout the neighborhood.

            Our subject, Carlton H. Wood, was born at Robinson’s Ferry, Calaveras County, California, October 26, 1867, a son of Harvey Wood, who was born in the state of New York in 1829.  The mother of Mr. Wood was named Marinda (Gee) Wood, a native of Massachusetts, who came early to California and still lives in her old home in the Golden state, beloved and respected by all.  Three children were born,--Percy F., Allie G. and Carlton H.

            Mr. Wood was the recipient of a good education at his home and then engaged to some extent in quartz mining.  For a period of eight years he has most efficiently assisted in the store of Mr. Robert Rasmussen, of Angel’s Camp, clerking and acting as salesman and also attending to the express business of Wells, Fargo & Company.  He is very happily married, his wife formerly bearing the name of Miss Elizabeth Snow, the daughter of James Snow, a pioneer of California.  She has been reared and educated in the state, and possesses many graces of mind and character, both she and her husband enjoying the esteem of hosts of friends.  Mr. Wood resides at Angel’s Camp, although the family still owns the Robinson’s Ferry property.  Socially, Mr. Wood belongs to the Knights of Pythias, taking a great interest in its meetings and the aims for which the organization was started.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 283-284. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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