Calaveras County









            Prominent among the businessmen of Angel’s Camp, Calaveras County, is Charles W. Tryon, who has been closely identified with the history of this community as a representative of one of its most important business interests throughout his active career.  He is a man of keen discrimination and sound judgment, and has executive ability and excellent management which have brought to the concern with which he is connected a large degree of success.  The safe conservative policy which he has inaugurated commends itself to the judgment of all and has been an important element in his prosperity.

            Mr. Tryon was born at Angel’s Camp on the 5th of October, 1864, and is the son of George C. Tryon, one of the brave and honored California pioneers of 1849, whose memory is indeed worthy of perpetuation.  His birth occurred in New York City, in 1824, and he came to California in August, 1849, having traveled with a company who made their way through Mexico to the Pacific coast.  For a few years he was engaged in mining in the vicinity of Angel’s Camp, and for thirty years he was the proprietor of the Angel’s Hotel.  An obliging and courteous host, he was well and favorably known to a large circle of patrons and friends throughout central California. He served his county as assessor for a number of years, and was also the sheriff of Calaveras County for a time, filling that office with marked ability and with strict impartiality.  He was one of the best known residents of Calaveras County, and his reliability in business, his faithfulness in public office and his loyalty in friendship won him the esteem and confidence of all.  After long years of active connection with business affairs, he is now enjoying a well earned rest.  He is the owner of the Palace Hotel at Napa, and resides with his son George who is conducting that well established hostelry.  He married Miss Adelia Newman in 1856, who came to California in 1854.  Eleven children have graced their union, but four sons have now passed away, while seven children yet survive, namely:  Katie, the wife of C. A. Bryant; Walter, a prominent citizen of Angel’s Camp; Charles W., who has kindly furnished the history of his honored father; Addie, who is now the wife of Ernest Matteson; George, James, M. C. and John B., who are all respected citizens of Angel’s Camp.

            In taking up the personal history of Charles W. Tryon, we present our readers a life record of one who is widely and favorably known.  He was educated in the public schools of his native town and learned the blacksmith trade, which he followed for six years.  He then became engaged in the livery business, and has also been interested in various mining enterprises.  He was the discoverer of the Drake mine, which is now being operated by a syndicate.  He has been very successful in his business undertakings, and is now the owner of valuable town property consisting of a number of business houses in the heart of town.  He also owns realty outside of the city and has thus become one of the substantial residents of Calaveras County.

            Mr. Tryon was happily married in 1889 to Miss Frankie Lillie, a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a daughter of Robert Lillie.  Theirs is a pleasant home, celebrated for its good cheer and hospitality.  In his political views Mr. Tryon is a Republican, and was one of the charter members of the parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West established at Angel’s Camp.  A business man of ability, the town of his birth and of his present residence has just reason to be proud of him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 334-335. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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