Calaveras County








            R. H. Townsend, superintendent of the Calaveras Cement Company, is a man of considerable practical experience in engineering affairs and since becoming identified with his present company has been a large factor in its success.  He was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on the 24th of September, 1882, a son of Robert Harvey and Susan (Freeman) Townsend.  The father, now deceased, was a member of an old and well known New England family, and a successful businessman.  The mother is living.

            R. H. Townsend received his early education in the public and high schools, after which he entered Harvard University and was graduated with the degree of Master of Arts in 1909, receiving also in the following year the degree of Mining Engineer from Columbia University.  He then went to Durango, Mexico, where for thirteen years he served as manager of the San Louis Mining Company.  Afterward for two years, he had charge of oil development work for Frank Hitchcock on the eastern coast of Mexico.  He spent three years in New York City, and in June, 1926, came to San Andreas, California, as superintendent of the Calaveras Cement Company, which under his efficient supervision, has developed one of the leading industries of this section of the valley.  The office of his company is located at 315 Montgomery Street, San Francisco.

            Mr. Townsend was united in marriage to Miss Juana Leonards, who is of Spanish descent.  He gives his political support to the Republican Party and is a member of the Harvard Club.  Since coming to San Andreas, Mr. Townsend has formed a wide acquaintance and won many warm and lasting friendships, for he possesses sincerity and earnestness of purpose that have gained for him the confidence and respect of all who know him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Page 297. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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