Calaveras County









      John Squellati, a capable and popular county official in the Sacramento Valley, is clerk, auditor and recorder of Calaveras County, and has gained high praise through his efficiency and reliability.  Mr. Squellati was born at Iron Mountain, Michigan, on the 4th of November, 1894, his parents being Virgilio and Anna (Fe) Squellati.  The family came to Calaveras County in 1898 and the father engaged in ranching, but later established an automobile service station, of which he is still owner.  To him and his wife were born three sons and six daughters.

      John Squellati attended the public schools, graduating from the Calaveras Union high school in 1913, and then went to work as a stenographer for the law firm of Snyder & Snyder.  He also served as court reporter, in which capacity he still acts when needed.  C. P. Snyder was elected district attorney and Mr. Squellati was his stenographer from 1915 to 1917, when he enlisted in the United States Medical Corps, serving from July, 1917, until April, 1919.  On receiving his honorable discharge he returned to his former position with Mr. Snyder, with whom he remained until 1921, when he was appointed deputy to Mr. Poe, the county clerk, auditor and recorder.  On Mr. Poe’s death, in August, 1927, Mr. Squellati was appointed to fill out the unexpired term, and then became a candidate for the office.

      Mr. Squellati married Miss Adaline N. Gianelli, who was born and reared in Amador County, and they are the parents of a daughter, Yvonne Marie.  Mr. Squellati gives his political support to the Republican Party and fraternally is a member of the Knights of Columbus.  He is a man of recognized ability, which with his courteous and friendly manner, has gained for him the genuine respect of the people of Calaveras County.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 280-281. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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