Calaveras County








            While Italy has not furnished as many citizens to the new world as some of the other European countries, America owes her discovery to one of the representatives of that sunny land, and throughout the period of American development the Italian peninsula has sent to the shores of the new world many men of worth who have taken their place among the reliable businessmen of the communities with which they have been identified.

            Such a one is Mr. Solari, who was born under the blue Italian skies, his birth occurring in the month of May, 1843.  In his native country he acquired his education, and in 1865 when twenty-two years of age, he crossed the Atlantic to America, a young man in search of a fortune in the land of the free.  He had no knowledge of the language spoken in this country, but all things are possible to a man who has energy, determination and force of character.  Mr. Solari began his business life at Angel’s Camp, working for wages in the mines, and for fifteen years he was identified with the mining interests of this state.  During that time he mastered the language and became familiar with the habits and customs of the people in the new world, gaining a wide acquaintance and demonstrating his right to enjoy the confidence and support of the public in business matters.  In 1880 her opened his general mercantile store in Murphy’s, having but a small capital; but as time passed he has added continually to his stock in order to meet the increasing demands of his trade, and is now recognized as one of the wealthy businessmen of Calaveras County.

            In 1880 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Solari and Miss Angeline Legomarconi, also a native of Italy.  Their union has been blessed with two bright little daughters, Theressa and Clara.  They have a good home and are justly accounted leading citizens in Murphy’s.  As a businessman Mr. Solari has a record of which any one might be proud.  He usually votes with the Democratic Party, but he is liberal in his views and at local elections where no national issues are involved he is influenced by the qualifications of the candidate.  He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and is an upright, honorable citizen of the county of his adoption.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 566. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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