Calaveras County








            It is worthy of note that the majority of the pioneers of California were young or comparatively young men.  They did not come to mold a new community in accordance with antiquated customs which had been worn out elsewhere.  They came open-eyed, susceptible to conviction, ready to take conditions as they existed and shape them according to the time and place.  How they succeeded everyone knows who is at all familiar with the history of the state.  One of the most far-sighted of these pioneers is the man whose name appears above, and therefore we enter upon record an account of his ancestry, his life and his success.

            Mr. Schroebel is a native of Alabama, born March 12, 1827, and is of German and French lineage.  His grandfather, Henry Schroebel, immigrated to the new world from Germany, taking up his abode in South Carolina, and in that state his son, Jacob Henry Schroebel, the father of our subject, was born.  There he remained until after his marriage o Miss Louise A. Colzy, of French ancestry, her father having been a refugee from the massacre of San Domingo.  After their marriage they removed to Alabama, where they continued to reside for some years.  The father was a Baptist minister and a devout Christian.  For many years he served as the pastor of the church of his demonization in Mobile, filling that position when, in 1843, he was stricken with yellow fever and died.  He was then forty-two years of age.  His noble life, characterized by the broadest human sympathy and a most earnest desire to lead men to take cognizance of their souls’ needs was an unalloyed benediction to all who knew him, and his influence was that of the ech which “rolls from soul to soul and grows forever and forever.”  His good wife survived him and attained the age of sixty-three.  They became the parents of five daughters and two sons, four of whom are now living, two being residents of California:  Mrs. Laura L. Ruggles, the matron of the Protestant Orphan Asylum at Mobile, Alabama; Mrs. Margaret mercer, of Angel’s Camp; Mrs. Jane T. Stokes, living at Mobile, Alabama; and Charles H. of this review.  The latter acquired his education in Mobile, Alabama, and began life on his own account as a clerk in a store.  In 1850 he sailed from new Orleans to Chagres, thence proceeded up the river in a canoe to Gorgona and from there by mule train to Panama, where he took passage on the sailing vessel Glenmore for San Francisco, arriving safely at his destination on the 15th of May, 1850.  He went direct to Stockton and thence to Tuolumne County, where he was engaged in placer mining at Columbia.  He was not very successful, however, and in consequence returned to Stockton, where he paid seventy-five dollars for a scythe and snath and engaged in cutting hay.  He sold this product to teamsters and received agood price for it, and with the money which he earned in that way he came to Calaveras County, locating near San Andreas.

            There Mr. Schroebel engaged in selling goods and in freighting, making his home in that locality for four years.  In 1859 he began raising sheep in this county, and has since been connected with that business, which is now one of the leading industries on the Pacific coast.  He came to his present ranch in 1884 and here owns a good residence and sixteen hundred acres of land.  He raises horses and cattle as well as sheep and has been very successful as a stock dealer, his business having attained extensive proportions, thus bringing to him success which is the desired reward for earnest effort.  He resided near San Andreas for fifteen years before engaging in the sheep business and had a wide and favorable acquaintance in that portion of the state.  In public affairs he has always been prominent.  Throughout his entire life he has been a staunch Democrat and in 1855 he was appointed deputy sheriff.  He resolved to rid the county of the desperadoes which rendered life uncertain at all times and menaced property, and thus for some years he was almost constantly in the saddle in pursuit of criminals that then visited this portion of California.  He proved a very important factor in ridding the county of that very undesirable class of citizens, whereby all human life and privileges were jeopardized.

            In 1861 Mr. Schroebel married Miss Eliza A. Abbott, a native of Arkansas and a daughter of Joshua Abbott, one of the pioneers of California.  They had twelve children, all of whom were born in this state, namely:  Laura, who died in infancy; Beauregard, who died at the age of thirty-four years, leaving a wife and one child; Louisa, now Mrs. Eproson, of Milton; Lizzie, the wife of Walter J. Robie, of Milton; Charles; Lee; Addie, the wife of John A. Banks; Willie, who died when sixteen months old; Margaret Ruth and Kate, who are at home; and Daniel and Richason, twins, who also are under the paternal roof.  The children have been carefully reared and into their minds have been instilled lessons of industry and honesty, so that the family is one held in the highest regard in the community.  Mr. Schroebel has given his attention closely to his business, having become identified with no societies or taken an active part in politics.  As a citizen, however, he is public-spirited and progressive, manifesting a deep interest in everything pertaining to the general welfare.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 549-550. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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