Calaveras County









            Robert Rasmussen, one of the most progressive merchants of the flourishing town of Angel’s Camp, Calaveras County, California, and the genial and accommodating agent for the Wells-Fargo Express Company at that point, has been a resident of the state for the past forty years.  He was born December 28, 1832, in Denmark, both of his parents being natives of that country, good and worthy people, who spent their lives there and died valued members of the Lutheran Church.

            Mr. Rasmussen, our subject, was educated in his native country until the age of nineteen, when he made the voyage to Australia, where he engaged in mining.  His success being only moderate after a trial of six and one-half years, he sailed to California and first located on Big Oak Flat, in Tuolumne County, where he mined for five years, going from there to the mines at Carson Creek and Vallicita, as new discoveries caused those places to be become known.  Not succeeding to his perfect satisfaction, he accepted a clerkship in a store in Vallicita, where he became thoroughly educated in the merchandise and express business.  After for four years with this firm he entered the employ of Mr. Scribner, a merchant of Angel’s Camp, where in 1883 he entered into partnership, this connection continuing until 1892, when it was dissolved by the death of his partner.  Since that time he has been the sole owner and proprietor and has made a success of the business.  He keeps a large and finely assorted stock suited to the demands of the community and has adopted modern methods of conducting his business that render him popular over a wide section of country.  The Wells-Fargo Company has located their express office in his store, and this he manages to their entire satisfaction.

            Mr. Rasmussen is a Republican in politics, and is considered one of the most progressive and important citizens of Angel’s Camp.  He has succeeded by his attention to business and honorable dealing and merits the esteem in which he is held in the community.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 297-298. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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