Calaveras County









            John Raddatz, the proprietor of the Sutter Creek Brewery, is a native of Germany, born on the 23rd of November, 1845.  He was educated in that country and in 1872 left home, taking passage on a westward-bound vessel for New York.  On reaching the new world he made his home in Oxford, New Jersey, where he obtained work in an iron mine and remained for five years.  During that time he married Miss Wilhelmina King, also a native of Germany, and before they removed to New Jersey, their union was blessed with two children,--Lena and Lizzie.

            In 1878 Mr. Raddatz came with his family to California, accepting a position in the Gwin mine, in Calaveras County, where he continued for five years, after which he came to Sutter Creek.  Here he was employed in the Mahoney mine and also worked for some time at Plymouth in the chlorination works.  In 1891 he returned to Sutter Creek and purchased the brewery owned by L. Robolt.  In this enterprise he was associated with A. Ludwick, the partnership continuing for eight months, when Mr. Raddatz bought out Mr. Ludwick’s interest, becoming the sole manager.  He has since rebuilt and remodeled the brewery and now has an excellent plant, brewing an article of beer from California hops and barley.  The high grade of his product commands for it a ready sale on the market.  After coming to California the family circle was increased by the birth of five children, but two little sons died, one at the age of a year and the other at the age of three months.  The daughters were born in California are Pauline, Minnie and Carrie.  The eldest daughter is her father’s clerk and is a bright, capable young lady.  The other daughters are all at home.  The parents are Lutherans in their religious faith and Mr. Raddatz is a Democrat in his political faith, but is not strongly partisan, voting for the man whom he thinks is best fitted for the office.  His home is a very attractive residence situated in the midst of tasteful grounds, and the family enjoys the high regard of many friends in the locality.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 277. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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