Calaveras County








            One of the well known pioneers of California, now proprietor of the Altaville Hotel, in Calaveras County, is Bartholomew Prince, who was born in Italy of Italian parents March 7, 1829.  He was educated in his native country and in 1847 came to America, locating first in Boston, Massachusetts, where he engaged in the manufacture of telescopes and later in the sale of statuary.  In 1852 he embarked for California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, having considerable difficulty about his passage, as so many emigrants were to be carried that no sufficient number of vessels could be procured.  Many poor people lost their money, tired out with waiting for transportation, as the ship owners sold more tickets than could be redeemed by accommodating passengers.  Mr. Prince immediately made his way to Calaveras County and engaged in placer-mining on Coyote Creek, meeting with success.  He then made his way to Angels Creek, where with two partners he erected a store and engaged in merchandising on the land where the town of Altaville now stands.  This enterprise was started in the spring of 1853 and was the pioneer store of the town, and such success attended Mr. Prince that he continued in the same line of business for thirty-seven years.  In 1890 he retired, have accumulated a competence, notwithstanding many bad debts.  In these years he had become the owner of the Cherokee mine, from which a large amount of gold has been mined and this property is still in his possession, but is leased to a company.  It is on the Mather lode of California and is considered valuable property, as it has a good light stamp mill.

            In conjunction with his son he conducts the Altaville Hotel and livery stables, owning also a large amount of real estate in the town.  He has made his money by attention to business and is highly regarded by his fellow pioneers in this section.

            Mr. Prince was married at San Andreas in 1860 to Miss Mary Harmettie, a native of Ireland, and nine children were born to them, seven of whom are still surviving:  Frank, in the United States mint at San Francisco; Matilda, the wife of Lewis Goldstone, in Egypt, in the employ of an English syndicate; Dante, a lawyer of San Francisco and a United States commissioner; Mary, now Mrs. H. A. Fisher, of Stockton; Joseph and Theresa, twins, the former the husband of Miss Ida Miller, a native of San Joaquin County, and the latter living with her sister in Stockton; and Edward, who with his father and brother Joseph conducts the hotel.  Mrs. Prince died in 1890 after a happy married life of thirty years.

            Mr. Prince has always been a Democrat in politics and is a member of the Masonic fraternity.  He is still interested in his business, for which he has always had a natural aptitude, and worthily represents the best class of his countrymen in the state of California.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 773-774. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.




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