Calaveras County








            Scotch and German blood has always produced good pioneers.  The ancestors of Samuel L. Prindle, one of the most prominent citizens of Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras County, California, were of such stock and settled early in New England.  Nelson Prindle married Lydia Everett, a member of the prominent family of Everett, of which the Hon. Edward Everett was a representative, and was an early settler of Ohio, where he became an extensive landowner.  Samuel L. Prindle was born at Girard, Trumbull County, Ohio, June 7, 1823, and was there educated and made a fair start in life.  February 12, 1849, he sailed for Aspinwall on the brig May, commanded by Captain Hayes, and after a long delay at Panama he obtained passage on the steamship Panama for San Francisco, where he arrived in August, 1849, with the party known as the Gordon company.  From San Francisco he went to the mines at Downieville, and from there he went to Calaveras County in 1851 to mine at Big Bar on the Mokelumne River, where he says he and four others took out half an ounce each in a day and at the end of a week had two hundred and seventy-five dollars to divide among them.  After that he mined in other places and eventually was appointed collector at Campo Seco for the Mokelumne & Campo Seco Canal & Mining Company and was later collector at Buckeye; and in 1862 he was elected the secretary and general manager of the company and became an active factor in its important operations and filled the position ably until his death.  He served for several years as a member of the board of supervisors of Calaveras County and in that office was influential in bringing Calaveras County from a state of virtual bankruptcy to a sound financial basis, and for that achievement was given a warm place in the memory of his fellow citizens.

            Mr. Prindle was married February, 1863, to Miss Nancy M. Newhall, a native of Washington, Maine, a daughter of William Newhall and a relative of George Peabody, a banker and philanthropist of Massachusetts.  Mrs. Prindle came to California in 1862, bore her husband four children:  Charles Everett, of Mokelumne Hill; William Newhall, now in the state of Washington; Ira Nelson, of Rich Gulch, Calaveras County; and Alice Augusta, who married Joseph Dell Orto.  Mr. Prindle was long a prominent member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and always connected himself with any movement which he believed would benefit the people of Calaveras County.  He prospered in life and left a fine property to his family, including Buena Vista ranch, which is given up partially to fruit of different varieties, including raisin grapes, and which is the home of Mrs. Prindle.

            Charles Everett Prindle was born December 1, 1864, and at his father’s death, January 1, 1889, took his place as the secretary and manager of the Mokelumne and Campo Seco Canal & Mining Company, which owns one hundred and sixty five miles of ditch pipe and all the water of the Mokelumne River and its branches.  The construction of its works was begun 1856 and it has since sold water for mining and domestic purposes; and in this way and for the admirable motive power which it supplies the enterprise is an important one, of immense value to citizens along its line.  Mr. Prindle was reared at Mokelumne Hill and was graduated from the Stockton Business College.  Following in the footsteps of his father, he became an Odd Fellow and has passed the chairs both branches of that order.  As a businessman he has shown that he possesses marked ability, and he is regarded as a useful and helpful citizen.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 387-388. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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