Calaveras County








            Among the many biographical sketches of gold seeking pioneers in California which appear in this work will be found that of William P. Peek; the father of Frank W. Peek, that native-born son of Mokelumne Hill who is a prominent merchant and postmaster of the town.  Frank W. Peek was born September 23, 1857, and was educated in the public schools of Mokelumne Hill.  In the year 1874 his father appointed him deputy postmaster at Mokelumne Hill, and in connection with the post office the young man opened a small variety store.  When Mr. Cleveland first became president and the post office changed hands, he had become so well established as a merchant that he put in a good stock of general merchandise, and at this time he has a record as a progressive and successful businessman which covers a period of twenty-six years.  He has kept good goods and sold them at fair prices, has dealt with the public honorably and liberally and has given close and careful attention to his business, and has had no trouble in gaining and retaining his full share of the trade of the town, and he had acquired valuable mining property and ranks with the prosperous and public-spirited men of Calaveras County.  Politically he is a Republican, and without being an office-seeker or practical politician, he has a recognized influence in local politics.  He is a Mason and an Odd Fellow and has been the treasurer of his lodge of the last named order for many years.

            In 1880 Mr. Peek was married to Miss May L. Stedman, a native of San Francisco, and a daughter of Captain Stedman, a well known California pioneer.  Mr. and Mrs. Peek have two sons and two daughters, named Frank, Lillie, Jeanette and Percy.  Mr. Peek has established a cozy home in the picturesque town in which he and his children were born; and his family are well known throughout the county and are highly respected.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 527-528. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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