Calaveras County








            Vermont has given California many good citizens, and one of the best known and most highly esteemed of these at Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras County, is the prominent mine owner whose name is above.  Mr. Peek was born in Vermont, May 9, 1825, and is descended from good English ancestors who settled early in the colonies.  He accompanied his father’s family to Illinois in 1838 and was there educated and reared on a farm.

            When he attained his majority he became a traveling salesman and collector for the Gradatour Plow Company and later he served the Moline Company in the same capacity for four years.  After that, until 1859, he farmed and sold goods in Ogle County.  Early in the year mentioned he started for California, and going by way of the Isthmus of Panama arrived at San Francisco June 14, 1859.  The next day but one he was at Mokelumne Hill, where for the seven years which followed he was a successful liveryman, notwithstanding he was three times burned out, and then he became a partner of Myher Davidson’s in the mercantile business and was associated with him until 1892.  During his connection with Mr. Davidson, he was interested in the management of the Quinn mine, attended to supplying it with everything necessary, paid the men employed there and ran the boarding house in connection with it.  He bought five hundred acres of land, partly in the town of Mokelumne Hill and partly just outside its boundary line, and sold two hundred and forty acres of the tract for ten thousand dollars and has bonded eighty acres more of it to a mining company for three thousand dollars, a part of which sum has been paid; and he has another mine on the same property, covering two acres, which he has bonded for one thousand dollars.  As these mines are on the Mather lode of California, which has yielded such vast treasure to gold-seekers, they are considered very valuable.

            Mr. Peek was the deputy sheriff of Calaveras County during the administration of George C. Tryon.  He was made a Master Mason at Mount Morris many years ago and has been prominent as an Odd Fellow, having passed the chairs in both branches of the order.  Mrs. Peek has passed all the chairs in the order of the Daughters of Rebekah.  They have a pleasant home and are surrounded with everything tending to their comfort and convenience.  Their residence was built in 1897.

            Mr. Peek was married March 3, 1867, to Miss Emily Fitzgerald, who was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1852, and was brought to California by her mother in 1854, having been eight months en route.  Mr. and Mrs. Peek have three sons and three daughters:  Charles S.; Ella K., who married Dr. F. J. Blaisdell, the latter practicing medicine in San Francisco; Estella, who married Frank Bernardi, and Addie C., who married William L. Daoust, and both live at Mokelumne Hill; George F.; and Allen H. is a student at Cooper Medical College.  Charles S. and George F. have recently returned from a visit to Cape Nome, Alaska, bringing with them five thousand dollars each, as the fruits of their first summer’s labor, and valuable presents for the family, one of which is a magnificent watch chain and charm made from nuggets from their claim, and which was presented to their father.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 373-374. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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