Calaveras County








            The early ‘60s saw the advent in California of a class of men who have exerted a marked influence on the development of the state since that time and have come to the front prominently in mining, in general business or in a profession.

            Samuel S. Moser, of Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras County, is one of the well known Californians who came to the state in 1861, and in his forty years’ residence here he has made an enviable record for progress and integrity and all those other qualities which enter into the mental constitution of the successful businessman and the useful citizen.

            Samuel S. Moser is descended from German and English ancestors who settled in America before the Revolutionary War.  Daniel Moser, his father, was born in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in 1793, and married Susan Everett, who was born in that county in 1799, a member of the well known family of Everett, which produced Hon. Edward Everett, the great American statesman and orator. After his marriage he removed to Trumbull County, Ohio, where he became a farmer and died at the advanced age of eighty-one years and where his wife died at the age of fifty-seven.  In religious faith they were Lutherans and in politics Mr. Moser was at first a Whig and afterward a Republican.  They had nine children and three of their sons fought in the Civil War for the preservation of the Union.

            Samuel S. Moser was born in Liberty Township, Trumbull County, Ohio, December 9, 1837, and was educated there and lived there until 1861, when in his twenty-fourth year, he sailed from New York for Aspinwall on the Golden Age up along the Pacific coast to San Francisco, where he arrived April 21, without means but with an ambition to “get on in the world.”  He went at once to Mokelumne Hill, and making his headquarters there, mined and taught school at different places in Calaveras and Amador counties.  He prospered and became the owner of the Bonanza mine, which he opened and in which he employed from eight to sixteen men until the passage of the law prohibiting hydraulic mining, and out of which he had taken by that time one hundred thousand dollars.  Meantime he had come into possession of a tailings claim, which yielded him thirty thousand dollars, and later he prospected a quartz ledge, which is bonded for fifty thousand dollars.

            In politics Mr. Moser is a Republican and he has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for forty years, and has passed all the chairs in its different branches and is at present serving as the secretary in the subordinate and encampment branches.  In 1868 he married Miss Almena Maria Harrington, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, who came to California, October, 1859, where her father, George F. Harrington, had been a pioneer in 1851.  Mrs. and Mrs. Moser have three daughters, named as follows in the order of their nativity:  Eugenie C., Florence M. and Mamie E.  Eugenie C. married E. C. Fisher, the express agent at Merced, Merced County, California, and a prominent citizen of that town.  Florence M. and Mamie E. are popular and successful schoolteachers.  The several members of the family are communicants of the Protestant Episcopal Church.  The family residence at Mokelumne Hill is one of the most homelike and hospitable in the town and the Moser’s are held in high esteem by all who know them.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 418-419. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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