Calaveras County








            Edward Harris, the superintendent of the Big Bonanza mine, of Calaveras County, California, owned by the Oriole Mining & Milling Company, is a native son of California, born in Angel’s Camp on June 10, 1876.  His father was James Harris, who was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in 1833, and in 1852 left his native land and came to America, immediately directing his steps to San Francisco and later located at Angel’s Camp.  He had been a very successful miner in Calaveras, Mariposa and El Dorado counties, at one time, when working the Dead Horse mine, taking out a nugget that was valued at seven hundred dollars.  Before his death in Angel’s Camp, he was engaged in many mining enterprises, many of them very successful, as he was a man of both industry and good judgment.  The mother of our subject was married, in Angel’s, to James Harris, her name being Jane McCann.  She was a native of Louisiana and had emigrated to California with her family in 1855.  Ten children were born to Mrs. and Mrs. Harris:  Carrie, now the wife of George Glass, of Angel’s Camp, California; Nellie, the wife of C. Powell, residing in Stockton, California; Annie F., the wife of J. Davis, residing in Angel’s Camp; Henry James, a miner, has his residence also in Angel’s Camp; and Mary J., the wife of F. Lyons, of the same city.  These, with our subject, are the survivors of the children, and the beloved mother in her fifty-fifth year is enjoying the respect of her family and friends and may live long to still cherish and encourage them.

            Edward Harris was educated in the public school and when but sixteen years of age began to follow the example of his father and engage in mining, the family owning the mine of which he now is superintendent, for twenty-five years.  It is a very rich mine, fourteen thousand dollars having been taken from the surface.  It is now being operated and has a shaft five hundred and thirty-five feet deep, much ore being already dumped.  But this is not the only mining property possessed by Mr. Harris, several other valuable tracts rich in ore being in his possession.  He understands the science of mining, being a mining expert, and much success has attended his efforts in developing the mineral resources of this part of the state.

            Mr. Harris was married August 16, 1897, to Miss Maud Dolan, of Grass Valley, and this union has been blessed with one beautiful little daughter, Marvel Almira.  Mr. and Mrs. Harris are located in a handsome residence at Angel’s Camp, with beautiful surroundings, and they are held in the highest esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 497-498. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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