Calaveras County









            A man enjoying the esteem of his fellow citizens and worthily taking a prominent position in his profession, is the subject of the present review, Charles H. Freeman, M.D., a physician residing in Angel’s Camp, Calaveras County, California.  He is a native son of California, born in Oakland, April 30, 1870, a son of W. A. Freeman, a resident of Auburn, Placer County, the builder and proprietor of the Freeman Hotel, a well known hostelry of that locality, who is also an experienced mining man and a responsible citizen of Auburn.  Another page of the history gives a record of W. A. Freeman.

            Dr. Freeman received his education in the University of California, graduating in the class of 1893, practicing for a year in the hospitals of San Francisco and the county, locating a year in St. Luke’s Hospital and professionally visiting the city receiving hospital.  These exceptional advantages have given Dr. Freeman experience that is most valuable and made him a welcome citizen of Angel’s Camp when he located there in 1896.  By courtesy and faithfulness to duty as well as by medical skill, he has built up a lucrative practice, and he is already looked upon by many residents of the town as not only a physician but also as a wise friend and adviser.

            Dr. Freeman was united in marriage to Miss Lilian McGarrey, of Angel’s Camp, June 7, 1897, and on January 18, 1898, a son was born to them, named Leslie, who died November 15, 1898; and they now have a charming little daughter named Gertrude, who was born December 10, 1899.  Mrs. Freeman was born March 23, 1873, and is a lovely character, refined and accomplished, and both she and her husband are deserving of the high esteem in which they are held by hosts of friends and admirers.

            Politically Dr. Freeman affiliates with the Republican Party, giving an intelligent attention to the great issues before the country.  Socially he is connected with the A. O. U. W., of the K. of P. and the I. O. of R. M., being examining surgeon for all these orders.  He is a man who readily makes friends and as easily keeps them, possessing those qualities which command the respect and affection of those with whom he comes into contact.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 329. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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